Spinal Cord Stimulator



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Who has one? Seen 2 different surgeons. Both said a fusion is out, have a disc that is herniated towards the nerve area causing a serious amount of compression on the nerves. Nothing he can do about the herniation because of where it is. Also was told that the disc above it has experienced some slippage so if I were to find a doc that would fuse L4-5 that L-3 will pay the price for it.
All of the crap that was done at the pain clinic I was seeing is starting to wear off. Have exceeded what most docs call a safe amount of steroid injections per year so no more injections.
Truly hopeful that Wednesday brings good news as all my docs have said that this is pretty much the end of the road in finding relief.
Please spare the have you tried pot comments. This is not an occasional pain. This is 24/7/365 pain. What am I going to do, spend my entire life stoned? Besides, I DID try pot. Did absolutely nothing. Well, that's not true. Part of my mental health troubles is paranoid. Tried CBD. No help. Tried several chiropractors, nothing. Tried massage, nothing.
If you could get to the Master Acupuncturist that I go to he would have a very good chance of stopping the pain. He's been doing acupuncture for over 30/40 years and has been awarded the "Master" designation because he knows everything about acupuncture and herbal medicine there is to know. He has helped me numerous times in stopping excruciating/debilitating pain. I wouldn't trust anyone else. He helped me when all the doctors couldn't help and all they wanted to do is operate!! Master Choi always tells me that if they operate it leaves scar tissue behind and makes it more difficult for the acupuncture to work so I always go to him first when I have pain. Good luck with your search.
I have, I had the Stimulator put in on July 30 2019, the best move I've made. I was in a car accident in the late 80's, and have been in pain like you for far to many years, I've taken all the drugs, had all the shots, some worked for awhile some didn't and surgery was not an option for me, when everything stopped working my Doctor and me decided to try the Spinal Stimulator and it was, at least for me a miracle, so I had it surgically implanted, I've been doing very good since, Now I am going to be 62 shortly so I won't tell you I'm doing summer salts or running the mile but I do feel I have my life back as far as getting done what I need to with out PAIN. The only problem now is the withdrawal coming off the Morphine, Oxy and the rest of the damn drugs I was on. When that is over with Oh boy the fun begins! If you need anymore Information just ask and I will do my best to help. Great photos you post, keep it up.

I have, I had the Stimulator put in on July 30 2019, the best move I've made. I was in a car accident in the late 80's, and have been in pain like you for far to many years, I've taken all the drugs, had all the shots, some worked for awhile some didn't and surgery was not an option for me, when everything stopped working my Doctor and me decided to try the Spinal Stimulator and it was, at least for me a miracle, so I had it surgically implanted, I've been doing very good since, Now I am going to be 62 shortly so I won't tell you I'm doing summer salts or running the mile but I do feel I have my life back as far as getting done what I need to with out PAIN. The only problem now is the withdrawal coming off the Morphine, Oxy and the rest of the damn drugs I was on. When that is over with Oh boy the fun begins! If you need anymore Information just ask and I will do my best to help. Great photos you post, keep it up.


Sounds like you are exactly the person Doug needs advice from. May God bless you as you come off those strong drugs and continue to bless your recovery. That's great news.
Thanks Rusty, that means a lot to me. By the way I like your'e, You can't bolt on skill. Awesome!

If you could get to the Master Acupuncturist that I go to he would have a very good chance of stopping the pain. He's been doing acupuncture for over 30/40 years and has been awarded the "Master" designation because he knows everything about acupuncture and herbal medicine there is to know. He has helped me numerous times in stopping excruciating/debilitating pain. I wouldn't trust anyone else. He helped me when all the doctors couldn't help and all they wanted to do is operate!! Master Choi always tells me that if they operate it leaves scar tissue behind and makes it more difficult for the acupuncture to work so I always go to him first when I have pain. Good luck with your search.
When I lived in AZ I was seeing a Master Acupuncturist, can't remember his name. He worked wonders on my wrist pain, only problem I had was paying for it. I seen him for a couple of years...until I got to the point that unless I saw him Monday-Wednesday-Friday...at $65 a day...I was getting no relief. Fast forward several years, I had a nerve conduction test done on both wrists. The left side...well....was plugged up like a cheap toilet :lol:. Right side was not much better. Doc, Dr. Horn, that did the carpal tunnel said he was surprised I did not suffer any permanent nerve damage. My wrists have started getting very sore again. Went and had another nerve conduction study done. Went back to see Dr. Horn. He looked at the results..and my cervical MRI...said that I am going to need to get my cervical issues addressed as that is what is causing the numbness in my wrists and fingers.

