Work Harassment Rant

Ever been in the military? In the Navy, we had what is called a "blanket party." This IS one way to unofficially straighten out problem children.

My deceased buddy used to work for Scripps institute as a marine radio officer. He told me about one guy they kept having problems with and "some of the engineering guys" got ahold of him and wrapped him up with duct tape---head to toe. He was found cringing under a ladder in the corner. Nobody knew or had seen or heard a damn thing.

Yup right there is what I am talking about. Didn't see a thing!
Ever been in the military? In the Navy, we had what is called a "blanket party." This IS one way to unofficially straighten out problem children.

My deceased buddy used to work for Scripps institute as a marine radio officer. He told me about one guy they kept having problems with and "some of the engineering guys" got ahold of him and wrapped him up with duct tape---head to toe. He was found cringing under a ladder in the corner. Nobody knew or had seen or heard a damn thing.

Or have a Smoker.
Not sure where you stand on this after reading you have writtena 6 page report.. What so many forget is the "Same-Sex" harassment is just as bad as the opposite sex harassment. I hope you went past the local union Reps because you should have went to the International Reps. Usually when you have one person with that much leniency he's usually drinking buds with the local union reps.. And in which case like yours nothing will ever happen. No one or group of people has to tolerate the stupidity of one individual. Take it out of the company if there is no resolution. I'm sure the threat of a lawyer to prosocute the supervisors at the company level and personal level along at the civil level in which the person himself would be sued by you (the group) . Big cases something like this go hot and fast because of the media and bad press..for your employer.. Just my $0.02
Not sure where you stand on this after reading you have writtena 6 page report.. What so many forget is the "Same-Sex" harassment is just as bad as the opposite sex harassment. I hope you went past the local union Reps because you should have went to the International Reps. Usually when you have one person with that much leniency he's usually drinking buds with the local union reps.. And in which case like yours nothing will ever happen. No one or group of people has to tolerate the stupidity of one individual. Take it out of the company if there is no resolution. I'm sure the threat of a lawyer to prosocute the supervisors at the company level and personal level along at the civil level in which the person himself would be sued by you (the group) . Big cases something like this go hot and fast because of the media and bad press..for your employer.. Just my $0.02

We did take it to the local union reps and your right nothing happened. He is constantly with the union stewards so your idea of drinking buddies is pretty accurate! We also took it all the way up to upper management and swept under the rug. We are submitting it to EEOC probably next week. Oh and my direct supervisor is also getting harassed by this same person. It will be interesting to see what EEOC has to say about our complaint.
Oh ya, this guy reminds me of the O'Doyle family from the Adam Sandler movie, Billy Madison. One day he will get his and I hope it hits him hard!
Believe me if there has been complaints before, and the union purposely overlooked them, and the company overlooked them, someone in your HR dept is going to get their butt handed to them. Once you start peeling the onion back layer by layer it ultimately comes back to upper management, there is no more finger pointing and overlooking. If the EEOC feel they have a sufficient amount of evidence the screws will be turned and something will have to give... And as I said above Same Sex Harassment is looked down upon just as bad if not worse then opposite sex.. It turns into one of two things being "Bullied" or "Made fun of".. I'm no HR expert but I've been through enough crap in my work life to know most legitimate businesses have a "0" tolerance plan for this kind of behavior. Just because one of your guys thats been the happy recipient of his antics could possibly "blow a gasket", go postal, and well we all know what the end result could be.. Hence the "Zero Tolerance Policy".. I wish you and your co-workers well in your endeavors.. Keep us posted if possible on the outcome.. Should get interesting....

P.S. Do not Accept any kind of an apology from this person written or verbal, it only gives the appearance to the union that he made an "honest" effort and no one accepted it so your prejudice against him. The union will consider the matter closed and all is whole.. The fartherst thing from the truth. Dismissal is the only thing you all will settle for.. There's ya "Nickels" worth,, LOL!

Well after talking with everyone involved in this we wrote up a 6 page complaint about this guy and the stuff he has done. It doesnt nearly cover everything but Im sure more will come up if they investigate it. We are having a final meeting and sending the paper work off.

Make sure it's sent return receipt requested, so they can't say they never got it, and keep a copy including the signatures.
We did take it to the local union reps and your right nothing happened. He is constantly with the union stewards so your idea of drinking buddies is pretty accurate! We also took it all the way up to upper management and swept under the rug. We are submitting it to EEOC probably next week. Oh and my direct supervisor is also getting harassed by this same person. It will be interesting to see what EEOC has to say about our complaint.

