You bikers be safe!!



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Amelia, Ohio
It's getting to be the time to get out the bikes and figured I would go ahead and post the stereotypical "be safe" thread. Some members know my story with motorcycles from a few years back with loosing a friend to being an idiot on a bike. I also had a coworker lay one down and walk away last month then over the weekend another coworker laid one down and got banged up real bad.

You can't do much about the idiots on the phones but at keep an eye out and think twice before clicking through the gears. Hitting a metal light pole without your bike at 115 isn't something your riding buddies want to see.
And for you Harley riders, from an ex Harley rider. If you just want to motor along at whatever speed you like, have the courtesy to get out of the fast lane. And for you crotch rocket riders, from one who used to ride one, don't split lanes, and please look before you pull out in front of someone. Remember, whether you are right or wrong, you will always end up losing when you tangle with other vehicles.
high attention when driving anything - but when on a "scooter" - X5! oh, and me and my old Harley - no highways - ever. 115mph!? I don't think my 4spd will do 1/2 that!! LOL
Idiots are not just in cars, bike riders should also be curtious of large vehicles.

I was pulling a trailer with a mopar on it with a 3/4 ton truck and some guy on a bike was playing hide and seek with my mirrors and following too close. He was acting like he wanted a steel trailer sandwich. When he could have got in the fast lane and left me in the dust.

So it's a two way street and we all need to help each other.

Careful out there no matter what you are driving my FABO family.
I wrecked 2 weeks ago, riding is something I loved to do, but I am done with it.
guy i know lost most of a leg few years ago in bike wreck in Springfield, Mo. he said he is done with bikes! I can't blame him!
I'm still having fun with bikes, and remember,idiots are everywhere. On a bike or in a car, it all in how you choose to roll with it. The same texting idiots will rear end your MOPAR right after you get it out of the paint booth. Then they will look at you and say "its an old car, what's the big deal?". :)