Women drivers....

That was great!!! It always amazes me that so many women drive up to the ATM at the bank and have to open the door to lean over to use the ATM with their right hand! Any earthly reason why they can't simply use their left hand to insert their ATM card and push the little buttons? I'm right-handed and sure don't have any problem using my left hand at the drive-up ATM. Heaven forbid they should have to possibly THINK about something. Must be too many women with blonde roots!
I almost thought that stuff was staged it was soooo horrible, good thing my wife is a farm girl, she knows how to drive!
As far as the ATM thing...I do have a legitimate complaint. I drive a Dodge Ram(taller than the average car). I have to put the truck in park,undo my belt, roll the window down and lean pretty far out of the truck to reach the $&#*$ing buttons. In doing this, I look like a jackass. Just wanted to rant...I'm out.
Pharmboy - your local ATMs must be made for midgets. I drive a '95 Dodge Ram 2500 and have no issues with local drive-up ATM's here in SoCal. In fact, I notice that most car drivers have to reach slightly up to use the ATMs. Is it all ATMs or just the ones from your bank?