Led Zeppelin is going away, so get it while you can.



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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I'm not much of a Zeppelin fan, but I know there is a large following so here's the deal.
I collected pretty much everything they recorded in non protected MP3 format and uploaded it to my server for people that wanted it.
It is a zipped file and about 590 megabytes and free for download from here if anyone would care to have it.
Since they are unprotected files you can listen, burn to CD, copy or move them to different players however you feel like using them.
Click it, save it, unzip it, own it for free.
This is no joke or trick of any kind, but just a truckload of Led Zeppelin.


And a huge Beatles collection here.
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I'm not much of a Zeppelin fan, but I know there is a large following so here's the deal.
I collected pretty much everything they recorded in non protected MP3 format and uploaded it to my server for people that wanted it.
It is a zipped file and about 590 megabytes and free for download from here if anyone would care to have it.
Since they are unprotected files you can listen, burn to CD, copy or move them to different players however you feel like using them.
Click it, save it, unzip it, own it for free.
This is no joke or trick of any kind, but just a truckload of Led Zeppelin.


awesome thanks
Thanks, I snatched that right up.
Feel free to share any others.

I have a lot of varying styles of music, but no collections really other than the Beatles including studio practice recordings where they were trying to figure out how songs like Sexy Sadie and Yellow Submarine were going to go.
Probably have 10-12 Beatles albums in MP3 format.

Ok, I just looked and it's 1.2 gigs and 23 albums. :D
I have a lot of varying styles of music, but no collections really other than the Beatles including studio practice recordings where they were trying to figure out how songs like Sexy Sadie and Yellow Submarine were going to go.
Probably have 10-12 Beatles albums in MP3 format.

Ok, I just looked and it's 1.2 gigs and 23 albums. :D
Beatles! I love the Beatles!
But I'm kinda all over the place with my tastes! But you can't go wrong with classic rock.
Beatles! I love the Beatles!
But I'm kinda all over the place with my tastes! But you can't go wrong with classic rock.
It's going to take a bit to upload it, but I'll start it right now and reply or shoot you a message when it's ready to download.
Beatles! I love the Beatles!
But I'm kinda all over the place with my tastes! But you can't go wrong with classic rock.

Yea, me too.
I posted the download link for the Beatles above and was listening to "Let's Dance" and "Take out some insurance on me baby" from the In the beginning album.
Good classic stuff man. :D
MP3s suck. It is not the same To listen to Zeppelin or the Beatles With Digital Technology. Must Get original Vinyl.
Been listening to the same Zeppelin songs on the radio for 40 years. If I have to listen to another Zeppelin song I think I'll have to drive a nail into my forehead.
MP3s suck. It is not the same To listen to Zeppelin or the Beatles With Digital Technology. Must Get original Vinyl.

Been listening to the same Zeppelin songs on the radio for 40 years. If I have to listen to another Zeppelin song I think I'll have to drive a nail into my forehead.

Well then I suggest you both NOT download them.:D
What about the CDs that are in .wav format?
Original Analog Vinyl just cant be topped. Especially records in MONO. CDs sound good and We have much Easier ways to listen to music and get music now which is good but the Sound Just cant compare to Real Vinyl or Cassettes.
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count me in on the "Stairway" Hate! LOL

The rest of them are OK. More reason to grab this and nuke the POS you can't stand.

Original Analog Vinyl just cant be topped. Especially records in MONO. CDs sound good and We have much Easier ways to listen to music and get music now which is good but the Sound Just cant compare to Real Vinyl or Cassettes.

I was with you until you said the dirty word, cassette. I've never heard a cassette that sounded as good as a CD let alone vinyl. 4 track Cassette tape is just not wide enough to hold the dynamics of vinyl or for that matter a CD.
Now, reel to reel, that's a different animal altogether.
I was with you until you said the dirty word, cassette. I've never heard a cassette that sounded as good as a CD let alone vinyl. 4 track Cassette tape is just not wide enough to hold the dynamics of vinyl or for that matter a CD.
Now, reel to reel, that's a different animal altogether.

Dolby DBX with a metal tape was great, some said they could hear "breathing", I never did even though the technology was a compression and re-expansion. The signal to noise was pretty darn good for the 80's early 90's.

Not to hi jack, reason for my post is to say THANKS to TrailBeast for taking the time to post THE MIGHTY ZEP!!! I will be downloading directly : )
Thank you. Listening to battle of evermore right now. Wow this took me right back to the mid 80s for me. I downloaded every zep song you had. Gonna play these in my shop, and jacked in on my different vehicles radios
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Thanks @TrailBeast !

I down loaded the Zep files and listened to them to and from work today. Good stuff!

I tried to download the Beatles files (I'm a big Beatles fan) but it keeps coming up as an invalid file and won't unzip. I tried it several times, but no go. :(
Thanks @TrailBeast !

I down loaded the Zep files and listened to them to and from work today. Good stuff!

I tried to download the Beatles files (I'm a big Beatles fan) but it keeps coming up as an invalid file and won't unzip. I tried it several times, but no go. :(
Same here, I thought it was me!