Wow! How could this be??

that is very believable and some messed up thinking from the big corporations.....I don't even look for a job...I look for work....i'm sick of filling out applications...I'm better off doing what i'm doing....the freedom to do things comes at a price,you have to be wise with your money when you have some,coupons,doing without unnesesary stuff like cable tv,no texting on the cell phone,no home phone and just living like your's not so bad :cheers:
First rule in interviewing a perspective employee. Do they have a current job.
The old saying still applies. To get a job you must have a job. I know that seems unfair, but it's been that way for a long time.
Sounds like someone is trying to organize a "spontaneous" anti-corporation demonstration. It's all the rage right now.

The poster does not give any specifics as to which "corporation", what his "job" was, and what the pay scales were.

When I have talked to laid-off people who are angry, they always talk in details and give examples of unfairness.

I am sure that CL posting will resonate with anyone who is angry about "corporate greed".

My daughter is attending college and her Political Science teacher just covered that subject last week. I have been doing a lot of discussion with my daughter to undo the ignorant left leaning philosophy with which her teacher is infecting her.
Somebody better start giving these kids jobs soon or they will roll the guillotines out. Happens every time the rich get too rich and arrogant and the poor are out of work and hungry - Paris 1780's, Russia 1910's, Germany 1930's, China 1940's. Idle hands and all that.
What's gonna start happening is, you're gonna see discrimination lawsuits start piling up against corporations from those they would not hire. You think THAT'S gonna help the employment rate? It's a catch 22. The hiring process is supposed to be discriminatory. You choose the best candidate. If a candidate has been unemployed for a lengthy time, that doesn't look good. If there were truly ZERO discrimination, that would mean that everyone who walked in for every job would get it, whether they were qualified or not. How stupid does that sound?
Have you seen these "poor" unemployed "youth"?

They are carrying smart phones, iPads, and laptops. They are wearing name brand clothes. None of them seem to be underfed. Check out the pre-printed signs they carry.

Sorry, I don't buy it.

The French Revolution was about overthrowing the monarchy because of limited food supply after a famine. It wasn't about jobs.

The Russian revolution (Trotsky) was about overthrowing the monarchy because of lack of food after a harsh winter. It wasn't about jobs. The Soviet coup resulted in the promise of jobs but food was still scarce.

The Chinese revolution was about Mao led Marxist Communists who took advantage of war ravaged urban industrial Chinese cities. He began by taking over the rural lands and thus controlled the food supply to the cities. It wasn't about jobs. It was ideology.
It's not just corporate America. Private business employes the same practice.. Personally when I had my shop and I employed at one time more then a dozen people. If an applicant came in who was at the end of his unemployment and they had no good answer during the interview as to why the were unable to find work I passed on them.
I would certainly give an unemployed person a very fair consideration, even more to a never-employed college graduate who had done everything they were supposed to do to become a valuable member of society. There are many incompetent employed people. Hordes of them are known as "middle managers" and they tend to get in the way of productivity. I am not worried about any of them reading this, because they aren't the type to fix their own car.

DFX 340 Duster didn't mention Germany. Riotous mobs are as likely to follow the ultra-conservative path as the communist (though Nazis termed themselves "socialists"). Both are bad. In tough times people follow a leader who promises a better life. If the gas pumps went dry in the U.S., we would have a dictator in a month. In our minor financial crisis, we have been mobbed first by the "Tea Partiers", who appear as mostly aged baby boomers demanding their welfare benefits, and now "unemployed youth", many of whom appear more bored than desiring employing. Regardless, it serves no purpose for productive people to be unemployed. With no money, they can't spend, so more companies close. A vicious cycle where we all stop working and nothing is produced. We could solve it, but too many obstructionist legislators, just like we had in the 1930's.
Sick situation in my eyes! I have spent a good deal of money on school loans(Still paying for them) and professional schools to obtain my knowledge too. Yet I am still unemployed since August of last year. What does a man do. Minimum wage here is less than $8 an hour. Who can live off of that when you have a family of 4 to provide for. I live in a small town of maybe 4000. The biggest thing here is Wal-mart and it is about the size of a big city Walgreens. I am a Auto Damage Appraiser and commuted to Houston which is close to 50 miles one way. I made a lousy 40 G's yearly which was half of what I made as a Bodyman. I can't even fall back on that! I keep in touch with a few of my prior co-workers and NO one is hiring in the collision industry. With the way the f!@#$d up economy is people are pocketing the repair funds and driving wrecked vehicles or they are parked somewhere cause they cannot afford the deductable. Even worse most just let the finance company deal with them and the owner moves on to the next. This in turn gets passed on to the consumers.
I have even applied to Autozone and O'Riellys' online(The only way to apply!) and after some time I asked the Manager if they had reviewed any applications cause the Now Hiring sign was STILL hanging in the window. Yep I looked at your application and you sir are over-qualified for this position! WTF?? Mind you this happened at both of these stores! Wow! What a slap in the face! Not mentioned but I have forgot more about vehicles than most of these folks know! With all my knowledge I personally think that these 20 something managers are intimidated by me and fear hiring me???