I have, I had the Stimulator put in on July 30 2019, the best move I've made. I was in a car accident in the late 80's, and have been in pain like you for far to many years, I've taken all the drugs, had all the shots, some worked for awhile some didn't and surgery was not an option for me, when everything stopped working my Doctor and me decided to try the Spinal Stimulator and it was, at least for me a miracle, so I had it surgically implanted, I've been doing very good since, Now I am going to be 62 shortly so I won't tell you I'm doing summer salts or running the mile but I do feel I have my life back as far as getting done what I need to with out PAIN. The only problem now is the withdrawal coming off the Morphine, Oxy and the rest of the damn drugs I was on. When that is over with Oh boy the fun begins! If you need anymore Information just ask and I will do my best to help. Great photos you post, keep it up.

I will have some questions for you, I am sure. Funny you should mention the meds. He has told me that he things that I can, assuming the simulator works, that I should be able to wean myself off of them at home. I have a friend at the race track that was addicted, not defendant but addicted, to Oxy & Morphine. I have a lunch date planned with him, he wants some sort of image that is going to be something completely new to me for the owner of the car he helps with. He has told me that he wants to talk to me about what it was like getting off the meds. His doc wanted him to go into a rehab facility, he refused. He was leery that they would just be replacing one med with another.
My Dad had a gutter business. One of his employees was a ****** addict. Lee lived in my parents basement. Have many memories of going down to the Methadone Clinic. Lee used to park by the falls in Patterson. Every morning I watched him come out of the clinic, walk down the street and duck into and alley...can only imagine what he was doing. Lee died at 38 years of age....from heart failure from the drugs.
My buddy in AZ....he has given up on busting my balls about being on the Oxys. He lost a childhood friend to them. She too had a back problem. She was taking double what I am. She died a few years back. Apparently the pain clinic felt she no longer needed the pain meds...so she ended up on street drugs....the "oxy" she had gotten off of the street was laced with fetanyl.
Jeff...seeing as how you are traveling what appears to be the same path I have a question for you. At what point does one that is suffering from a pretty sever level of pain....and is taking prescription drugs for it....at what point does one cross the line from dependent to addicted? My wife, my primary care doc and my shrink all have told me that I have not crossed that line...but I can't help but wonder.
That's funny....When my acupuncturist fixes a pain problem it stays fixed. If fact, when he fixed my sciatica pain problem it has never returned. I actually could not walk without being supported by two people. After Master Choi needled me 7 times (1978) the pain disappeared...that was 30 years ago. I did lift an engine block (by hand) years later (1985) and the pain returned for about 30 seconds until I felt a tingling sensation at every point that Master Choi had inserted a needle. The tingling continued for about 30 seconds until the pain disappeared. Since then it has never returned and I've lifted extremely heavy items with no pain over the years. I have told many people about the tingling sensation and how it made the pain go away years after Master Choi had done the treatments....no one believes me???? You'd have to experience it to believe it!!:thumbsup:
Doug, the best I can tell you is I have been taking these Meds for years, it started with mild and as time went by they got stronger and stronger, the mild ones were easy to stop, but then I was put on 100 micrograms of Fentynol every three days for almost three years with other drugs, when I came off that the withdrawal was freaking insane, I did it by myself at home, I swear it took almost to weeks and I think I got maybe 10 hours sleep in that time, I was Addicted but don't let that word bother you or let people shame you, I was addicted to having LESS PAIN which some self righteous people don't want to understand. It was hard but I reasoned that, I am a big boy, I can handle this and I did. Than I was put on the 100 mg Morphine twice a day with 20 mg oxy's as needed with other meds mixed in too. I'm going through the same withdrawal as before but what the hell I've done it before and lived so lets have some fun again, right? Now I have the Pain stimulater and Holy **** I can't believe it, I feel awesome. As soon as this withdrawal is past I'm sure I'll feel even better! Now I really can't answer about crossing that line as it is different for most folks. What I want you to understand is, you are taking what ever Medications to help you get on with your life don't let some Assholes tell you taking drugs is bad, You, me and many others need help with pain that most people can't even imagine and some of us get addicted, you have got to be strong, the withdrawal won't kill you, it sucks really bad but you will be fine, be strong, being on all them Meds SUCKS. My best to you. From reading your posts I can tell your a good guy, you'll be fine.

