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  1. PA Dodger


    Sept 12,13,14 2025. One of the midway booth reps said that's the dates they were told.
  2. PA Dodger


    All in all I give it two thumbs up! It not the perfectly organized car show and swap meet that Chrysler Carlisle is but it has far more nonstop action, far better than the Nats recently. I almost didn't go because of the weather outlook but glad I did.
  3. PA Dodger


    From the Moparty website - How do I attend as a spectator? All tickets must be purchased online. Spectators – $25 per day when purchased online here. Children 16 and under are free Click Here to get tickets. A $5 military discount will be granted with the presentation of a valid military photo...
  4. PA Dodger


    Geez, I'm glad you said that! I wouldn't have expected that. None of the other big shows I go to are that way. Spectator tickets are usually at the gate.
  5. PA Dodger

    Younger Generation 15-17 Must Read!

    I'm glad you took the time to connect with these kids! I was at a show recently next to a guy with a newer Mustang. Nice car, eye catching color, nice graphics, really appealed to the younger kids, 12-18 years old. He'd let them sit in it, even start it up. His reasoning was these kids are going...
  6. PA Dodger

    Summit 10% Coupons

    PM sent.
  7. PA Dodger

    TIPM Question

    I just went thru this on my Jeep Wrangler. The 5604 number is what you're matching up. TIPMs don't get programmed. They do need reset once installed. Here's the company I went with since I wasn't comfortable with a junkyard unit that could have it's own problems. 2008 - 2010 Chrysler Town &...
  8. PA Dodger

    Summit 10% Coupons

    I could use one! I've had a shopping cart full for a week now waiting for the right time to order. Many thanks! Dan
  9. PA Dodger

    How about some sausage

    Ah, you're killin' me! Now I gotta go grocery shopping. A friend of mine turned me on to Breztenski's (?) sausage out of Ford City I think. Best I ever had. Can't find it anymore.
  10. PA Dodger

    What appened to the "Nats"

    I agree with everyone above. Been going since the late 80's. Brice Road was a show of it's own. The exhibition runs were cool - The Dodge Boys, Little Red Express wheelstander, Sox and Martin, etc... massive midway, great swap meet, and a great show overall. I think the organizers just got lazy...
  11. PA Dodger

    Front lip/ spoiler for 1971 Dart.

    I have one from there on a different car. I can verify 22ga is strong enough unless you're prone to kissing parking curbs. Mine's been on for about 10 years with no issues. I was skeptical too but all is good.
  12. PA Dodger

    If you’ve never checked out this overlook in Pa you should

    Kinzua Bridge, very scenic part of the state. God bless her and the person taking the pic 'cause that's a looong way up or down to get there!
  13. PA Dodger

    MoPar A bodies in Peril

    Someone owns those cars and to each their own but that's like rubbing your nose in it. At least with the junkyard finds, you can drag 'em home and make it your own.
  14. PA Dodger

    MoPar A bodies in Peril

    Ah, sometimes the stories are what makes the hobby interesting! A shop full of cars under covers makes for some good tales. Tim had the Dart on the chassis dyno up at Keystone Raceway before we pulled that slant out. I think it mustered 75 hp.
  15. PA Dodger

    MoPar A bodies in Peril

    It's cool to see the old history, not just the cars. The NASCAR Drag Series decal and other period pieces, the license plate frames from long gone dealerships etc...
  16. PA Dodger

    MoPar A bodies in Peril

    Tim bought the turquoise '68 Dart with the slant six that's now a 360 car. He wanted me to look at an old Monaco I think it was. I talked him into the Dart.
  17. PA Dodger

    MoPar A bodies in Peril

    For years there was a B5 blue 69 340 Dart convertible in the showroom that supposedly wasn't for sale. And I heard some of the cars under all the covers in the back shop were either Max wedge or Super Stock. My buddy wanted me to check out a car he bought there many moons ago. I never knew about...
  18. PA Dodger

    MoPar A bodies in Peril

    Are the inside pics in your dad's old shop? Please tell me all those cars in the back found a good home? There was a lot of history there!
  19. PA Dodger

    Face sitting.....

    Dog version of Dutch Oven???
  20. PA Dodger

    McDonald’s makes you happy to be hungry

    Nah, definitely a burger, or maybe cheese. McMuffins come from the front.
  21. PA Dodger

    McDonald’s makes you happy to be hungry

    I got you honey! I'm hand making your vegan burger right now.
  22. PA Dodger

    Add Your Own Caption Part 364

    Graceland Gardens Trailer Park Legend Dwayne "The Stud" Gilroy at yer service. I do the grounds maintenance and keep the honeys smilin'.
  23. PA Dodger

    Add Your Own Caption Part 361

    JC Whitney DIY woodgrain installation, check!
  24. PA Dodger

    Add Your Own Caption Part 360

    Well, I don't smoke grass, and I don't have money for gas, so......
  25. PA Dodger

    How to keep someone in suspense

    The one from Nantucket?
  26. PA Dodger

    How to keep someone in suspense

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch
  27. PA Dodger

    Add Your Own Caption Part 356

    Aerodynamics meets Fluid dynamics.
  28. PA Dodger

    Early 8 3/4 for sale (not mine)

    I dunno. Maybe its the picture but that gear mesh looks like it might be tight? And who knows what that backlash is. I'll bet its not .008"!
  29. PA Dodger

    When you gotta go you gotta go is a HandiCrapped parking spot.