You Caint Make This **** Up

Sounds like they need a LITTLE chlorine in the gene pool. LMAO
It's cases like this that's why people have such low opinions of lawyers. She should be laughed out of every lawyers office she goes to. The only case is her dumbassness.
And the people who are also dumbasses are the ones donating to here gofundme, she's got over $13,000! The fact that she wanted to sue because it does not include "hair" just goes to show the kind of stupidity resulting in her using this in her hair in the first place. You just cant fix stupid.
I have nothing to say that won't result in a bannin'.
Where’s my free chit. One thing, we won’t have to pay off her college debt!
Ill just sit back and watch that again.....oh the horror!
Hey, Kramer's lawyer, Jackie Chiles, got him free coffee for life because it was hot. Worth a shot!:thumbsup:
Here’s the future America!!!! you should see the people I see in a daily basis. The other day I meet a guy who returned a watch because he can’t read analog watches. Lol that smart phone is really doing a number on tomorrow’s future.