1958 vs 2008



Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2005
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In a tree near you.

1958 vs. 2008

Scenario 1:

Jack goes quail hunting before school and then pulls into the school parking lot with his shotgun in his truck's gun rack.

1958 - Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack's shotgun, goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack.

2008 - School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.

Scenario 2:

Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.

1958 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies.

2008 - Police called and SWAT team arrives -- they arrest both Johnny and Mark. They are both charged them with assault and both expelled even though Johnny started it.

Scenario 3:

Jeffrey will not be still in class, he disrupts other students.

1958 - Jeffrey sent to the Principal's office and given a good paddling by the Principal. He then returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.

2008 - Jeffrey is given huge doses of Ritalin. He becomes a zombie. He is then tested for ADD. The school gets extra money from the state because Jeffrey has a disability.

Scenario 4:

Billy breaks a window in his neighbor's car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.

1958 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college and becomes a successful businessman.

2008 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abu se. Billy is removed to foster care and joins a gang. The state psychologist is told by Billy's sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has an affair with the psychologist.

Scenario 5:

Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.

1958 - Mark shares his aspirin with the Principal out on the smoking dock.

2008 - The police are called and Mark is expelled from school for drug violations. His car is then searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario 6:

Pedro fails high school English.

1958 - Pedro goes to summer school, passes English and goes to college.

2008 - Pedro's cause is taken up by state. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against the state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English is then banned from core curriculum. Pedro is given his diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English.

Scenario 7:

Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the Fourth of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle and blows up a red ant bed.

1958 - Ants die.

2008 - ATF, Homeland Security and the FBI are all called. Johnny is charged with domestic terrorism. The FBI investigates his parents -- and all siblings are removed from their home and all computers are confiscated. Johnny's dad is placed on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

Scenario 8:

Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary hugs him to comfort him .

1958 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.

2008 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy.

This should hit every email inbox to show how stupid we have become!!

Think about it!!
i second that. even in the 70s we werent as stupid. were becoming governed to death. im almost glad im over the hill. too much more of this crap and im going postal.
I agree with how ridiculous things have become and it is almost infuriating to read. Thanks for posting it though. It's a good reminder how simpler things and people used to be.
So true it`s scarey, I remember when I was a kid, 60-78, hearing old folks saying, what`s this world comeing to? , now I`m saying the same thing. If Americans keep with pacificst thinking we`re doomed. We`ve got to get outraged, and march on washington, The whole dang country! shut it down, for month`s, on end, untill everything`s resolved- everything!! I vote cudapaz for president, all I`e?:-D
I remember in middle school the assistant principal, Mr Patton, did the paddling. In a three story school, you could hear it from one end to the other. Didn't happen real often, but when it did, the whole school heard it. I think I still need therapy for the pain and suffering of those poor souls who were abused by our school system. NOT!!! They got what they deserved and the rest of us did as told and behaved ourselves. I personally would like to just play the sound of it at some school and watch the kids' eyes as they imagine what is happening to the defiant one that did not eat their peas at lunch.
:sign6:in 2008......thx cudaspaz....will pass this on to friends.


Anybody remember what happened to the Roman Republic? You should. It roughly translates from Latin as, "the worst states have the most laws."
So true it`s scarey, I remember when I was a kid, 60-78, hearing old folks saying, what`s this world comeing to? , now I`m saying the same thing. If Americans keep with pacificst thinking we`re doomed. We`ve got to get outraged, and march on washington, The whole dang country! shut it down, for month`s, on end, untill everything`s resolved- everything!! I vote cudapaz for president, all I`e?:-D

I agree with your thinking except the spaz for president part.

I'm too honest for Washington, some nut job, hippy, terrorist turned english professor, friend of the current president, would send the weather underground after me or something.

I vote for Ted Nugent.

But, if I were president, I sure as hell would "change" alot of crap this current administration already screwed up.

No more bailouts, if a company fails, it fails.

This will make borrowing and lending practices more honest in the future.

Border control would be handled by the "best bidder" not the lowest bidder from the private sector with free blessings to shoot at any threat, no questions asked.

Criminals who commit murder would be hung on 100 foot tall gallows built in front of every court house in the nation, and televised every time, live.

The fair tax would be implemented.

All corrupt government officials would be exposed and made to pay back every cent to the tax payers that paid their salary for their entire political career.

Any politician that even questions the term "shall not be infringed" will be smacked upside the head live on television by the preident, the vice president and the entire cabinet, then must be made to write a one hundred page report on why the government works for the people, not the other way around.

Thug rap music will no longer be tolerated.

Racism will no longer be an issue because conditions will be favorable for all to succeed because the media will finally be scared into reporting the truth on issues at hand and any reporter caught making up false stories will be sent to alcatraz with the guantanamo bay detainees that we now house there along with any other threat to the people of this nation.

No criminal would think twice about bringing a gun to a college campus with the intent on killing innocent people because EVERY teacher will be armed along with any student who wishes to carry to school.