I feel for ya.
The injections never worked for more than a month for me. Went thru 3 rounds and I still was on the drugs. The drugs work but you pay a price over the long term and they lose effectiveness.
For me it took almost a year to find a surgeon to try to give me some relief. It took three try's to find someone and then you have to get updated pictures. I had a L2 thru L5 Laminectomy and I had a hernia too. Didn't even show up on the MRI's. Now I get the nerves burned and it last for almost a year. Next step is a stimulator but I have been dragging my feet on that but I might have to think more serious about it in the spring.
I guess my advice is to keep looking for a surgeon to try and stabilize your spine and then more conventional treatments will have a better chance of working.
i was crippled / dragging one leg for nearly a year.Had surgery to remove some of the disc content from L5/S1 and have been very fortunate for the last 37 years.Played hockey, split all my fire wood yearly, extended canoe / portage trips with only 3 major flare-ups.Get many professional opinions if you can.
All the best to you..nothing worse than full time back pain.
i had a trial one put in in may 2009 seemed to work well went ahead and had a permenant put in in sept 2009 has let me finish my car and walk around without stick but like anything if you push yourself or it you will pay with pain,
i have a 5kg weight limit which means i could not do very many things so mine is pushed frequently but i see a pain specialist who takes everything knto consideration including any other medications you are on, as i am anti depressants they were affecting the uptake of the codeine in the panadiene forte i was on so he changed medications 2 or 3 times to get a combination that works, mine is due to a work injury in 2003, i had a fusion of s1 l5 l4 in september 2005, it took till 2007 to get the government health service's insurer to agree it was work related and cover me after initially accepting liability upto 2004, then it was the legal $h!t fight to get covered again.
summing up i love my stimulator but it goes flat on me in about 3 days
i had a trial one put in in may 2009 seemed to work well went ahead and had a permenant put in in sept 2009 has let me finish my car and walk around without stick but like anything if you push yourself or it you will pay with pain,
i have a 5kg weight limit which means i could not do very many things so mine is pushed frequently but i see a pain specialist who takes everything knto consideration including any other medications you are on, as i am anti depressants they were affecting the uptake of the codeine in the panadiene forte i was on so he changed medications 2 or 3 times to get a combination that works, mine is due to a work injury in 2003, i had a fusion of s1 l5 l4 in september 2005, it took till 2007 to get the government health service's insurer to agree it was work related and cover me after initially accepting liability upto 2004, then it was the legal $h!t fight to get covered again.
summing up i love my stimulator but it goes flat on me in about 3 days
When I was seeing the Surgeons PA she was pretty confident I was heading towards the same S-1/L-4/L-5 fusion. When I seen the surgeon he said otherwise. Dealing with the insurance is hopefully something I wont have to do as Medicare is good at covering everything. I kept my insurance from the USPS so I have no co-pay or deductible, if Medicare covers it my secondary picks up the balance. How do you charge the stimulator?
I seen my primary care doc today for my monthly fix. We spent some time talking about the stimulator. He told me has several patients with them, and they all work fairly well. He did tell me that all of his patients that have one were able to lower....and in several cases get rid of entirely....the effing pain meds.
Good luck! I hope the stimulator is as successful for you as it has been for others.
They charge right thru your skin by you abdomen. At least that's what it said on the CD my pain doc gave to me.
mine i use either a belt with a pocket on it or a double sided adhesive pad that sticks to the recharger and then sticks over the stimulator box mine is in my right hip buttock area and you can feel it through the skin it recharges by magnetic induction, the recharger sits in a holder attached to mains power and when you need it you take it out of its holder and use either method to hold it over the stimulator box, i find the adhesive patches better as when it beeps that it is not sitting correctly or is finished charging my wife tells me i'am beeping as the tone is just at the same frequency i have trouble hearing.
My fusion surgery was done under our medicare system as i was still fighting workers compensation insurance after they had decided to deny the claim after paying for 12 months, it took 3 years of legal wrangling to get them to reinstate the covergae at the time, of i had of been covered for the surgery i would have had 3 to 4 weeks post surgery rehab in hospital an ambulance ride home and ongoing rehab, under our medicare i got 4 days in hospital and a ride home in my car with my wife driving.
They managed to give my bed away while i was in surgery, i,woke up in the ward and nearly had a heart attack (i'am a cardiac specialist nurse) i look up to the right side of my bed and see a glass bottle and iv lines wrapped in aluminium foil (usually used for a specific cardiac drug) the first thought was what have they done to me, turns out the only bed they could get for me was in the post bypass ward. I can laugh about it now but i was pretty shocked when it occured
I have five herniated discs in my back... L1-2-3 and two above those. Plus a bad sacroilliac joint. And spinal stenonsis. And arthritis in abount every joint know to man.

Had a shoulder replacement in '09 that needs a little tune-up work. And the other shoulder has a tear.

I got the right shoulder scoped by a neophyte tech last October. Had instant pain right away. My surgeon thought I had an infection in that joint which is not a good thing. I had surgery scheduled to have my left knee replaced but cancelled that because of the infection in the shoulder.

One month before my scheduled shoulder surgery (they were going to yank out my new shoulder, put me in a concrete cast and wait 3 months for the infection to go bye-bye) the pain stopped. 90% anyway. I cancelled both surgeries... a new shoulder and a new knee in one summer was too much to handle.

Had the right knee replaced three years ago and the left one is bone on bone but, surprisingly, does not give me much pain. But I'm sure that will change.

