nick names

My husband told me that I was the exception to all the rules about women:
I like to work on motors and trannies :burnout: and I love to drive my 66 Valiant really fast!
I like to deer hunt:axe:
I have a really twisted sense of humor:toothy10:
I am a redhead, but I can control my temper ( sometimes cause I am Scotch Irish):snakeman: :brave::drinkers:

I like sports :bball:
(and SEX) :downtown:

and I tell it like it is.:director:
The avatar that I chose is a starfish, but to me it looks like the Chrysler Pentastar . 8)
I am the Exceptional One.:happy10:

As I am reading yours I'm thinking to myself that this lady has got to be a redhead and sure enough. My wife is one also and your discription of you sounds like her discription.

from my Prowler

when I took it to get painted it was about an hour away. I would call and ask Dave "Hows it look"? and he would respond "WILD" the Prowler logo is a cat so WildCat is what we called it.

The POA board knows me and my car as WildCat and I try and use it where ever I can.


Mine comes from my old 69 lemans,it was big and heavy so lead69 seemed appropriate-and it was all i could think of at the time when I joined.It was a cool car and even though it was an inch from pulling the wheel at the line it was so comforatable it was like I was running the quarter in my favorite armchair.
I've used gts340 since about 1996. It is the only car I had then that I still have now. Started using it as my user name to sell parts on Moparts and then ebay. It's now gts340swinger on Moparts but who cares about them. Anyway, I use it on all the forums because I don't forget what it is when I roam around the net and people can recognize me easier.
Mine is my daughters nick name when she was very small EP=Erin Perin,
and the year she was born 1987

On a side note My wifes nick name for me is "Dumb ***" LOL.
Mine comes from my old 69 lemans,it was big and heavy so lead69 seemed appropriate-and it was all i could think of at the time when I joined.It was a cool car and even though it was an inch from pulling the wheel at the line it was so comforatable it was like I was running the quarter in my favorite armchair.

Hey Hows that Duster going, springs almost here.
I'm usually driving a dodge. I started using it on dakotausa and continued onto this and other sites
Thrashard in reference to the song by DRI on the Thrash Zone album.

340...that's self explanatory.

I needed a screen name I could use on multiple forums that hasn't been taken.
My first name is steve and I've been called "scuba" steve since the movie Big Daddy. And 0331 was my job in the marine corps, machine gunner. Scuba was also my call sign in the Marine Corps.
I allways liked "Mopar2ya" but I think it was taken. I've been a Mac Tools
Distributor for 18 years now so "toolmanmike" was easier. Mike
Hey Hows that Duster going, springs almost here.

I know,Im already getting the fever!.Ive been busy helping a friend whos building a 408 stroker and getting some loose ends tied up-then its thrash time!,hope to be seeing you guys at cruises in a few months.
For the past 10 years ive been running my cars at the Pure Stock Drags,and for 4 years i had a 70 Challenger R/T V code that i raced so OEM6PAK was perfect.
My wife has a lot of names for me.....

I'm gonna go out on a limb here since you didn't answer the question about your screen name:
There's a `63 Dart in your life? 8)

Just teasing!
My first name is Rick, and I work at Layson's Restorations, hence my screen name Rick@Laysons.

However.........most of the nicknames I've been called at one time or another all rhyme with Rick. :angel9:
When I first got a computer, I found a local fishing website ( The missus and I were contemplating moving to Vancouver Island, from the hell that is the Lower Mainland (Vancouver, Surrey, etc). Having to come up with a screen name for that forum, I chose "Comoxbound" as I was moving to Comox, a smallish town north of Victoria and Nanaimo.

Now, having moved to the Island, that name wasn't quite appropriate so I held a little contest on that website to find a new name. This is what I ended up choosing.

I also use it on all my various forums, cause I'm gettin' older, and the memory is the second thing to go. I don't recall what the first one is:toothy10:.
Walkintree... well i went to a youth confrenece once, and due to my height (16 at the time and 6'2", not terribly tall) One of my leaders called me tree. due to my smartassness, i exclaimed that i wasn't no tree cause i could move. So i became walkin tree. So far it's stuck, but its only been a year and a bit...
First. I was a 'Cuda nut for many years but I am switchin' to "A" body's
Second. I took up whitwater kayaking a few years back and basically swam every rapid on the Ottawa river... twice or three times before i learned to Eskimo roll and stay in my boat. I got beat up pretty bad on some swims. Cut's, bruise's and a concussion.

I use the same name on the Boaterboard at

There's one in every crowd.

If your lucky..... =P~

hey i resemble that remark!!!!
that name comes from a lifelong bud that would pick up anything with at least 1 leg. i dont remember how it came about but he eventually started calling me that so it kinda stuck. i think it makes me "memorable"

I joined cuda-challenger first. since it is an E body site and i had a '68 Barracuda being an A body. I decided to distinguish that fact in my name. Now i have a '70 dart and need to sell the barracuda because its restoration is too indepth for me. But i would love to have a '67 or '68 in driving condition some day.

You definatly can't pick your own nicknames, cause i certainly wouln't be called Boner if you could...