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  1. Valman

    Magnum cooling

    Why I ask about the size & ratio of the pulleys is that this is really what solved the issue. That and the pump. The big radiator and other upgrades were already there or added on at the time. Wouldn’t hurt to measure them up and work out the ratio you have.
  2. Valman

    Magnum cooling

    Fuel is still burning as it travels through the exhaust port, in turn roasting the water jacket. This is usually when you see headers start to glow red as well - retarded timing.
  3. Valman

    Magnum cooling

    If you do have any type of under drive pulleys on there, they need to go. What is the size ratio between your crank and water pump pulleys? You want around 1.2:1, maybe a little more with forced induction. I had my pulleys made, 7.00’’ crank & 5.875’’ water pump. Had a similar issue to yours...
  4. Valman

    3 bolt timing gear set recommendations?

    Haha, wow i didn’t know they were made there now. I haven’t bought one for a while, I remember they were UK made. The IWIS are German made IIRC??
  5. Valman

    3 bolt timing gear set recommendations?

    A vouch for Rollmaster timing sets. Very good quality, I only get the 9 key way version. For chains IWIS or Rolon.
  6. Valman

    Camshafts and Compression

    No more crazy angle on the rocker stud either. - At full open and closed.
  7. Valman

    340 dynoed

    Good flat torque curve. She’ll pull really nicely. Thumbs up!
  8. Valman

    Camshafts and Compression

    Much better. You can see how much straighter the p’rod is at full lift.
  9. Valman

    850 Thermoquad Competition Series rebuild

    I understand that the primary jets are push in, but I seem to remember someone converting the secondary jets to use standard Holley jets. Not sure who or where it was. I think some brass tube was used, cut to size, then threaded. Are AFB primary jets a similar size to the original push in TQ...
  10. Valman

    416 with Comp Cams XE275HL Hydraulic stick

    It took some time, but it was worth it I reckon. All the plugs look almost identical after doing the port match. I would like to give a nice M1 a try though, just because! :)
  11. Valman

    416 with Comp Cams XE275HL Hydraulic stick

    Weiand Stealth should work real well as a street inlet manifold. If you use it, do a deep port match on it. I did this on an Eddy Performer RPM, then equalised the port flow, the best I could. Worked out well. I wish the dual plane’s came with a baffle plate though.
  12. Valman

    Camshafts and Compression

    A welcome arrival in the mail today :) Itching to get this thing back together now
  13. Valman

    Triple SU Carbs and Intake

    A good setup on triples is to run a fuel rail / log. Make the rail a large size (1’’ or more). Inlet on the front, return line on the rear with an orifice to drop the pressure and return to the tank. Three tubes off the rail to supply the carbs.
  14. Valman

    Triple SU Carbs and Intake

    One important, fundamental thing not to forget with SU’s - 3psi fuel pressure maximum.
  15. Valman

    Triple SU Carbs and Intake

    These two books are a great help.
  16. Valman

    Triple SU Carbs and Intake

    I checked the specs for Jag 3.8. It’s not really apples to apples with your setup. They’re twin 1.75’’ or triple 2’’. - HD6 & HD8. There’s also two different jet sizes for the HIF6, 0.100’’ & 0.125’’. It’s important to know all this info before selecting a needle. Also, your carbs will have the...
  17. Valman

    Triple SU Carbs and Intake

    Do you know what springs and needles you have in the carbs ATM? Springs should have a dash of coloured paint on them.
  18. Valman

    Triple SU Carbs and Intake

    I’ll let you know, I’ll dig out the specs. Just bear in mind, a lot of the Jag’s were twin carb not triple. Also a lot were 2’’ SU’s not 1.75’’.
  19. Valman

    Triple SU Carbs and Intake

    @65 Dartman, Nice set up for a /6 :thumbsup: I’ve worked with a few SU’s, I have info on calibrations for different engines and needle profile charts. Let me know if you need some info.
  20. Valman

    440 Engine tuning suggestions

    This is kind of why a lot of people just end up locking the timing with H.P engines. Then have some kind of starting retard. It’s not the ‘correct’ way to do it, but you can get 3/4 the way there without the endless hours of trying to mechanically curve a distributor. Plus not having to go...
  21. Valman

    440 Engine tuning suggestions

    @Newbomb Turk So basically the answer is we get fully programmable ignition systems? There’s only so much you can do with stretching springs, advance weights & vacuum canisters.
  22. Valman

    Some questions on the 273 head gasket "thing".

    Hey mate, have a look at the Cometic Australia page here, CHRYSLER 318/340/360 V8 They have multi layer steel head gaskets with the smaller bore for the 273. Various thicknesses as well, down to 0.027’’. Might be worth giving them a call.
  23. Valman

    440 Engine tuning suggestions

    You may need to go to a step colder plug, once you have optimum idle timing & carb idle setting. Your compression is fairly high, if the plug is too hot the ground strap can glow red hot. Acts like a glow plug in a Diesel engine.
  24. Valman

    273 Performance build possibilities.

    Rear Mount turbo’s are a great idea IMO.
  25. Valman

    Camshafts and Compression

    Where I have the lifters set, it should reduce the duration by about 7-8 degrees. - 0.012’’ off the bottom of the lifter.
  26. Valman

    Camshafts and Compression

    I know Rusty, I know…
  27. Valman

    Camshafts and Compression

    Haha! With ‘Rhoads vmax variable duration, adjustable hydraulic lifters’
  28. Valman

    Camshafts and Compression

    I got the intake manifold back from being ceramic coated, very nice. Pushrods on the other hand, no one’s getting back to me…:rolleyes: Tried a comp test, no intake on and stone cold. Only did three pumps, don’t want to burn the starter bushes. ( done that in the past ) - 155-160psi. Looking good.
  29. Valman

    New this site, from the Land down under,

    Awesome! Love the early Valiant’s. Good to see ya here.:) I’m pretty new here as well.
  30. Valman

    AFR Heads

    I don’t know about anyone else, but you do hear that ‘330cfm’ number get thrown around a lot recently. On all brands.