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  1. ElFin

    What car is it?

    '73 or '74 Plymouth Valiant, perhaps.
  2. ElFin

    whats the most strangest thing you have seen in public

    A short school bus avoiding getting cut off by a minivan by going up on the guardrail, straight up in the air like a killer whale. A VW bug completely on fire on a dark road in West Virginia, the week Elvis died. Had that BBQ smell.
  3. ElFin

    Counterfeit Cars on FABO!!!

    Somebody stole my fender tag at Carlisle a few years back. I wonder what they did with it...
  4. ElFin

    gas price effect

    I'm just annoyed by the fact that gas was relatively cheap last summer, and both my Mopars were off the road.
  5. ElFin

    Please pray for my Mother

    She sounds like a fighter. I'm sure you'll find a way.
  6. ElFin

    What's the WORST car/truck you've owned?

    I got a thrashed 66 Valiant convertible for $500. The seller talked me down from my offer of $550. It needed everything, which I eventually replaced, motor, front end, springs etc. Then I sold it for $500 when I moved to CA in a hurry. The guy who bought it from me got a hell of a good deal.
  7. ElFin

    And they walk among us...

    Steering the car with an adjustable wrench!
  8. ElFin

    An accident thread.

    Maybe if we can have a Caprice rebuild on a FABO forum, there is hope for humanity. We can all get along, Rodney King. A friend had the same type of damage to his Crown Vic, and the insurance company totaled it, so it looks like you're ahead of the game!
  9. ElFin

    drugs and alcohol abuse

    Narconon and alanon are good places to get information, as a friend or family of an abuser.
  10. ElFin

    Damn Tree huggers and oil prices

    Just cut down all the trees: nothing to hug. YOU WIN! Meanwhile, we sit on our hands while China takes the lead on energy alternatives. Cripes.
  11. ElFin

    Superdart340:: In the hosipial

    Prayer sent.
  12. ElFin

    A-Body MISERY LOVES Company

    Well to paraphrase Chuck Yeager, any equipment failure you walk away from is a good equipment failure... Also, both lines will be the same age. Even so, bogus deal, dude! Also good for you for just fixing it instead of going all crybaby on your (good) muffler shop.
  13. ElFin

    What can I find

    We call it the "funyard".
  14. ElFin

    An accident thread.

    You need to go to I backed my dad's Polara wagon into a post, showing off for my girlfriend when I was 19. Glad you're OK, too.
  15. ElFin

    A..hole neighbors

    I live in a Portuguese neighborhood, and they are great neighbors. There was one bad apple who drove over the back of my Barracuda with his work truck, but another neighbor saw it and left me a note with his plate #. The problem isn't with Yankees, it's the Yuppies. They have a sense of...
  16. ElFin

    ROOSTER COGBURN IS BACK!!!! sort of....

    The Duke abides.
  17. ElFin

    news flash - ex pres Bush has classic Barracuda crash into yard

    I get it, Cheney riding shotgun. Didn't hit any bushes, lol. You guys always crack me up.
  18. ElFin

    Parts - buy/sell to help fellow members or make $?

    Yeah, but nobody would pay half that for it!:pale: Awesome theological discussion to start the day. Christians and car parts; flippers and freebies. That's why I love this site.
  19. ElFin

    spam vs scrapple

    Isn't that like choosing your favorite child. Porky goodness vs the only thing that Pennsylvania ever contributed to the world? (From PA, originally)
  20. ElFin

    Anyone like bluegrass??

    Some guys who used to play at my local. We got it up north here too. YouTube - The Benders : Snakebite (Live) - 5.24.08 NSFW language.
  21. ElFin

    Hack me please so I can catch you

    Sounds like they messed with the wrong hick! Reminds me of the Somali pirates that decided to attack a USN vessel. Good work, Mike!
  22. ElFin

    drug poll cuz the other thread wont work..

    Reading this has brightened up a cold, dark Monday.
  23. ElFin

    Dr. Phil's House is for sale

    Is he even a doctor?
  24. ElFin

    what do you do for a living?

    I'm a self-underemployed remodeling contractor. As a matter of fact I just spoke with a young urban professional who is having trouble remembering the amount of money he agreed to pay me a week ago. His job is to grind down sub-contractors for a giant developer, so I'm not surprised by his...
  25. ElFin

    Should I be upset?

    The worst are those flat rate boxes. Usually there is no extra room for padding. I bought a radio for my truck on ebay, and the seller put it in one of those flat rate boxes with no padding. When I got the item the power knob was broken off and the unit was lifeless. When I sent it back he...
  26. ElFin

    Any Stevie Wonder Fans?

    Funnily enough, the 8-track in my Barracuda right now is "Songs in the Key of Life."
  27. ElFin

    I have Whooping Cough. WTF?

    I know it's been said before, but finish all the meds, even if you feel better. Sleep a lot, that's what I do. Sounds like a rough week ahead!
  28. ElFin

    What are we drinkin tonite?

    1 Wild, like Snoop Dogg I'm having a gin and juice,. Also, it's all my neighbor had for me to mooch.
  29. ElFin

    A new redhead in my life..

    You guys always crack me up! I agree with cudachick about the classic pin-up look, very retro cool.
  30. ElFin

    GM Announces $75K 2011 Camaro Convertible

    Neiman Marcus aka Needless Mark-up.