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  1. harrisonm

    Site sucks for mobile users because of ads

    OK You convinced me. I'm going gold.
  2. harrisonm

    Who wants the red X back?

    Me too. I have gotten a red X for saying something so bland and obviously correct that I was shocked. Like if you say, "I like my 340. I think is a great blend of power and decent mileage." and you get a red X. And you ask the person why, and you get no answer.
  3. harrisonm

    Get rid of the like button

    I like the direction this thread has taken. I can always use a good laugh.
  4. harrisonm

    Who wants the red X back?

    I don't need it. If I disagree with someone, I will explain it to them as nicely as possible, and we normally have a nice exchange. When I did hit the red X, it was usually for something I really disagreed with and the person was acting like a total *** clown. Even then, I still let them know...
  5. harrisonm

    Get rid of the like button

    True, True, True. Young kids today are NOT being taught how to communicate in person at all. They are OK with social media communications, because there are NO concerns for politeness, grammar spelling, punctuation and capital letters. Their official written communication skills are another...
  6. harrisonm

    What happened to the red X option

    Only if it is the politically correct color. It can't be yellow, white, black brown or red. Would green offend the Irish? Would orange offend people from Tennessee? Blue would be good. Only the Smurfs would be offended, and who cares what they think.
  7. harrisonm

    What happened to the red X option

    Agreed. Most of the time I got a red X, it was because I called somebody out on something, and they didn't like it. The rest of the time, people disagreed with something I said about something mechanical or electrical. But I'm going to say that most of them were laughable. Bring it.
  8. harrisonm

    What happened to the red X option

    I'm OK with the RED X being gone. There is still the IGNORE button! Plus, it is true that it is easy to fat finger the button. Now, at least, if someone disagrees with you, they will be forced to face you and say it out loud. I rarely hit the red X, but when I did, I always backed it up by...
  9. harrisonm

    Ignore button

    I hear that January 15 is National Slap an Idiot day. Will you be busy? I know I will be! :rofl::rofl:
  10. harrisonm

    Ignore button

    I pretty much agree with this as it applies to things I choose to do. For instance; there was an R rated movie called Showgirls that came out about 15 years ago. There was a LOT of nudity in it. There were a bunch of people protesting at the movie theater demanding that the movie be canceled by...
  11. harrisonm

    Ignore button

    OMG, @toolmanmike, I never thought about that. you CAN'T ignore people, can you? I have only ignored 5 or 6 people, and they needed it. @RustyRatRod, I bet everyone on my list is on yours. LOL.
  12. harrisonm

    Why do I need to allow cookies

    I TOTALLY agree, but let me tell you my secret!. I am a pretty good cook, but my specialty is cookies. My chocolate chip cookies (CCCs) are the bomb! People go nuts over them. When I tell them I use the recipe off the back of the Nestle bag, they can't believe it. Here is the secret. Try it and...
  13. harrisonm

    Why do I need to allow cookies

    Damn, @rumblefish360, now I want Chocolate Chip Cookies hot and fresh out of the oven. I guess I better get busy.
  14. harrisonm


    I do use a VPN. I have had McAfee for several years, and just activated the VPN a few months ago. The way I understood it, the VPN was added protection against cyber threats. I may do some more research on that. Thanks, Joey.
  15. harrisonm


    This happened again yesterday. I turn on my laptop and log onto FABO only to get the FABO web page header with a message saying, "Your IP Address Has Been Banned". I always think it might be a glitch of some kind, but after multiple login attempts, I get the same message. This time it only...
  16. harrisonm

    Server Upgrade coming

    Can you give us any hints on improvements???
  17. harrisonm

    Website pop-ups!! UBSURD!

    I have some pop ups too. I look at it like this; I LOVE being on this forum and interacting with like-minded people. If that means dealing with a few pop-up ads, so be it. It is a minor inconvenience, but I just power past it. The owner of this forum does not present it to us at no charge out of...
  18. harrisonm

    Rent a hacker on the Pickup truck form

    What the heck is the point???
  19. harrisonm


    Plus, I don't want that guy biting me!!!
  20. harrisonm


    Wow. I have never had ads like that on this site.
  21. harrisonm

    What's the Difference Between Recent and New Posts Now?

    There used to be a difference between New Posts and Recent Posts. However, regardless of which one I choose now (at least on my laptop), I get the same posts in the same order. Plus, If I select Recent Posts, The information line tells me I am looking an "New Posts"? So is there a difference?
  22. harrisonm

    Forum Software Upgraded

    I love change for the sake of change.
  23. harrisonm

    I Sure Wish......

    and soft.
  24. harrisonm

    Like Counts...

    When was FABO started?
  25. harrisonm

    Ignore list

    Steve and RRR, you don't whine, ***** and complain. You tactfully point out the errors, lack of tact, lack of intelligence, and inability to effectively communicate that keep people from succeeding on this forum and in life itself. They should thank you for your considerate coaching. Some people...
  26. harrisonm

    Ignore list

    What's funny is that I went at least 15 years without ignoring anybody, but in about the last year there have been several people whose comments are so caustic and crude, I ignored them. I'm sure it really hurts their feelings. Don't worry, Steve, I won't ignore you.
  27. harrisonm

    To the mod who removed my posts...

    Me too; I'm no saint, but I would like us all to be a little nicer to each other.
  28. harrisonm

    To the mod who removed my posts...

    Well, I have been on this forum for a long time, and I have noticed an increase in threads being hijacked with unpleasant and unnecessary foul language and nasty name calling, and threads being hijacked with political, religious and COVID vaccination comments. I think that if you have something...
  29. harrisonm

    Need help post for sale items

    AND make sure you describe the item completely, post a sufficient number of clear pictures and post a reasonable price. A clear and succinct title is nice also.