Showing license plate in pictures?!?



Here we go again...
FABO Gold Member
Mar 13, 2007
Reaction score
Kansas City, Mo
I just received a friendly warning from someone that my signature pic clearly shows my license plate. That got me to thinking, why do people worry about other people seeing their license plates? I see them blurred or covered in pics all the time.

The most you could do, if you had the access to the states computer data base, is find out where I live? Big deal. Just ask, I'll tell ya. My car is very seldom here anyway, and when it is, it's locked in my garage.

I'm more worried about someone local following me to the store and stealing it than I am about someone that might be three states away. What are your guy's thoughts?
I have always thought that it was unnecessary. How many cars have you ever seen at any car show where the plate was covered up? If somebody was looking to steal a car by creating bogus paperwork you would would think that they would go to a major car show and start there.

Question to the Members: How many of you have personally been involved in a situation where somebody claimed title to your car using bogus paperwork by just having the plate number?
I blacked mine out in my gallery pics, cuz it's easy to do. That said anybody can see them while I'm on the road. I hope I'm not
That's why I carry a Sig Sauer .45 for those occasions when you have unwanted company, or trying to reason your way through a hostile situation just doesn't get the job done.
People see your tag anytime you drive your car; can't see the harm in viewing it in an online post.
For shore, paranoid...
A tag without a VIN is pretty worthless, IMHO.
Can anyone give us a verifiable case of any harm caused by knowledge of someone's tag number?
I'm not really sure why ppl do this.
I saw that some ppl were doing it and followed suit in my first pics of my car. since I was very ignorant about the automotive world, I thought they might know something I dont. But I do now think its pretty darn silly to blur it out.
the only good reason i've heard is pics of you racing or doing a track day where you might have an insurance company that would drop you if they found out. and for those that think that's paranoid, here are people on some other car forums that claim to have been dumped right after they asked their insurance company about doing a track day...
the only good reason i've heard is pics of you racing or doing a track day where you might have an insurance company that would drop you if they found out. and for those that think that's paranoid, here are people on some other car forums that claim to have been dumped right after they asked their insurance company about doing a track day...

IF you are doing something that goes directly against your insurance policy...blankin em out might be a good idea... the last thing you want to have to explain is why your "crusier" is pullin a 200 yard hole shot at the strip...and THEY got pictures to prove it.....OOOPSY insurance is likely to go a wee bit higher...past that... hundreds of people see your plate every day....big deal...blankin out a parked car's plate is a sign of OCD
Never been scared. My plates are an important part of my car. Uncirculated and correct year,yes they cost a pretty penny.


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I just received a friendly warning from someone that my signature pic clearly shows my license plate. That got me to thinking, why do people worry about other people seeing their license plates? I see them blurred or covered in pics all the time.

The most you could do, if you had the access to the states computer data base, is find out where I live? Big deal. Just ask, I'll tell ya. My car is very seldom here anyway, and when it is, it's locked in my garage.

I'm more worried about someone local following me to the store and stealing it than I am about someone that might be three states away. What are your guy's thoughts?

The only reason I do it is due to me not having a signed release to publish their picture here on FABO.
CYA more than anything but it is redundant now.
If the subjects in the pics are out in public their picture is fair game. Already established by the poparotzi with celeb photos in court.
I have been slowly not doing the tag block anymore, it's just extra editing and with the number of pics I submit to FABO, I can save about 2 months a year by not blocking plates or faces in pics anymore!! LOL!:thumbup:
i used to black mine out but who cares really my cars license plate is even on a video in you tube
I have several in the HEMI-ITIS archives:fart:


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[ame=""]YouTube - ‪66 barracuda exhaust‬‏[/ame]

who cares. not me.

Also, could you guys please like it? I feel horrible having 3 dislikes because I did something that some people disagreed with. :D as it says in the description i did run it for about 5-10 min before doing this. The carburator that was on it at the time was a pos which is why it was acting up and made the car nigh undriveable. I have since got a new one, and the car no longer does that. That being said, I feel kinda cool getting it to run again after it nearly died at one point.

EDIT: thanks for liking it once, whoever did that. I feel like less of a failure.
I never have blacked mine out. The vin could be a different story though. Even that may not be a big deal. I just don't know. Had that Galen Gover or what ever his name is leave his card on my car at a show saying he may have taken a pic of my vin and or fender tag. Was not to happy about that.
No worries. Thieves are not diligent enough to spend time tracking down prey. They are opportunist rats that grab things on the spur of the moment for their next drug fix. Most burglars live in the same neighborhood, often relatives or aquaintances. If more motivated, they would have finished school and gotten a job.

I am not too worried about giving out my phone no. or address since listed in the phone book anyway. Everybody passing on the street gets recorded on motion-sensitive video. Those simplify police investigations as more people install them. Some claim "community policing" dropped crime rates in the 90's. I think cell phones, along with AIDS culling the drug addicts were the main reasons. As technology improves it gets harder to be a criminal.
I blame 64Dart170 for my compulsive license plate Just kidding.

To be honest, I cover my license plate for the same reason I don't have facebook, myspace, etc. I like my privacy. I don't want some noodle on the net using my pictures to find out my name and where I live. Call me paranoid, but I sleep better knowing that I'm not advertising a little info about myself which could come back to haunt me down the road.
More dangerous is the picture locator that puts the location of your pictures out there for people with the right software to see. They know exactly where your garage is that you took that pic of your car in. In your iphone you can shut off location services so they dont know where photos are taken. I would like to see some Sob try and steal my car. Always have the garage blocked with 2 other cars so they would need multiple wreckers. I will shoot first and ask questions later.