1 day shower ad's


Big Dad

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2011
Reaction score
S.E. South Dakota
What is it with these ad's , its not realistic to think you could have a new bathroom in one day ?
It's just an overlay that gets glued over your old shower. 1 day job. All the trim and new faucets? Different story.
They're similar to a dash cap. It's just a cover that goes over the existing tile, bath/shower surround, etc.
Is the “One Day” how long it willt take to install or how long it will last ?
do people really think its possible to do it one day, more like one month I would guess
I have worked side by side with a professional remodeler on a few simple bathroom jobs. It takes a good two weeks to cut out, repair, re-frame, re fixture, replumb, rewire etc..no tiling. no flooring.
Then the drywaller does his thing on top of that,
Then the painter,
Then the flooring guy,
Then we come back and fix what they fubarred.
Sometimes, in the interest of expedience, we did it all. But man, that gets expensive. Time is money, and the boss is then on a tight schedule, we work long hours and the billing reflects that. I made good coin.
So yeah, it can go to a month from start to finish, two guys, one Pro, one experienced (I done a few on my own), and depending on choreographing the other tradesmen.
I did a peel and stick on one job, for myself; never again.

I'm retired now, so unless you got something I want, I'm done doing that.
do people really think its possible to do it one day, more like one month I would guess
YES! Some people do think that. The same people who fall for the, "This is the IRS, and if you don't go to the store and buy $500 worth of I tunes gift certificates and give me the numbers from them, I will have you arrested." The same people who fall for, "This is the American Sherrif's Association. Please donate some money so your officers can get bullet proof vests." The same people who fall for all the other scams. This country is FULL of stupid people, and they can all vote!