All that plus I have normal pressure hydrocephally (water on the brain) that will likely move up the onset of dementia if I live that long.

There's actually more stuff that affects me but I keep on keeping on. I worked 58 hours in three days this week...I'll work four 14 hour days next week. It's a ***** being retired!
Just left the pain clinic. Have 3 options, one is a pain pump. Simply not going to happen as I need to get off of my pain meds prior to the trial of it.
Second option, which is where we are going to start....
Vertiflex Inc. - Spinal Medical Device - Minimally Invasive
They will be placed between L3-4, L4-5 and L-1. They simply jack up your vertebrae, replacing the space lost to degenerative disc disease. Hopefully this will reduce the load placed on my herniated disc. If I don't get the results I'm after we will then have the trial stimulator put in.
Before any of this happens I need to go get cleared by a shrink.
Just left the pain clinic. Have 3 options, one is a pain pump. Simply not going to happen as I need to get off of my pain meds prior to the trial of it.
Second option, which is where we are going to start....
Vertiflex Inc. - Spinal Medical Device - Minimally Invasive
They will be placed between L3-4, L4-5 and L-1. They simply jack up your vertebrae, replacing the space lost to degenerative disc disease. Hopefully this will reduce the load placed on my herniated disc. If I don't get the results I'm after we will then have the trial stimulator put in.
Before any of this happens I need to go get cleared by a shrink.
Interesting stuff. I hope you find relief soon.
Geez, I thought my Degenerative discs and plantar faciitis was bad. You guys are amazing . Keep swinging!
I have five herniated discs in my back... L1-2-3 and two above those. Plus a bad sacroilliac joint. And spinal stenonsis. And arthritis in abount every joint know to man.

Had a shoulder replacement in '09 that needs a little tune-up work. And the other shoulder has a tear.

I got the right shoulder scoped by a neophyte tech last October. Had instant pain right away. My surgeon thought I had an infection in that joint which is not a good thing. I had surgery scheduled to have my left knee replaced but cancelled that because of the infection in the shoulder.

One month before my scheduled shoulder surgery (they were going to yank out my new shoulder, put me in a concrete cast and wait 3 months for the infection to go bye-bye) the pain stopped. 90% anyway. I cancelled both surgeries... a new shoulder and a new knee in one summer was too much to handle.

Had the right knee replaced three years ago and the left one is bone on bone but, surprisingly, does not give me much pain. But I'm sure that will change.

All that plus I have normal pressure hydrocephally (water on the brain) that will likely move up the onset of dementia if I live that long.

There's actually more stuff that affects me but I keep on keeping on. I worked 58 hours in three days this week...I'll work four 14 hour days next week. It's a ***** being retired!

Few months back I was in Costco with the wife...I was leaning on a pallet when an older guy stopped and asked how I was. We got to talking...he had mentioned that he had several joints replaced...and they all had some sort of bone infection set in. Don't remember the specifics but he mentioned that bone infections are somewhat common in joint replacements. When I saw your comment about the concrete cast that is what made me remember him.
My shoulder doc has mentioned that I am going to need an aftermarket shoulder at some point, but with my rotator cuff starting to go the therapy is going to be a bit on the long side...she mentioned a year is not uncommon. I fell, out of bed, a while back and jammed my arm into a night stand. The fall caused some disc damage. I ended up at the guy that did my carpal tunnel surgery. My thumb, pointer and middle finger on my left hand have numb tips. Doc said that the cervical damage is the cause, and that the cervical area that is damaged causes shoulder pain, chest pains and shortness of breath....depending on how things go with my wifes recovery I very well may be having my cervical area looked at while she is recovering.
If I had known I was going to be this torn up at the the age of 53 I wold not have worked jobs that required repetitive motion....
Few months back I was in Costco with the wife...I was leaning on a pallet when an older guy stopped and asked how I was. We got to talking...he had mentioned that he had several joints replaced...and they all had some sort of bone infection set in. Don't remember the specifics but he mentioned that bone infections are somewhat common in joint replacements. When I saw your comment about the concrete cast that is what made me remember him.
My shoulder doc has mentioned that I am going to need an aftermarket shoulder at some point, but with my rotator cuff starting to go the therapy is going to be a bit on the long side...she mentioned a year is not uncommon. I fell, out of bed, a while back and jammed my arm into a night stand. The fall caused some disc damage. I ended up at the guy that did my carpal tunnel surgery. My thumb, pointer and middle finger on my left hand have numb tips. Doc said that the cervical damage is the cause, and that the cervical area that is damaged causes shoulder pain, chest pains and shortness of breath....depending on how things go with my wifes recovery I very well may be having my cervical area looked at while she is recovering.
If I had known I was going to be this torn up at the the age of 53 I wold not have worked jobs that required repetitive motion....
Just remind then to fix the cervical NOT the cervix....