Going to the Union will not do a thing, all they can do is tell the guy to stop being an ***, but they don't have any authority . The Union is required BY LAW to represent the employees covered under the contract.

Only THE EMPLOYER can hand out discipline.

You must continue to approach your employer about a troublesome employee. You also have rights to a workplace free from harassment. You may want to mention that.

Also mention that you feel unsafe and that the employee may turn violent (that should get things rolling).

And get an attorney that specializes in workers rights.
Freaking unions... There is no reason he should be working. Disgraceful
Can unions fire people?

No as part of the IAFF for over 27 years, I can attest to the fact that all unions can do is force the employer (city of Tampa in my case) to hire these POS back after they are fired. Most the time because they weren't fired properly or their rights were violated, or discipline wasn't progressive and to harsh or a alot of other BS. This is why in several cases the city just didn't want to hunt that dog. It's all about bring the correct preasure to the right people as to bring negative press or preasure on a higher up as to cause them to have to take action as to keep the preasure off them.
if your paperwork options fail, then here's a plan B

1. everyone stand up to the guy. whenever he makes a stupid/rude comment TELL HIM HE'S BEING DISRESPECTFUL. in his face. dont use cuss words.
2. follow up every single issue with a letter describing the conversation to the boss
3. each issue call the UNION and keep them on the phone 10-15 minutes to discuss the issue

eventually, the BOSS will have amassed enough paperwork to fire him and the UNION will be tired of hearing about it constantly. wear them out.
Can unions fire people?

No, but in cases like this, enough pressure on the union and enough co-workers in consent and they'll back off supporting him.

They'll make sure the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed to protect themselves from liability and watch as the boss's show him the door.

I think what bothers me in cases like this (and I can only speak for myself) is that while the union is protecting guys like this, they're ignoring the hostile work environment that the other union members are now forced to work in, by union consent, knowing this guy is already a discipline issue. It's a double standard: protect one and watch everyone else suffer because of that protection.

I have been witness to the union backing off protecting folks like this.

The offender went to the union with constant complaints about management even when there was nothing to complain about. When the offender finally went ape-s*** over something that wasn't any of her business the union backed off and let management do what needed to be done: they cleaned out her desk and watched her get escorted to the car.

But it also took repeated complaints about this person, by co-workers, for the union to finally back off. The union saw that this person wasn't exactly someone they wanted to protect, because the other union members told them not to protect her. They did it en masse, not only meeting with the union reps, but also letters, phone calls to Albany, and pushing the local reps.

Then she hung herself on her own rope.

Being vocal can and does work. Enough pressure put on the union by everyone who pays dues and a friendly reminder that those dues are also being paid to ensure a safe, non-hostile work environment - and this gentleman is acting just opposite of that - can make the union rethink protecting him anymore. Especially considering that prior disciplinary measure haven't worked to change his attitude.
"The Union" is, or at least should be you the workers.
If there isn't enough peer pressure to fix this, what do you expect to happen?
That's a retorical question.

Those that immediately criticize unions are probably pretty good at pointing the finger at others.
Unions: F**king with natural Capitalist progress and bringing a flavor of Communism to the workplace since 1886!

Seriously, there's no need for a union in today's America. If it weren't for the damnible union, this cat would've been put out on the street YEARS ago, according to what the OP wrote...

Those that immediately criticize unions are probably pretty good at pointing the finger at others.
Correct!! I'm actually getting quite good at pointing the finger where it needs to be pointed, even at myself when necessary. I can see that in the whole "gun violence" thing, it is the USER and not the WEAPON that is to blame. In the case of rape, I can see it is the RAPIST and not SOCIETY or CIRCUMSTANCE that is to blame. In the case of capitalist success, I can see that it is the most motivated mf'r at work that is to blame. In the case of the economy, it is CONGRESS that is to blame..... Yep, I'm actually pretty good at it. ;)

Can unions fire people?
Yes, they can remove someone from their place of employment..... But the question should be: "DO unions fire people?" to which the answer is: NO, no they don't.

My best advice to the OP is pull some Green Mile sh*t... Get everyone who has been harassed by him to gang-up and duct-tape him to something... If that's too harsh, figure some other sort of group punishment out... And if it happens again, lather rinse repeat. If this doesn't work, get everyone together and have them tell the union that they will stop paying their dues until this person is fired, unless a certain timeframe comes in which these members will drop their union membership and become non-union workers.... Unions care about one thing: INCOME; and when you f with that income, they start listening....