Straight up,
my wife was employed by Toyota and after the big "RECALL" everyone lost there bonus and even jobs. She too lost her job to this disaster along with 4 others in her department alone in the same week. They revamped the entire division and had some outside company come in to cut spending. After 5 years of a 4.5 of a 5 performance rating her last rating dropped to a 2. This is a good idea on their part since anything below a 3 gets a swift kick in the *** while being pushed out the door. She also had 10 years with Aetna and they shut down operations here and outsourced her job to Manilla. Little did she know in the months prior she had been training foreign personnel at that location to take her own job!

I have no idea what the future holds for anyone in the middle class! This "CHANGE" that happened in 08 Killed the Middle class' "HOPE"........

Wow, that was a rant!

First rule in interviewing a perspective employee. Do they have a current job.
The old saying still applies. To get a job you must have a job. I know that seems unfair, but it's been that way for a long time.

I interviewed hundreds of people in my past life while working for a big company 10 years ago. This was a time when the economy was booming and this rule applied for me. I would expect full work history and would pick apart any gaps and follow up on all references. You need a job to get a job. Sad, but true. More times than not when I went against my gut feeling about someone that person would quit or get fired within 6 months.
It's not just corporate America. Private business employes the same practice.. Personally when I had my shop and I employed at one time more then a dozen people. If an applicant came in who was at the end of his unemployment and they had no good answer during the interview as to why the were unable to find work I passed on them.

What pretell did you consider a good answer?
What pretell did you consider a good answer?

Good question!! If jobs aren't there you won't be able to work! Many people from the North have moved here seeking employment. Can't work if there are NO jobs!!I guess my work history and education is a BAD thing. I have always kept a job for more than ten years and have always left on "Good Terms". The last company I was employed by was one of the WORST companies as far as complaints through the State of Texas!! After I left the prior job of 10 years and obtained employment with them I was told by several folks that worked for the same company that they terminated them after 2 years of employment! I was asked several times, How long have you been there? My response was 2 years! Better be looking for a new job cause I bet your next on the list. I'll be damned 2 months later I was laid off. I didn't see it coming! I had just got my second raise too and a good bonus. I watched as 3 other employees before the end of my employment get terminated in the same manner! I guess it really didn't matter if I was laid off or terminated. Seems to be the same thing now!:protest:

I guess I need to get into politics so I can be assured a decent future. A lifetime of benifits for one stinking term!!!:mumum:

I really do wonder how people in the HR department can live with theirselves after practicing these horrible policies???:violent1:

No wonder some people loss there sanity and go balistic in these times...:wack:

What happens when all these youngsters get out of the armed forces and come home to a nation riddled with this crap? Can I say PTSD could cause a real problem!!

Here I go ranting again!!:banghead:
Rant away CUUDAK, rant's good to vent.

I had a similar experience as you did after graduating college. I had a wife and a child to support and I was laid off of my student job because I was no longer a student. I interviewed in many places and soon I became desperate because I was constantly told that I didn't have enough experience. One interviewer told me that since I had a degree, I would leave his company as soon as something better came along. I was honest and said that I would since I had a family to support. So no job offer. I kept knocking on doors until one of them opened at a medium sized aerospace company. After working there for seven months, a college buddy called me and said to come to where he was working because they were hiring. The interviewer like the fact that I was currently employed by another aerospace company and they offered me a 20% increase over my salary. I took the job with the bigger aerospace company. That was 24 years ago and I am still with them.

Keep ranting, but, more importantly, keep knocking on doors.
What pretell did you consider a good answer?

Well honestly most times I would get answers along the lines of, when I was laid off I just needed a rest, I just couldn't find anything that I liked, or payed what I'm worth.

A good answer to me and I hired this guy was. Since I lost my last job I have been looking for work from day one. I have worked a few temp jobs just unable to find anything permanent.

I understand why you think it's an unfair practice but I always felt I needed to hire people that could do the job and work as a team. No place for malcontents and trouble makers who think the world owes them a job.

I treated those that worked for me as human beings and never asked for more then a fair days work at a fair wage.

Hope that helps.