Personal improvment project


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
Ok, some people might think its strange but something I have been doing for quite a few years now is a personal improvement project related to the model year schedule that Ma mopar typically kept in the muscle era.

Typically July 31/August 1 was the model year. Some cars had varied release dates but typically this was mostly kept as standard.

Presumably, product planners spent considerable time before planning the options and accessories and general layout of the next years model to keep pace with federal mandates and competition. And also they plan on which parts can be carried over to save a bit of re-tooling and production cost.

So how that relates to me is, every July 31/ August 1, I plan like a product planner how I am going to improve the next "year". With that goes considerable time planning the changes I can make to myself, some little, some big to enhance the next "year"

Some of the small changes include but not limited to:
A new hairstyle.
New style changes in clothes.
Maybe implement a new flavor of standard soda to keep the fridge stocked with.
Try to put a new habit such as exercise on the newly revised "option list"
Try to "discontinue" a bad habit.

More major changes include but not limited to:
I usually pick three people in my life who are not really doing me any good and they become "discontinued"

I also pick three people in my life who i feel should become a fixture on the "option list" and perhaps I should spend more with them and put more effort into the friendship.

Maybe start working on new goals and rid myself of previous goals made but maybe they are not working out for any number of reasons.

And of course, following the operation of the factory..... if a "new option" is not working out or something was forgotten, there is always "calendar year revisions" (Jan 1 ) and also "mid-year revisions" (usually 2nd or 3rd week in march) to add or drop a new idea.

So the new "model year" is just a few weeks away so no time like the present to get into "product planning" mode and roll out the new and improved me for 2015 :D

Anyone else had any kind of similar self improvement ideas??
That's a great idea Rani. I could use a little ''retooling" myself. tmm
now I know why I was kicked off your friends list, I was "discontinued" like a bad ignition switch
I usually pick three people in my life who are not really doing me any good and they become "discontinued"

Anyone else had any kind of similar self improvement ideas??

As in exterminate?
Most importantly there was also cost savings every year so don't forget that.
I must have been discontinued. I notice you don't want me for President anymore. Oh well.
This is way too complicated for me. I have trouble just getting up in the morning.

Since it's obvious I won't live long enough to ever drive my Dart again............


My "personal goal" is to get this old CT90 going again.

I'm gonna try to improve my drinking skills. Then maybe those three people I need to discontinue will seem valuable again..
Imagine that. My birthdate is 08-01 and I schedule various things to happen on that date. Most prominent example, DemonIVR website was launched on my 50th birthday.
now I know why I was kicked off your friends list, I was "discontinued" like a bad ignition switch

LOL, I don't know how that happened I don't remember deleting anyone from my friends list .....although I assumed that you didn't like me.

Either way, glad to see you back and posting again......hope all is going well.
This is way too complicated for me. I have trouble just getting up in the morning.

Since it's obvious I won't live long enough to ever drive my Dart again............

hey, don't be so pessimist........a young person can go before you so don't say that :protest:

Plus your not THAT old ....shhhheeeez you make it sound like your older than the hills.

even its hard to get up in the morning ....just remember, at least you do wake up and get going............eventually. :D
I must have been discontinued. I notice you don't want me for President anymore. Oh well.

well you said you didn't want to run......I figured it would have been a landslide with you at the wheel and Stubby as your vice-president.
LOL, I don't know how that happened I don't remember deleting anyone from my friends list .....although I assumed that you didn't like me.

Either way, glad to see you back and posting again......hope all is going well.

why would you assume such a thing? I have seen nothing but good stuff from you :D

things are going very well , just been super busy, I hope all is well with you
well you said you didn't want to run......I figured it would have been a landslide with you at the wheel and Stubby as your vice-president.

No, that's not what I said at all.
I could never be so organized. I have gotten kind of used to being overwhelmed
with more to do than I can ever get done though. Gotta start
In the next 3-6 months;

Relocate about 4000 miles & buy a house with enough flat land for mini-car shows.

Set up an outbuilding for my cars.

Start an upholstery business & transportation museum.

Go to as many local car shows as possible.

If time allows, I may even start dating again.