Zuckerfake is a complete failure......PhacePhlant "Marketplace"



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
In addition to the mess on C/L I've resorted (using a fake account) to searching Suckerfakebookends for boat parts and such. GeezusEffingKarieeest what a fail

You cannot put search terms in and "neg" out others---------FakerZuck's software simply does not work

You put in something as specific and unique as "Mopar" and damn near ANYTHING will pop up including an FE ferd sitting on a shipping pallet in a field of daisies.

You cannot put phone numbers in a message because Superfake REDACTS it. (I got into a message fight with some liberal here in town because I typed out "teu oh ate" for the area code 208 Otherwise it shows up as "hidden information."

Is Zuckerburg so much of an egotistical imbecile that he cannot allow phone numbers to pass in "his" messages?

Search for johnson outboard, and everything from sewing accessories to Merc and Mariners shows up


Here is the first page of a search for "Evinrude." Only a couple ads are actually on target. An old Ford truck? really?

The *** clown selling the Pford probably added the word Evenrude in just to make you look. Made you look! :poke::rofl:
Another site that does not allow phone numbers comes to mind though.....
You can if you are a Gold Member. For your internet safety I wouldn't.

Yeah, the old argument, for your safety, no phone numbers. BUT you can pay for us to ignore your safety?

No thanks.

Heaven forbid that any city ever publish a public phone book, we would all be unsafe! ;-)
I had an inactive Fakebook account that years ago my wife and oldest kid set up for me. Had it less than 12 hours. When I got up in the morning the day after they set it up, the effing thing had spiderwebbed everybody in the damn world it seemed into my account. Well that was just too uncomfortable for my liking. I deactivated the account. It went dormant until about 2 years ago when I decided I really didnt need it anyways. At that time I deleted the account completely. Zuckerberg can go Suckaturd. Wife likes her Fakebook account, and that's fine. Whatever you want to do I told her.
The *** clown selling the Pford probably added the word Evenrude in just to make you look. Made you look! :poke::rofl:

I've checked some of these "off" listings and can find no evidence of key word spam. My conclusion is as in my post....FAIL lol