I basically had this 8.8 ready to slide under before I stuck this turd back in the garage. I had only tacked the perches onto the axle, I wanted to measure the pinion angle with everything bolted up and weight on wheels. I did have to adjust the perches, very glad I waited to burn them in. I was planning on using the lower spring plates from the explorer, but after some trail fitting it was obvious it wasn't happening. The explorer runs one shock in front and one in the rear of the axle. I ended up picking some nice thick spring plates from an off-road shop. I used the explore u-bolts. At this point the axle was under and bolted in, I started looking at driveshaft options. I was half tempted to just call the local driveshaft shop and have them make one up. But being budget minded I headed back out to the yard with a tape. I was looking for about 50" cl-cl. I started crawling under every 8.8 vehicle I saw. The best I found was an aluminum unit from a 4x4 six cylinder explorer. It was just a hair over 50.5". I figured it would still be cheaper to have it shortened than a new driveshaft. For chits and giggles I crawled under this yard sale with my new driveshaft. I had everything at ride height and weight on wheels... I was trying to line up the slip yoke and the driveshaft using the eye ball method. It was looking like I had 1" of pullout with this shaft! I sourced a conversion u-joint to go from the little 904 yoke to the 1330 that my shaft has. Once the part was delivered I got right to getting it all together and installed. All said we are just under 1" of slip yoke pul out, perfect world I would like a little more but it should be fine for this build.