1958 Dodge

When it comes right down to it you have to paint your own car if you are capable. Paint guys want too much to do it.
Rattle can redo is chugging along, and it looks a gagillion times better already.
A guy can buy a little $300 compressor and $30 HF gun and actually do a decent to better job spraying real paint and primer. Rattle cans have their place, but not ..........
Tell me this trunk floor isn't worth the effort to buy/ship, and I should just make one out of flat steel on top of square steel tubing.

My trunk in first pic, gas tank was attached to bottom of trunk floor, but there really isn't anything worth keeping.
Trunk dropoffs/extensions and floor patches are garbage galvanized sheets spot welded, yes, spot welded, to the rusty floor.

Coronet Trunk.png



How far away is it? I see a 66 Charger in the background. That old trunk looks a little rusty - new 18 ga welds much nicer than old stuff.