You help one neighbour with their car and it snowballs.

Standard reply - I'm only certified to work on 1960's mopars. That's a tip from your uncle Lar.
I don't help my cheapskate neighbors but I used to. It's always on a 95 degree day working at the curb at 5pm right after I get home. They don't have money to fix the car but can afford to buy the teenage daughter the latest $1100 iPhone
And yet no one needs a $1,100 cell phone however the family likely has more of a need for the car. Some folks have their priorities all wrong.
I used to help my neighbors with car stuff. I've learned that they can be like stray cats -- you feed them once and they never go away. To be clear, I love helping people simply for the act of doing something kind. But when it becomes evident they have no interest in helping themselves or even trying to figure something out before asking for help, my door closes.

One neighbor came by asking for help with replacing the gas struts on his hatchback. I showed him how....I taught him for the next time he needed to do something like that. Next thing he's coming for every little thing, and even his son-in-law's car. Nope, door closed.

Another neighbor, who had just moved onto the street, asked for help repairing a broken exhaust hanger. I welded it all nice and pretty, refused payment and said, "Welcome to the neighborhood. We take care of people here." Now she won't even look at me when I try to wave. Screw you, too.
I don't know if it is a out west thing. People just aren't friendly. Lots of California transplants in my neighborhood.
Not friendly at all.
You might be onto something. 20-30, even 40 years ago, everyone knew everyone and I had been inside just about everyone's house on the street. Now, I'd say I know maybe 4-5 households out of 40 on my street and one of them is my ex. So we'll say 3-4...

Any time I visit the Midwest, I'm reminded of how things "used to be." ****, even when I went to NYC, the people were surprisingly friendly.
Same here, I will help the kids and family.
I did loan a pair of channel-locks to the neighbor lady yesterday, so she could remove the garden hose from a spicket.
She returned it no problem helping a singe mom who is helping herself, just did not have a tool for the job.