worth moving for a promotion..?



Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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Katy, TX
So in these hard times I might have fallen onto a bit of luck and it raised a very tough question...

My company is going through a reorganiztion. Half of us are rumored to be moving to Houston in order to keep there jobs, if they don't go they get laid off. The other half get to stay here and keep there jobs. Here is Colorado Springs, for now. They should be rolling out the new plan today or next week...

I was one of the lucky ones that gets to keep his job in the Springs. However as a result of the move a promotion opportunity might have come up for me. I might be getting an offer to be a supervisor, but it is in Houston... I dread the thought of moving.

So the tough question... Do you put job, money and career growth over happiness in where you live? I moved to Colorado 7 years ago from PA, in order to live in an area I loved.

I am leaning towards going, got the wifes buy in and all. If she rejected I would decline without any thought, family comes first. Just weighing heavy on my mind now. Am I a sell out? (if I even get the offer...)
Make a list of 'pro's down the left side of a page, and 'con's' down the right. Ponder it for several days, talk with your family, then trust your gut. Good luck, I'll say a prayer for wisdom in your decision.
The wife and I are sitting down to do a pros and cons list this weekend when she gets back from visitng family in MD.

Thanks for the prayer!
Houston is now the 3rd largest city, do you want to deal with all that comes with that many people? And don't forget the hurricane threat that always looms out there.
I have never been to Houston or Colorado so I can't give my opinion on which is better/nicer. My question is, how do you know you wouldn't be happy in Houston ?
Personally, the only way I'd move from here to Houston would be if a family member had a serious health issue that a specific facility in Houston could fix. The soul-crushing heat/humidity there does far nastier things to my psyche than the mild winters here.

I've been without a job since late April and could probably find a great-paying job in Houston within a week. There's more to life than money. I'd rather continue casting resumes into the abyss, make a few dollars where I can and eat ramen until it runs out of my eyes than sleep on a pile of cash and loathe the location. I left Ohio 5.5 years ago for similar reasons.
depends... do ya like houston? you say you love where you are now so that would make it tougher decision. is it alot more money? its all personal preference.
I moved away from the city six years ago, I'll never go back.

I could move, and make over $30/hr, and be unhappy. I'm sure my car would like the money though :-D. But not the traffic and the idiots. That's why I left in the first place.

So I stay here, and make $15/hr. I'm happy, my wife is happy.

I hope you can make this very important decision without too much stress. Just make sure that you take your time and think it out. It's hard to go backwards.
It is the toughest decision I have had to make in my 35 years...

And as 340john said, we might like it. TO me it is more for the career growth. People that are willing to move tend to climb a bit faster then those that don't. But I would prefer happiness over career. Especially with a newborn daughter now.

But if we plan to move before the 5 year mark after being down there, then it won't be too bad. 5 years goes by fast. Plus I already have a few freinds down there and with this move I will have a bunch more. So at least we won't be alone. My wifes good freind already knows they are going...

Looks like we won't know anythign today... but the guy that would offer me the promotion is due back from Houston on Monday.

I'll keep ya's posted and keep the input coming...
A good friend of mine just moved for his company and loves it. He didn't get a promotion but he did move to an area where he can afford a house with a shop and a decent yard. Like someone else said make a list and see what you think.
that is the other benefit... Housing and the cost of living in general is pretty cheap compared to Houston. so I would get a raise and a bigger house... I could get another project car a lot sooner then I planned...

A pros and cons list with my wife should help clear some things up for us.
Don't sell your soul for money. It's real good for a while and money is nice but
soon you figure out it's not about the money. Put your family and yourself first. Promotions sometimes suck the life out of you. Good luck to you and your wife figuring it out.
Been there and done that. I would not want to have to make that decision again. Alot of your decisions will be made with family in mine, but there is one other thing that you have to consider, your age. Opportunities are experienced while you are younger and viable to the company. Don't let yourself rot on the company vine. The old cliche,"Opportunity only knocks once.", is basically true within your company. If you reject a promotion, where ever, Colorado or Houston, the next one might be awhile away. It is you and your wife's choice. Make a wise one. Good Luck!!!!!
Money won't make you happy.

Yes it will!!!

I was all set to pack up and move to a place that I love (St. George, UT or Vegas area) but them my work promoted me and gave me a raise and the chance to do something that I love 8 hrs a day (building/fixing things and welding) I am in charge of plant maintenance and I also do custom welding, fabrication, R&D work and once a month I get to drive down to St. George and Vegas for work.

The money makes me happy and convinced me to stay in this wet, cold, shitty state that I can't stand until something better comes along.

People that say things like "money doesn't bring happiness" are full of it! If that were true you will be just as happy if we take all your stuff away and give you a cardboard box to live in during a snow storm.

Money makes the world go around! If the offer is enough money that you will be better off there than CO (factor in the cost of living). Go for it, if not then stay.
You answered your own question when you stated "I moved to Colorado 7 years ago from PA, in order to live in an area I loved."

I had a chance to move fairly down in the states for a good 6 figure income..I was quite good at my job and i had pionerred some stuff....anyway, we moved here to bring up kids, etc.. I left work and became stay at home dad 4 yeas ago..do we have lots of $s ? No, but the QUALITY of life is pretty darn good and I have had an excellent relationship with my two kids..and this is a nice safe environment to grow up in..they are involved in lots of sports, etc..we love it here.....money will just not buy that..

This would be a great jump for my career and possibly wallet. My wife won't have to work if I get it, so she bought into it pretty quickly...

Part of me hopes the offer is too low, so I stay here. But the other part of me really wants the promotion... My family comes first, and she is on board, so if the price is right, we will probably pack up and go.

I tend to agree with 360scamp, money can buy you happiness... If nothing else it could make a little less stressful. We have been struggling for a few years with debt. Mostly from bad decisions in my youger years. By the time I finally wised up it was too late... This would be a great way to get ahead (finacially and career) and stay ahead.

Hopefully I hear something next week...
I think it's all been said,what's best for the family,you can't buy happiness,it's been tried many times,it's short lived at best.Good Luck
Dart Guy, I have always said that my priority was to live here; but that I might work on the road on occasion. Therefore I can`t help you in your decision about moving. But I have worked in Houston and virtually every other large city and many not so large towns; from CA to NY and WI to TX; and enjoyed them all. You see I put my trust in the Lord and try to live the best that I can. Possibly I have met and talked to some of our members at local car shows and cruiseins around this great country. I will pray for you`ll and this decision. God bless you`ll. Wayne
I've lived in texas all my life, swore i would never live in houston. anyway been here for twenty years for more money. Hate it and can't waite to leave. Also you might make more but you better figure in private schools, there is no way i would send mine to public schools. You do realize most of texas is flat. kind of boring after colo. On the good side i do know alot of cool mopar people here.
I say stay. I lived in Colorado Springs while stationed at Carson, best duty station and best place I ever lived. I have been to Houston several times, i'll tell you first hand, there aint near the amount of recreational activities. You hvae the mountains at your disposal. Just think, there isnt any Garden of the Gods or Pikes Peak in Houston.
My mom tells me that money cannot buy good health and tons of money won't help ya if you are dead but stats tell us generally that the richer you are, the better quality food you eat (fruit and veggies) and the better you take care of your body (membership to gyms, trips to relieve stress etc.).

For the first 7 years of our marriage, we moved 7 times. After our last move, we haven't moved for just about 20 years. Anyway, sit dows with your wife and make a list of pros and cons..this way, when you go back to second guess yourselves, you can refer to that list...

Best of luck what ever you do...and i know this is painful.
