Yippee, no more travel


demon seed

The Original Demon Seed
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
South Alberta, Can.
Well ladies and germs it's official, I phoned the Boss out in Hamilton today and tendered my resignation, god I love the sound of that. After 10 yrs of travel, airplanes, hotels, rental cars, and stinky refineries, chemical plants, pulp mills, gas plants and a total of 32 years in the industry, I QUIT.:thumbrig: I'm becoming a school bus driver so I get lots of time off which will undoubtedly include 2 solid months at the lake in the summer and I can finally unpack my suitcase for good. Best of all is no more safety boots or hardhats and those annoying junior engineers with God complexes.

Congrats I guess LOL
Sometimes change is good. Hope you'll stay busy. You know what they say about idle hands. School bus driver ? You must have nerves of steel.
I'd have somebody kid tied to the whipping post. LOL
Congrat's Terry!

You must have nerves of steel to bus the little brat's around. LOL

I would last one day and they would either fire me or put me in jail. LOL

Right on Terry. My wife is a school bus driver, has been for 15 yrs. I envy her because she has summers off and a ton of holidays during the school year. I am thinking about doing what you and she does so I can have summers off also.

Congrats Terry. It's kind of funny because I just did the same thing last month. Put in my letter of resignation effective 31 Dec 07 and went home to enjoy my retirement. On the 15 Jan 08, I received a letter from my just barely former company offering me a job as a new employee, with a substantial wage increase over last year. So, on the morning of the 16 Jan 08, I went back to work with a new employee number, a new medical, dental, life insurance,and pension plan. That retirement wasn't all it was cracked up to be anyway. :)
Thanks guys, actually I got my class 2 before christmas and I've been driving the bus route the last 2 weeks and I've got a good group of kids. Hell I'm half deaf so I can't here the little christers anyway and they all know I can have them kicked off the bus if they get out of control. I booked the first 2 weeks of January off for vacation and didn't give my ex employer notice until they gave me my next assignmnent which was yesterday. They wanted me to go to Fort McMurray again and they can kiss my *** in the county square cuss that ain't going to happen. I just realized I can make all the car shows in the area this year.

The wif and I are HOPING to slow down before 60. I'd like to go to some Mopar and Olds events. Two cars double the fun.:thumbrig:

Good luck and have fun.
Congratulations Terry, enjoy your new-found leisure time! Do what YOU want to do! That would feel REAL good, wouldn't it? Especially all those car shows.... And staying up late on worknights.... And not having to set a %$#@#$% alarm clock.....

Good for you! ENJOY!!! :thumbrig:​
32 years in the industry, I QUIT!!:thumbrig:
Congratulations Terry. And well said sir:director:
Know you will have the pleasure of choosing
your time for your habits of joy:burnout:
and when to take out the trash and
get other things dun or repaired,, Wo :error:are you married and have children at home, If so I hope you have a good shop, Dog house,Hideaway.

Good news Terry. Enjoy everyday of it, You've earned it.:angel4:

Do you have any plane's you could share with us?
Thanks Mike, at least now I'll know what I'll be doing from one week to the next. As far as family goes it's just my wife Janet and I and of course the dog Sam. My oldest daughter got married 2 yrs. ago and my son has just moved out and informed us that he's getting married to a very nice girl. Gonna have this house all to our selves and maybe get the rest of the garage back after my son moves his project out.

Terry do you know the difference between a cactus and a school bus? on a cactus the little pricks are on the outside. Just kidding I love kids. I can almost remember being one. Dam seventies. Good luck with your new adventure.
Thanks Mike, at least now I'll know what I'll be doing from one week to the next. As far as family goes it's just my wife Janet and I and of course the dog Sam. My oldest daughter got married 2 yrs. ago and my son has just moved out and informed us that he's getting married to a very nice girl. Gonna have this house all to our selves and maybe get the rest of the garage back after my son moves his project out.


Same here Terry, My wife and I.:angel7:
Treva enjoys having most of the house work dune when she gets home so she can do more adventures her self.. Hope you and your family great happiness Terry.:eek:ccasion:
Terry do you know the difference between a cactus and a school bus? on a cactus the little pricks are on the outside. Just kidding I love kids. I can almost remember being one. Dam seventies. Good luck with your new adventure.

Good one daredevil, I'm trying to figure out how I can word that joke (pricks) when I radio it into dispatch tomorrow morning.

Congratulations Oak ee tokes, it takes big cajolies to make changes like that, good on ya. Could there be a hot rod school bus in the near future???
Congratulations Oak ee tokes, it takes big cajolies to make changes like that, good on ya. Could there be a hot rod school bus in the near future???

You know Sparky, now that you mention it, as a young lad I once built a model of a school bus funny car that had 2 back to back blown Hemi's in it. Kind a scary huh.
