Personally I always thought the 68 markers looked like a tacky JC Whip Me part, glad my grandfather never put them on.

JC Whitney!
Remember that was the premier mail order magazine for aftermarket automotive stuff?
Man, we've come a long way!
You won`t be the first. There was a 66 Coronet at the local cruise in with them on.
I was standing with a group of guys mentioning it and they acted like they didn`t believe me.:rolleyes:
You won`t be the first. There was a 66 Coronet at the local cruise in with them on.
I was standing with a group of guys mentioning it and they acted like they didn`t believe me.:rolleyes:
Hmmm. Probably looked kinda cool.... but I'm a 68 fan from way back
So I know 69 Dart rectangle markers were just reflective.
The 68 round lights were lit?
Were Barracuda the same?
I kind of imagined that the DOT mandated side markers for 68, and most manufacturers put lights in. Then they came back and said no they must be reflective, so the manufacturers put reflectors in for 69, and then the DOT came back and said no they must be lights AND reflective.

May not be that way, but that’s always been my theory.
Oh, and just to be a smart ***, lights usually are lit. (Well, as long as the switch is on, anyway)
I don’t know how to make the little pokey thingy
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I know a guy that can make you stick on decals that look just like them!!!!! They even have this reflective stuff that shines at night!! OK so I'm full ofc***
Go ahead and do it! You have my permission!
I say IF you ever sell it, the next can change it back if he wanted . A little welding, grinding, some filler, primer, some top coat...done!!
So, speaking of DOT and safety mandates? My 68 has (had) shoulder belts, front and rear. I’m not sure when shoulder belts were mandated, but is my car an oddity or is that normal?

hey man2.jpg
Are '68 side markers a sin? No more than having a 360 in it, a 904 with part throttle kickdown, '73 and up disc brakes, aftermarket buckets, headers, or a host of other common modifications that weren't specific to that year.
yea you got a point
So, speaking of DOT and safety mandates? My 68 has (had) shoulder belts, front and rear. I’m not sure when shoulder belts were mandated, but is my car an oddity or is that normal?
January 1, 1969 so all 68s would have been optional. Some 69s were optional but after 1/1/69 head rest and shoulder belts were required (front).

Funny thread because I also have a 67 Barracuda and I had the same thoughts of changing the year. Only because 67 has a lot of one year only things about it. What stopped me was looking at 67 original ads and really getting into the car, then i realized how cool a 67 actually is and I started appreciating it for what is and I left it all 67.

Its not a sin to change it but just remember any 67 Barracuda is a really cool car for what it is. It was the first year the styling removed itself from the valiant. Just imagine the fresh crisp look it had sitting in a showroom around Christmas time 1966. The new, the fresh new models for 67 that set the pace for the rest of that decade.

Seems like a little bit of work for 68 marker lights.

Depends on how and where you place them.
I've got a dilapidated '67 notch I'm in process of stripping to a shell. As far as sins go, my thoughts of turning it into a straight axle nostalgia drag car are probably much more heretical. But it's not going to keep me awake, being it's better that it lives on as that than winds up in the scrap heap. At least it's not going to have an LS in it!