You cat lovers might like this one



Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2009
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This is Bob,my wife's cat. I don't particularly care for him but I put up with him.:disgust:

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Lately he has been ranting all night long and keeping me awake so the other night I slept downstairs and closed the door.His shitter box is in the basement,but I thought he could go all night without it.The next morning I got up and got ready for work,went into the mud room to put on my coat and work boots.Put on my coat grabbed my boots and found out he had pissed on them!:angry5:
Cats flip out when they are cooped up.
My buddies cat has an unbelievable *** explosion all over his closet and ripped down all the clothes because he left it alone for 3 days. Sombich had food water and a fresh litter box. Still flipped out.

He pitched it out the 2nd story window and it was hit by a motorcycle before it hit the ground. j/k about the cycle part.

If they are solely an indoor cat it makes them more crazy I guess. If I ever have a cat it will have to spend its life outdoors eating birds and lizards to make ends meat.
[ame=""]YouTube - Cat hits Ceiling Fan[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - KITTY KILLED BY CAR[/ame]

Did I mention I hate cats!:D