Yellow headlights

Same place I got my blue one's....................................... paint them


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Well SOME lamps are (or used to be) sold for fog lamp use. When I was in the Navy we had "punkin orange" lamps for use on the airfield. You could not see diddly with those, they were only for aircraft to see YOU

I damn near got run over one night at Miramar. I was out late working on the RADAR, in the trailer. When I came out, my eyes weren't dialated, the field was closed, and it was foggy and no moon. Darker'n the insides of a COW.

Usually, when the tower closed the field, they left some of the taxi lights on, just shut down the runway markers. But EVERYTHING was off. Turns out some jet jock had hit a taxi light and blown a breaker. I guess they pulled the rest because they didn't understand what was up.

Anyhow, I left the trailer, started across 24L. The tower called one of the ground crew and said "Do you know the location of the dark horse?"

I'm thinkin' WTF is a "dark horse."

"We think he's at Queen 6 on the high speed taxiway."

Hell I"M AT QUEEN SIX on the taxiway, I'm thinking.

About that time, seems like about a foot away, prolly more like 50 ft, here's this survival strobe starts up in this cockpit right in front of me, the silhouette of the pilot inside!!!!!

This idiot pilot had not waited for the ground handlers!!!! and was trying to taxi the damn thing down the taxiway with NO taxi lights and NO nav lights on the airplane!!!!!
Try A&L Fleet Supply in Ann Arbor Mi! I used to get them there, they stock them for the yellow caution flashers on school busses, or they used to! May still have some!! Worth a try anyway! Geof
You can get yellow tinted clear coat, in the form of VHT Nite Shades spray can. Or if you are trying to run a yellow highbeam on a 4 headlamp car you can replace the highbeam bulbs with a Wagner 4412A. These are a foglight bulb and do put out quite a bit of light, although you will have to make your own "jumper" connectors to power them. I can go more into detail if anybody is interested. Used to run these on my old Datsun 521 pickup for a little more light at night.
This is for a drag only car,I just think they look cool as hell on a white front end--so legality doesn't matter because it won't be on the street--Thanks Steve
Check with Hobby shops too. that's where I found the paint.