It was the HUGE trash talk cun-frun-TA-shun LOL



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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So I'm runnin some errands, and I turn into the "station". Because of the activity in the islands, I drove up by the building, around the island, and into the far lane so the filler would be on the correct side.

So EXACTLY at the moment that I pull into this lane, here come a GREAT big "boy'n da hood" 'n 'es trashy skinny white sidekick, in a Great Big Uhaul van

So the kid gets 'es head out the window, an 'es like, 'Hey, .........Hey!! HEY!! Ya wanna move that, like 'er's a pump 'awright oda THAR


"Are you PAYING me for this?"

And the rant was on. I sat right there, swiped my card filled 'er up, and had to listen to "boy'n da hood" n 'es trashy white sidekick splain how UGLY I was, how I got a GIRL in da seat, n I tell ya, it was GREAT.

I asked him at one point "you wanna talk to a cop 'cause I can arrange that real quick"

Well "no we don' need no copps 'n stuff"

In their defense, they were smart (or lucky) enough to stay in their Great Big U 'all

I don't know where these two had been or where they were goin' but with attitudes and high pressure like that, ONE of em is gonna have a stroke before t' day is over
you are so brave to stand your ground .....I would have moved.

When guys act like thugs really really scares me and try to get out of their way. I don't get why guys in my near by town have to act so stupid ....they hit on you and act so domineering like they are gang people or something. They would probably get a better response by being more polite and more people would like them.

In auto school I used to run into that problem a lot.......guys thinking they are tough guys and they would talk real close to my face to scare me and mess with me. Like they think they own everywhere because one guy made me eat lunch away from my normal spot just because he wanted to be a jerk.

Please be careful with those crazy guys......they are not sane.
not uncommon to get shot nowadays for something like that.
my how times have changed
Please be careful with those crazy guys......they are not sane.

That's why you pack a pistol, just in case you actually do run into one of the real crazies. If I'm by myself, sure I get nervous. As long as I'm not by myself in one of those situations, I'm fine. Hate people like that though.
I would have called the cops and told them you smelled a strong smell of marijuana coming from the truck
People....aint they great??? Got hit up for "spare change" a few weeks ago...just told the fellow that I had to bust my azz to earn my retirement suggested he did the same....
I think they act like that because it's gotten them their way in the past.
It is like that everywhere. People are always lookin for a fight.
It is like that everywhere. People are always lookin for a fight.

Yes, and with the popularity of 'reality' shows it gets worse. The shows want the "problem child" to cause trouble and drama to get higher ratings. Then the idiots who watch that crap think that it is the proper way to act towards people... :finga:

Then you get these rappers trying to glorify being a "gangsta" and rap about carrying guns and getting into street and gun fights. And the people listening to them want to be like them. Then they whine when their rap star "hero" gets gunned down in an after hours night club arguement....

I'm not trying to bash rap or anyone who listens to it. You have a right to listen to whatever you like. But rappers are the only "singers" that I know of that regularly get killed in gunfights vs rock, country, jazz, classical, etc....

Rock stars are more famous for dying from OD'ing on drugs or alcohol, not killed by guns.
I think it's more stubborn than brave

Ha ha ha...To recognize the problem is half the battle. I am with you though! My 60 year old mouth thinks it is 25 sometimes. Fortunate for me so far it is loud and my face gets red. Most who see me run because my face is red and they think I am about to explode and no one wants to clean up the mess.
Those 2 gonnie-goo-goo's are the same 2, you'll see in a day with their U-all all busted to shyt.......From pullin out in front of an 18 Wheeler cuz they thought they, were bigger....... LMAO
Sig P227. They are amazing and are SA/DA. Oh and hollow points only.
Maybe these guys were thinkin' "Is that a mouse in your pants or are you just unhappy to see us?" LOL
KLCR, my friend

i see why you are more brave and more stubborn....:hmph:

my cousin is worried about and wants me to carry something but the problem is that i am kinda clumsy and nervous with weapons and i dont really want it.....and the recoil of a .22 kicks my butt.

Thats why i just avoid confrontation .....bullies are a real problem in the United States and unfortuneatly, they usually pick on someone smaller and weaker than them to feel like real tough guys.

when they pick on you, they figure "old man cant do anything" not that you are old but in the mind of a punk, they are superior to older, wiser more experienced people.

Punks is so dumb :tongue3:
Rani, I don't want to turn this into a political rant, not at all. But my attitude is that if "just two" honest people who were up on their use, their technique, in either the theater shooting in your state, or EG the shooting of Senator Giffords, things "might have been" different.

Due to my work schedule, I was once mugged, and nearly mugged again. The last one would not have been pretty. It was a momentary lapse at a convenience store which in the daylight hours was "perfectly safe." I managed to get back in the car, locked and running, before "the bois" made it across the lot from behind the building.

But there was no doubt as to where they were headed or what they had intended. This is back in the day when I was not too afraid to take one guy on. Two this size? No.

This was before concealed carry, or even pepper spray was tolerated, encouraged, or allowed.

But if you don't feel comfortable with "it" then you should not. On the other hand we all would hate to read that you had become a statistic in some way.
I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. It also might help that our 3 sons have the assistant D.A. as a scoutmaster. People need to stand up to these scumbags and not let them get their way. A friend back in Louisiana had his house broken into. The 3 scumbags were arrested. After they bonded out, he ran into one in a store parking lot. The punk taunted my friend and threatened his family. My friend calmly went into the store and made sure plenty witnesses saw what happened, then called the cops. The stupid punk picked up a felony for intimidating a witness! He got an extra 5 years with no parole. The cops told my friend he should have shot him.
Smith 636,2" stainless 357 with ballistic stars.up close it'll blow a hole big enough to piss in.i will not tolerate threats from anyone as I was bullied growing up I a naborhood of older thugs.i learned to fight by no choose it was a daily *** kicking on the skinny kid they called only started to stop when I stood up for myself and stopped running and started faceing off with a gang there bad asses,but individually there punks.i would have stuck the nozzle in the window and filled them up!
Oh!bear spray from gander mountain.pepper spray is like Kool- aid compared to this stuff and it will spray like 30 ft away like a water hose and all you need to be is close once in the air it's brutal
i see why you are more brave and more stubborn....:hmph:

my cousin is worried about and wants me to carry something but the problem is that i am kinda clumsy and nervous with weapons and i dont really want it.....and the recoil of a .22 kicks my butt.

yeah, don't carry a .22 as your only protection
but if you do, make sure you file the sight off the barrel so it doesn't hurt when they shove it up your bum :D