yup i'm an idiot....



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Berlin,N.J. 08009
so sunday evening we decided to take the dart out for a cruise to atlantic city for some dinner.. on the way the thing is falling on its face and breaking up at about half throttle.. at about 75mph its a mess. at 70mph its fine.. driving me nuts.... the car was fine the last time i drove it..

then i remember that the RTR msd dist has a built in rev limiter and its acting almost like a rev limiter..

i find a rest stop and pull over pop the hood and there is the grey wire used to set the limiter sitting perfectly on the dist hold down to where the blade inside the connector could possible ground itself and set the limiter.... so i had jamie google the dist instructions on her phone and find out how to set the limiter.. you set it by bringing the rpm to 1/2 your desired limit and grounding that grey wire for about 1 second..

so not having any tools and not wanting to stick my hand down in that hot area i'm trying to see whats in the wires reach that i could ground it to and reset the damn limiter.. ended up getting a good enough ground on the corner of the wiper motor..lol.. so i had jamie rev the engine from inside while i grounded the wire.. the motor took off on her so she let off the throttle.. i thought she had revved it like that at first and she said it did it by itself so i figured it was reset..

slammed the hood down and ahhhh its fixed... thing must have grounded while i was cruising around town at a low rpm which set it the limiter real low..

so i guess when putting the car together and kinda rushing to get it done for ocean city last year i just let the wire hang,, should have taped the connector and tied the wire up so it couldn't do that.. guess thats what happens when you are in rush.. ya get stupid and over look something so stupid...

the rest of the ride there and home was a lot of fun... damn that thing really pulls on the highway.. :)
couple pics from down there for the hell of it..:)






Well I just learned something :) Googleing a RTR msd now Joe, glad everything worked out and you enjoyed some time in your Dart :thumbsup:
Looks like a complete and well designed unit :thumbsup: Very nice looking Dart Joe, I almost forgot you had this fine ride :thankyou:
I enjoyed the pictures of the shore. I lived in the suburbs of Philly when I was younger and remember the drive to AC.
Thanks for that picture. I'm not really an Import car guy but I had some friends in the 80s that were. A few were into Datsun 510s and Toyota Celicas.
think he said it was a 74.. i told him i thought his car was cool as hell and he was drooling over our dart..
You needed to come here for reassurance of the thread title??? :)

Car looks great and Riley is definitely getting bigger/growing up!

Good trip when it doesn't come home on a trailer/rollback.
Man nice ride 340's are stupid fast man, the fastest car I think I was in was a 340 Dart 68 maybe 69,hell I was 15 at the time,but it would set your head back into the seat,340's rock
its actually a mild 360 done up to look like a 340.. still have some fine tuning to do but it is fast little street car..
Oh I didn't know you swapped a V8 in there man that is one sweet car!! Auto or stick?