You left-handers have difficulty driving/power shifting standard?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
I am not in the least way ambidextrous, but I am right-handed. Was wondering how you left-handed drivers adapt to the gear shift being in your "weak" hand, or does one just prefer the automatic in such cases?
I just got used to it driving semi's for years. We adapt.
no problems here
if anything, us lefties are better at driving stick shifts, since we can kick the clutch better then you northpaws...and we all know that is where the real power is needed
Well I always thought it was more important to have good control of the steering wheel than the gear shifter! I have learned over the years to use a lot of tools and equipment that was designed for right handed people. Driving a standard has never been a problem.
Nope. But can't imagine what it's like to drive a Brit stick......shifting with the left hand? That's just wrong, man.
Nope. But can't imagine what it's like to drive a Brit stick......shifting with the left hand? That's just wrong, man.

Leaves your sword hand free. Duh. ;)

But a great point, there's a whole lot of people in a lot of other countries that shift left handed.
When I worked at the local speed shop as a kid, there was this black dude everybody knew and liked. He had one arm. His left. He had a 69 SS396/375 Chevelle. You guessed it. 4 speed car. That guy to this day was the fastest shiftin fool I ever saw with a 4 speed. We still talk about him. Nobody knows how he did it but he sure did.
Well I always thought it was more important to have good control of the steering wheel than the gear shifter! I have learned over the years to use a lot of tools and equipment that was designed for right handed people. Driving a standard has never been a problem.

Same here!, always felt comfortable with my left hand on the wheel and shifting with my right. Never knew any other way. Now if I could just get a left handed can opener and scissors my life would be complete. lol Lefties realize how much is made for a right handed world.
Im going to Ireland in May and renting a car so I will get to see what it is like driving on the wrong side of the road with the shifter on the wrong side as well. Should be interesting!
When I worked at the local speed shop as a kid, there was this black dude everybody knew and liked. He had one arm. His left. He had a 69 SS396/375 Chevelle. You guessed it. 4 speed car. That guy to this day was the fastest shiftin fool I ever saw with a 4 speed. We still talk about him. Nobody knows how he did it but he sure did.

It's twue it's twue! (pardon the Blazing Saddles reference)
a lot of right handed people are really left handed anyway
don't believe me?

just pretend to be shooting a hand gun, single handed (go ahead point that finger)
what hand are you using to AIM the gun with ?
now switch over to a long which hand are you aiming with?
a lot of right handed people are really left handed anyway don't believe me? just pretend to be shooting a hand gun, single handed (go ahead point that finger) what hand are you using to AIM the gun with ? now switch over to a long which hand are you aiming with?
I just did this and got very confused
When I worked at the local speed shop as a kid, there was this black dude everybody knew and liked. He had one arm. His left. He had a 69 SS396/375 Chevelle. You guessed it. 4 speed car. That guy to this day was the fastest shiftin fool I ever saw with a 4 speed. We still talk about him. Nobody knows how he did it but he sure did.

I knew a guy like that when I was in my 20's but he only had a right arm.
We called him "half fast", but you are right as that boy could bang those gears and steer the car as good as any of the rest of us.
It was amazing how fast his hand moved from the shifter to the wheel and back.
I just did this and got very confused

I have that effect on people

did you find yourself moving your right arm in and out to go from stretched handgun stance to next to your face like on the butstock of a long gun?

my point is, I'm left hand, so when I shoot a handgun, I aim with left, and pull the trigger with my left hand
when I grab a long gun, I still aim with my left hand, but now my trigger finger is on the right hand

so when I do this exercise, I only turn my left hand from holding a hand gun to supporting the barrel of a long gun

why ?
because the actual aiming is done with the left hand ergo, someone who claims to shoot a long gun right handed (right hand on the trigger, left hand on the forestock) is ACTUALLY shooting it LEFT handed
I'm left handed but use my right hand when it's more efficient to do so.

- I write left-handed.
- I throw left-handed.
- I operate a computer mouse with right hand.
- I navigate mobile phone with left hand mostly.
- I use scissors with left hand.
- Use house/car keys with right hand.
- If we had guns and rifles overhere I would shoot a gun with left hand, and also shoot(trigger) rifles with left and aim with right hand.
- I cut steak right-handed and always use fork in left hand to feed to mouth. How many of you swap hands/fork/knife while eating? That's just so inefficient and way to painful and tiring to watch.
- Also, I piss with right hand on Nr.1's and wipe with left on the Nr.2's... Yes, I'm refined and civilised! There's also no cross-contamination during my 'dual' number 1s and 2s.... :D

The only thing I can't decide on which hands to use with is baseball. I 'think' a right hand swing would feel more natural to me these days, but I remember having played baseball lefthanded in highschool. But I never play baseball anymore so its of no big deal.
Look ma, no hands!

But, to remain on topic;
I always brake with left-foot and operate throttle with right. Auto.