- CK
I'm not sure if any of you have delt with this or not but we have a huge problem at my place of employment. I have a rant about a co worker that is constantly harassing his co workers. There are 9 of us in the office that have to work with this guy. He has been written up so many times and been disciplined practically every time. He has had final warnings and final final warnings. Of course it is progressive discipline. He has a lead worker that he will directly disrespect and our immediate supervisor he hates with a passion and tries to get him in trouble for breathing wrong.

This guy is pretty much a A-hole to everyone and he is known around the facility as the hater. He has been moved to different departments only to be kicked out and right back into ours. Problem is the union backs him and gets his discipline reduced. Every two years he can wipe out any discipline he has had and start over. It is getting to the point where a few of us are considering looking for other work. I've had to deal with this guy for 12 years some of the guys longer, some shorter. We have filed harassment complaints to HR and the union and they seem to get tossed under the rug.

We have no idea where to turn to? We work in a prison and its bad enough dealing with the inmates, we shouldn't have to deal with this from a co worker. We have had Conflict resolution to try to get this guy to work with us and get along with no success. He has had to attend classes outside the facility on his own to learn to respect his co workers and that has also failed. Any suggestions on what steps we could take? Besides a blanket party?

That's awful. Its stuff like that that's always made me leery of unions.(even though my work desperately needs one imo)
Unions: F**king with natural Capitalist progress and bringing a flavor of Communism to the workplace since 1886!

Seriously, there's no need for a union in today's America. If it weren't for the damnible union, this cat would've been put out on the street YEARS ago, according to what the OP wrote...

- CK

I tend to agree with that, until my work became very anti-employee and pro-profits. Meaning, greatly understaffing the work force, messing with benefits every year, playing games with our pay scheduling, and firing people with poor cause.
magnum: it is not the Union's job to keep your employer in business.... If they want to f- with their employees, their employees should find work elsewhere, and eventually the business will go under. Capitalism is a beautiful system; a natural order akin to a food chain or ecosystem!

- CK
magnum: it is not the Union's job to keep your employer in business.... If they want to f- with their employees, their employees should find work elsewhere, and eventually the business will go under. Capitalism is a beautiful system; a natural order akin to a food chain or ecosystem!

- CK

Problem is, when a company is worth billions, they can keep up their abuse and stay alive for decades. Granted not that i intend to stay at the hell hole where i work now(thank you college degrees), but there are people there who are stuck. They've devoted their life to that industry and its a small enough industry that we're one of 3-4 companies that do this work and most of them have frozen hiring.

And capitalism in its purist form doesnt work.
Just to clear this up.. Adriver, I was a union member for almost 11 years at one plant and a union member for 2 years prior. Pointing fingers you betcha.. The only thing the union was good for was keeping the bad in and letting the good go.. The origins of the unions was for safety.... my, my, my, look how far they have come from the safety issue..
I'm not sure if any of you have delt with this or not but we have a huge problem at my place of employment. I have a rant about a co worker that is constantly harassing his co workers. There are 9 of us in the office that have to work with this guy. He has been written up so many times and been disciplined practically every time. He has had final warnings and final final warnings. Of course it is progressive discipline. He has a lead worker that he will directly disrespect and our immediate supervisor he hates with a passion and tries to get him in trouble for breathing wrong.

This guy is pretty much a A-hole to everyone and he is known around the facility as the hater. He has been moved to different departments only to be kicked out and right back into ours. Problem is the union backs him and gets his discipline reduced. Every two years he can wipe out any discipline he has had and start over. It is getting to the point where a few of us are considering looking for other work. I've had to deal with this guy for 12 years some of the guys longer, some shorter. We have filed harassment complaints to HR and the union and they seem to get tossed under the rug.

We have no idea where to turn to? We work in a prison and its bad enough dealing with the inmates, we shouldn't have to deal with this from a co worker. We have had Conflict resolution to try to get this guy to work with us and get along with no success. He has had to attend classes outside the facility on his own to learn to respect his co workers and that has also failed. Any suggestions on what steps we could take? Besides a blanket party?

If the blanket party dont work you could try giving him a "hickory shampoo".....:lol:
You are wrong. Only the employer can terminate an employee.

Your right, it is the unions job to fight to get their job back, weather they are a good employee or not. Also a union for the most part is not going to take on a fight of one union member against another member.