Wusses here already cancelled school based on forecast???

A friend had a ‘71 Honda coupe. I think it had a 750cc motorcycle engine. We had a blast driving around in that thing!
I plowed snow for 28 years in a busy, snowy city. When we had serious snow the last thing I wanted to see was a school bus. A loaded snowplow weighting 63,000 pounds will do some serious damage to anything it hits, because some jerk makes a stupid move. When the streets are bad, and idiots who think they are superior snow drivers are out there, keep the kids home. I guess the amount of snow that is dangerous depends on where you live. Forecast can change rapidly, but I'd rather see my grandchildren safe at home, when I think of the idiots I've seen driving out there.
Ya, those crazy Missourians said just this morning... cancel school..it ain't that 12-15 inches of snow, it's the 1/2 inch of ice that will be under it!!!! Go figure!!!