Oh that's nothing. Have you seen they are also stuffing wasp nests "up there" too? Some kinda belief about chemicals in them help with "vaginal rejuvination". Where do they come up with this crap?
There's only one thing that will make it new again.................................A Delorean with a flux capacitor that can take you back in time!!!!!
Uh, Wasps? That's a new one! You know, that's just natural ****** overdosing. You wanna use? Go ahead but don't hurt anyone doing it INCLUDING THE ONES WHO LOVE YOU.
This women decided to have ****** reconstruction after having 4 kids. She went to a plastic surgeon and he agreed he could certainly help her to what she was like before having kids.
After the surgery she finally woke up and there were three roses on her table. She wondered where they came from and asked the nurse who put them there. The nurse said "the first one is from your husband who came in to look at the results and the second one is from your Dr. who was very happy with the results." The women was happy with that and then asked who the third rose was from? The nurse said "Oh that was from a guy from the burn unit and wanted to thank you for his new ears"
You can't hurt them things. Heck, I've had one stretched plum over my head before! I did fall in one to fumbling around and bumped into another dude! I said hey buddy....if you'll help me find my I Phone, we can use the flashlight to get outta here. He said F that....if you'll help me find my car keys, we can drive out! :eek:
I thought steaming opened up a clam or was that an oyster. steamed ****** ? reguvination , I don't know about that, seems like the process would over cook an over worked already tough smelly old hole.:wtf:
They are usually steaming went i get done with
You can't hurt them things. Heck, I've had one stretched plum over my head before! I did fall in one to fumbling around and bumped into another dude! I said hey buddy....if you'll help me find my I Phone, we can use the flashlight to get outta here. He said F that....if you'll help me find my car keys, we can drive out! :eek:
We come out of those things and spend the rest of our life trying to get back in
I worked with an old guy that told me , if they made car tires out of vaginas ,you could never wear them out. ?