WTF is This?!?

I would go screaming like a little girl and man i am not kidding. almost set my shop on fire trying to kill a blackwidow one time. O72D
Nothing like a snake or spider story..... it will get a million posts in no time.

When I was a little kid I was running through the woods when I ran into this huge spider web by accident. It was a Writing Spider and it went down the front of my shirt and down into my shorts. My shirt was tucked in. When I looked down in my shirt and saw that big spider down there next to my willie I just took off running like I was on fire and yelling!! I was ripping my shorts and shirt off running around with nothing but my underwear on. My cousin was behind me and he thought I was getting eating alive by the spider. To this day I don't know where that spider went.... all I know it was off of me and that's all that mattered.
looks like a brown house spider-sometimes they look dark. yuck!
At least it's not an Aussie Funnel Web, those suckers can bite through boot leather apparently. The photo looks cool though with the glowing eyes!!!
Some years ago one of my cousins was out with some of his buddies one night shooting rabbits outside of Las Vegas. They were slowly walking down one of the dirt desert roads ahead of a car. He happened to look down and saw (what he claims to this day) the world's biggest tarantula on the toe of one of his boots. He freaked and emptied the clip of his Ruger 10/22 at the spider.
After the smoke cleared, he says all that was left was legs and hair from the tarantula, but he never touched his foot.

Me? I hate both spiders and snakes!
want me to mess it up some?

pics 107.jpg
You guys crack me the F... up, lol! I won't bore you all to death with a response to every post but damn, I never expected this. "arm pit hair", I'm still laughing about that one.

BTW, the body was the size of a quarter easy and the legs spread was about 3".
BTW, the body was the size of a quarter easy and the legs spread was about 3".[/QUOTE]

A Quarter???? Their as big as wash tubs around here....
This guy likes to watch me work on Dart but I guess all the paint fumes scared him away because I haven't seen him in a while.

Lol. Ram, ever seen what we call banana spiders in the South? Including legs, almost as big as your hand. They put webs 5 feet wide across the woods trail you are in.
As you are walking, head down, trying to figure out (sound echoes off palmetto bushes) where the hell that buzzing rattlesnake is at; you walk into the web(sticky sucker). That spider freaks out, no bite, it just wants to get away from you. Even a black widow, you have to piss her off first.
2 spider bites, not happy, but ok; The scorpion sting on the neck involved doctors and cortisone shots.
Lol. Ram, ever seen what we call banana spiders in the South? Including legs, almost as big as your hand. They put webs 5 feet wide across the woods trail you are in.
As you are walking, head down, trying to figure out (sound echoes off palmetto bushes) where the hell that buzzing rattlesnake is at; you walk into the web(sticky sucker). That spider freaks out, no bite, it just wants to get away from you. Even a black widow, you have to piss her off first.
2 spider bites, not happy, but ok; The scorpion sting on the neck involved doctors and cortisone shots.

Youch, sorry to hear about the bites. I'll pass on the scorpions..... I know I've bit multiple times by Lord knows what kind spiders over the years but I never needed meds. I've been stabbed by bees and wasps too and hurts like hell but so far I'm not allergic which is weird because I'm allergic to a bunch of other stuff.

Never seen a bannana spider before and I'm in no rush. I used to be somewhat freaked out by spiders as kid until I just grabbed one and pulled it's legs off. It bit me and I really don't blame it, lol. It hurt and that was that. All I ask from my spider buddies is that they give fair warning and they can eat all the stray bugs they want. As long as they don't muck with my dogs.

My Dad served in the South Pacific in WWII and used to tell me about spiders as big as a basketball they used as target practice with their Garands. He said they'd explode like a water ballon, lol. I never knew if was Bs'ng me God rest his soul. I think he was because he was an expert marksman and a basketball size target was nothing for him. :read2:
screw that...make that your wingman and party with him! Can you imagine the stories and good time with that bugger! I bet he can down rum and cokes and drink ya under the table!

that bugger has ALOHA!

Oh yeah, I just got to respond to Dfnsmn:

Dude, I have got to meet you one day. You have the best attitude of any living person I've ever met. :cheers::cheers::cheers:
Theres only one way to deal with this lil spider problem--------- I'll send my kitty over to protect ya...
