@Princess Valiant is what it looks like. Type the “@“ sign followed by the screen name. No spaces, unless it is in the screen name.
@ screen name.
Forget that your talking for anybody. Think and do the video like your speaking with family. Enjoy the minutes that your doing the video like, as if your younger cousins suddenly got into the car craze and also discovered MoPars.
In prep of the video, think about how you want the video to be seen in your head. Do a few quick takes if need be and sort out in your head what you want to say and how you want it to be presented. In this I mean, is it a discovery video? Teaching, a check it out video where you just show off the latest car you acquired, latest work done, etc…
In my sig below, I have a link where you can see my latest 3 video on TQ carbs and a spreadbore Holley that someone asked me to do. There shot from my cell phone. No editing, zero Pazzaz , just roll the recording and go.
There not what I would call a high quality video and with no editing since I have no idea how to yet, it was half off of the top of my head and a one take recording. Though I did try a couple of them 2 & 3 times.
Click the link in the sig and you’ll see what I mean.