Worth redoing old connecters on wiring harness



Active Member
Apr 30, 2021
Reaction score
Newcastle, DE
Just wondering if i should put some new waterproof connecters in place of my old connecters for my 73 duster. Just want some opinions if its worth doing or not.
Unless this is going to be your every day all day driver in a very wet environment, "why?" The wiring on most of these girls has lasted a surprising amount of time, in many cases outliving the rusting bodies and still functioning. The bulkhead connector / ammeter circuit is a known problem and voltage drop through the ignition switch can be a problem. Other than that it is take it on one at a time.

Another specific connector in 73 which gave trouble is the white underhood engine harness--to engine bay harness connector. Cut that out, neatly splice the wiring together, and forget about it
I have the entire harness out of the car and I'm going through it and redoing the tape and testing each wire to make sure everything is good. I want to clean it up and make it look close to new. Which is why I want to put some new connecters on if its worth doing.
Waterproof? Is this an off-road vehicle?

where is all the water going to come from and what will it do.
Need more info on this idea.

As said the factory wiring can last without fail if it is treated right.

If the factory connectors are tight on the wire then don’t touch them. If something is damaged then fix it.
While the "new" weathertite connectors are very nice, redoing the loom to install them is not necessary. These cars have been running for 50+ years and are still going. It is good to closely inspect your loom for breaks and poor repairs but if the connectors are clean and snap into the holders well, you should be OK. I am still running the original loom.
You have one of the models that has its amp gauge right below where windshield seal and a wiper pivot leaks right onto it. If nothing more I would fashion a section of milk jug or something to be a rain hat there. Shed the leak away from amp gauge, headlight switch, and fuse box.