Wow MeMike

Sure enough I hope I will see some cool MoPars like these :cheers:

Tony Fields and his friends car 2011 :cheers:


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I have to agree with everyone here! It's alway great to see you're words of encouragement memike. You never have a negative word to say..and good advice. You're a great guy to have around the forum man. I hope everyone here appreciate you as much as we do.

Way to go!!
All I could think of was what do you have cookin back there in the woods? Is there something good to drink brewing?? Lol
I have to agree with everyone here! It's alway great to see you're words of encouragement memike. You never have a negative word to say..and good advice. You're a great guy to have around the forum man. I hope everyone here appreciate you as much as we do.

Way to go!!
Thank you Swinger803, I have been here for quit a while and it took a couple years and going threw books to try and do my part here and help members :coffee2:
I remember a few times I would get a book out to take a picture of a part and help a member and as I get ready to post it I see many great tech members have already jumped in and helped :D so I save those pictures for another new/old member .. I don't get to help much but when I do :cheers: Boy it sure feel good :D

Thank you Swinger803, it's the little things that make my day a bright one :glasses7:


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All I could think of was what do you have cookin back there in the woods? Is there something good to drink brewing?? Lol

No need to go threw the risk because we can get it legal here :D
And there is some big Cats here, this was taken just 8 miles from my house this spring, so it's best to always carry while out and about tracking or mending fences :toothy9:


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Mike, I wish I had a fraction of your positivity
You my friend have it :cheers: I always thought :glasses7:, I bet you are a great help to folks around you and here hemitheus :glasses7:
I have had my moments here just like any member when they :protest: something , but I try and stay clear of it but some times we all have our moment
I am hopping that trying to keep a positive out look will keep me healthy wealthy (with friends) and receive wisdom to be wise at 55 :D
I have to say I feel kind of special when I get a post from you Memike in a thread I've started....:) always encouraging with something good to say. Hope you had a good strong end and here's to your next 33k :coffee2:=D>

I have to say, I feel the same way when you stop in one of my threads Mike... Congrats on passing 33,000 posts.. (I was just starting to feel pretty impressed with myself for just about getting to 4,000... LOL I have a LONG way to go yet) ..
I have to say, I feel the same way when you stop in one of my threads Mike... Congrats on passing 33,000 posts.. (I was just starting to feel pretty impressed with myself for just about getting to 4,000... LOL I have a LONG way to go yet) ..

Good morning SpeedracerX :coffee2: as far as post counts you say more in 100 posts then I do in 1.000 :cheers:
Not everyone needs to know when I have took Buddy for a walk and he is happy or show off a car I wish I still had :toothy9: and yes it was a rubber bumper car :blob:


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Well, as a FABO member for a while now and being from Downunder, I feel qualified to join in the praise for you memike.
You have chimed in on some of my threads, and you do always make positive statements - something that not all other members do.

I guess it's the members like you that make FABO such a special place to visit for A body lovers.

CONGRATULATIONS on your posts milestone !!!!!!!

And this one's for you! .... :prayer:
I see 40K for 2013
This is a possibility Jim :glasses7: I can get wacky with my posts sometimes :D

Well, as a FABO member for a while now and being from Downunder, I feel qualified to join in the praise for you memike.
You have chimed in on some of my threads, and you do always make positive statements - something that not all other members do.

I guess it's the members like you that make FABO such a special place to visit for A body lovers.

CONGRATULATIONS on your posts milestone !!!!!!!

And this one's for you! .... :prayer:
Thank you my Australian friend :D I bet I speak for all members how much we
enjoy your posts and involvement here and reading your posts of what it is like being Downunder :thumleft: I met an Australian man and wife at Gateway Monster Mopar in St.Luis Ill. 4 years ago and we had a blast, Small Block and I would pick them up at there Hotel every morning and go to the Monster Mopar event together and it was so cool learning things from them :D Happy folks and allot of fun :happy7: and he and his wife new there MoPars :thumbup:
I have to agree with this statement from AussiePlymouths.
Keep up the posts Mike. It wouldn't be the same here without you!!:thumbup:
Thank you norshorblufish, I would not be the same if I did not have here :D

Yeah, horrible. Every time I see that green dot lit, I know you're on here causing all kinds of trouble, Mike. :joker:
Causing trouble or I am in trouble :joker: Thank you Joe, it has been very cool little bro :cheers:
Just goes to show that there are a lot of great people on FABO and why its one of few sites that I view daily.
Just goes to show that there are a lot of great people on FABO and why its one of few sites that I view daily.
You can say that again dennday67 :cheers: this is the one and only site for me
as you can see, and X100 on your post :glasses7:
Congrats Memike on 33,000 post. You are such a big part of FABO that I can't imagine this place with out you.:cheers:
33k. If you only had a dollar for every post.
Good evening Pete :cheers: Dang man that would be cool :glasses7:
I would have a concrete dive way pored :D You should see my drive way down by the road :D whampum rain a couple days ago...

Here is to ya Bro, I have enjoyed a couple with you :thumleft: We need to do that again some time :glasses7: Welcome and thank you for your time here brother :cheers:


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Congrats Memike on 33,000 post. You are such a big part of FABO that I can't imagine this place with out you.:cheers:
Thank you Cliff :D I am REAL bad about remebering names :D I enjoy all your time you get to spend here :cheers:
If anyone would ask my wife she would say Fabo is a big p[art of me :toothy9:
This place makes the world feel so sooo much better Thank you Reb :cheers: