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  1. W

    NOOB! Diff question.

    ...pegleg limited slip...umm sure. watever that means.
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    NOOB! Diff question.

    So i'm used to my differtial bein up in the air and spinning one tire forward, the other tends to go bckwards. well i had my dart in the air for some wheel cylinders, and i was turning the wheels, to see the other side do NOTHING. The shop teach mumbled something about non-slip somethin...
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    Blonde Mortician

    *shudder* Thats hilarious!... *shudder*
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    Bumblebee stripe

    So i have a '69 Dart, and it is was a 273 /6, GT. Wat i'm curious about is i know i'm going to give it a paint job, and i'm looking for a white bubmlebee stripe, i'm just curious if i can even get one without the 'Sport', simply GT, and where, or if i'll have to fake it with one solid stripe...
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    Funny! FABO wins.

    It reloads every time you refresh. try it! exit, then come back here. it'll be different! hahahaha. one for you? go to enter your name in the box, click 'Factorize', the scroll down to the 'bb code for image' copy and paste the following [url=yadda yadda] and it...
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    Smart *** kids...

    ...gotta love 'em. Us smart ***, indenpendant stupid kids. (or not so stupid? theres the odd one.)
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    60/40 out of '94 chev ext. cab

    Got a blue 60/40 split bench out of a '94 ext. cab chev pick-up. No asociated nuts, and the 40 bit has few small black stains. not terribly noticable. Aparently owned by a lil ol grandpa, didn't smoke, and neither do i. They feel like some light guy had them too, still rather soft. Not willing...
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    Need your screen cleaned?

    BWAHAHAHA, my dad got this...ironically from his dad... Check it out for a good CLEAN laugh. Mwah!
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    Question From a Noobie

    Hahahaa, coming to the light. =) Well, i'm still just dipping my feet. I do drive a bow tie truck. But hey, it gets the road slt and grit of winter, my dart will enjoy the summer sun. Good trade to me. A nuetral drop? Anybody know anymore? i'm assuming thats something to do with bringing your...
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    Question From a Noobie

    O and that pic was awesome!
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    Question From a Noobie

    Thanks guys, i've never had that in-depth of an explanation of a hemi. Typically its, "Its got hemispherical heads, now hand me the wrench." Lol, i had the general concept, but this brings my mind to ease. As for dropping a tranny, i'm sure the term is wrong, but i've only heard it once...
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    Question From a Noobie any self respecting teenager, i have questions, for now i shall limit myself to 2. First: i know the term dark side refers to a hemi, (specifically a big block? or thats all hemi's can come with? Still don't quite understand that topic in itself...something to do with the shape of...
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    shop pictures

    {soon to be posted: pic of front lawn, and gravel drive, covered in snow.} Ya. thats right. my dads shop ain't done. So thats wat i got. Then when it is done, thats just wat i got most of the time. lmao.
  14. W

    Polar bear attack - Man Lives!!!

    A man in northern Canada was attacked by a polar bear yesterday as onlookers could do nothing but watch and some even took pictures. Warning! The pictures sent to me below are not for the squeamish. Turn Back I wouldn't look...
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    nick names

    Walkintree... well i went to a youth confrenece once, and due to my height (16 at the time and 6'2", not terribly tall) One of my leaders called me tree. due to my smartassness, i exclaimed that i wasn't no tree cause i could move. So i became walkin tree. So far it's stuck, but its only been a...
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    Newfie Pride

    haha, well maybe parts of eastern Canada, but out here in the west...well. Good luck is all i'm sayin! Hehe.:snakeman:
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    Newfie Pride

    So a few guys in a pub in a lil town in the maritimes, and they decide to stick to the man. Of course the canadian gov't is completely flawless, as it is thier proud country, so they decide they shall declare war on President Bush and the U.S.A. So Bob decides to call up the President. He says...
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    I Made the PINKS All Out show

    YEA! Go get em! Eh!:salute::prayer::wav::hello1::headbang::notworth:
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    1969 Dodge Dart

    Hmm, just thought i'd ask, willing to sell any parts seperately? PM or e-mail me if you are. [email protected].
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    Where can i find parts?

    I need some pieces for my '69 dart, mostly interior... i posted an add in the wanted forum, but waiting for responses seems pretty lazy. but i don't really know where to start looking, i'm completely brand new to the mopar game, although my dad knows of a few guys, he hasn't done much b4 the...
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    I want this car and I want it NOW!!!!

    703 hard working about all i can say.
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    1 wire alternators

    Bwahahahaa, the only reason you need 12 subwoofers is to here them over the engine...i'm sensing a canceling
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    Fav songs

    haha, i'm a lil newer aged...fresher? i, still none of that rap/hip-hop junk. although there is the occasional good one. "Hi-way" Speeds a.k.a. 2hrs of distance in 30mins of time: Night Drive - All-American Rejects Open Road Song - Eve 6 Anytime - Eve 6 The Pretender - Foo Fighters...
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    Car Hunting In Alberta

    Nifty! Would he know some places to get some parts? I'm building a '69 Dart. I'm looking for a couple of smallissh peices, although a lil hard to find. PM me? {Sidenote-actually I'll be in the Hat for the next four years coming fall. College. Dunno whether or not the car will come with, i...
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    72 Dart Demon 340, got pics this time

    i believe its a chevy...although that dinky lil thing is just a commuter. lmao. good lookin cars! i'm envious...
  26. W

    WTB: '69 Dart Parts

    Well, heres wat I really need... Lemme know if ya have some, know of someone, or somewhere I can get them... I'm in Alberta, CAN. but if my location doesn't bother you, it doesn't bother me. -Passenger side headlight bezel (REALLY NEED THIS, so if you know of anyone that is willing to part...
  27. W

    window tint or no tint?

    ya, i really like the look of the tint on that car. and i love the rear stripe. i want one for my dart... lol. i'm pretty jealous! it'll look good. :glasses7:
  28. W

    WTB: Some '69 dart parts

    Well, heres wat I really need... Lemme know if ya have some, know of someone, or somewhere I can get them... I'm in Alberta, CAN. but if my location doesn't bother you, it doesn't bother me. -Passenger side headlight bezel, could be persuaded to purchase entire grill, but only for cheap...
  29. W

    Looks Like WAY TOO Much Fun!!! MOPAR

    Lol, round here we use one of two things, ice/snow, or if you're not against it, gravel. some people don't like the flying rocks however. Water? Hooey. LOL, still made me chuckle. :toothy10:
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    New Members

    My dad just recently got back into the mopars, hes A-body through and through. And i already had an appreciation for good cars, so when he started collecting again i got sucked along for the ride. Now i've got my own '69 dodge dart i'm gonna work on, the plan so far is to simply go slow and...