Laws will be changed drastically to favor the victims, not the criminals.
For instance: People who tailgate on the highways will not get any special favor from the courts if they live after the guy they are tailgating slams his brakes on and gets out with a bat and beats the tailgater within an inch of his life.

Purse snatchers.....don't even think about it.

Child molesters....gallows.

Any violent crime made against another will get the same, if not worse punishment themselves, by the family members of the victims as they see fit.

This will be televised if the family members choose so.

Scum bag lawyers will not have much work.

Saudi Arabia will sell us crude oil at $.25 a barrell, and don't ask why, It will be one of those government secrets.

The people will run their own lives without government intrusion as long as they treat other with respect.

Any politician that gets caught purposely lying to the people will see the gallows. ...This will ensure honesty and quality representation.

Politicians will not be wealthy, but every need will be taken to ensure their existence along with their immediate family.
This will ensure that they concentrate on their public service and not their personal wealth.

Our soldiers will shoot people like Saddam Hussein on sight, no questions asked so we never again make amockery out of the process.

If other countries don't like America...who gives a crap....we will not trade with you and you can kiss our *** and take care of your own aid patients and disaster relief, and all other humanitarian aid we have provided for you that you have taken for granted for years.

Soldiers on the ground?

Why do we need that? we have nukes, they are expensive and we need to use some of the old ones before they expire and cost more tax money to have them decommisioned.
This will keep other countries from wanting to wage war with us.

Frivolous lawsuits aimed at bankrupting gun manufactures?...don't even think about it or the president will personally kick your ***, live on national television.

Prayer in school? Every morning, thanking God for this wonderful country.

Your kids refuse to stand for the pledge? The president will personally come to your house and kick your ***.

Conditions and tax breaks will be very favorable for small businesses, again and large corporations that employ thousands of people will no longer be demonized by the media.

Labor unions will no longer tell corporation owners how to run their business, who they can hire or who they can or cannot fire.
This will ensure quality employees and will help people to strive to better themselves through a good work ethic while not relying on the union to bail their lazy asses out of trouble over and over again.

Those are just some of the things I would "change".

Welfare? what's that? Go to school and get a job , lazy ***.

Oh, and I would whoop the lvining snot out of Obama and his entire Marxist cabinet for the destruction they caused to our constitution.....yep, live on national television.
I totally agree with you...I don't know when things got out so out of hand with our country.
I agree with your thinking except the spaz for president part.

I'm too honest for Washington, some nut job, hippy, terrorist turned english professor, friend of the current president, would send the weather underground after me or something.

I vote for Ted Nugent.

But, if I were president, I sure as hell would "change" alot of crap this current administration already screwed up.

No more bailouts, if a company fails, it fails.

This will make borrowing and lending practices more honest in the future.

Border control would be handled by the "best bidder" not the lowest bidder from the private sector with free blessings to shoot at any threat, no questions asked.

Criminals who commit murder would be hung on 100 foot tall gallows built in front of every court house in the nation, and televised every time, live.

The fair tax would be implemented.

All corrupt government officials would be exposed and made to pay back every cent to the tax payers that paid their salary for their entire political career.

Any politician that even questions the term "shall not be infringed" will be smacked upside the head live on television by the preident, the vice president and the entire cabinet, then must be made to write a one hundred page report on why the government works for the people, not the other way around.

Thug rap music will no longer be tolerated.

Racism will no longer be an issue because conditions will be favorable for all to succeed because the media will finally be scared into reporting the truth on issues at hand and any reporter caught making up false stories will be sent to alcatraz with the guantanamo bay detainees that we now house there along with any other threat to the people of this nation.

No criminal would think twice about bringing a gun to a college campus with the intent on killing innocent people because EVERY teacher will be armed along with any student who wishes to carry to school.

Laws will be changed drastically to favor the victims, not the criminals.
For instance: People who tailgate on the highways will not get any special favor from the courts if they live after the guy they are tailgating slams his brakes on and gets out with a bat and beats the tailgater within an inch of his life.

Purse snatchers.....don't even think about it.

Child molesters....gallows.

Any violent crime made against another will get the same, if not worse punishment themselves, by the family members of the victims as they see fit.

This will be televised if the family members choose so.

Scum bag lawyers will not have much work.

Saudi Arabia will sell us crude oil at $.25 a barrell, and don't ask why, It will be one of those government secrets.

The people will run their own lives without government intrusion as long as they treat other with respect.

Any politician that gets caught purposely lying to the people will see the gallows. ...This will ensure honesty and quality representation.

Politicians will not be wealthy, but every need will be taken to ensure their existence along with their immediate family.
This will ensure that they concentrate on their public service and not their personal wealth.

Our soldiers will shoot people like Saddam Hussein on sight, no questions asked so we never again make amockery out of the process.

If other countries don't like America...who gives a crap....we will not trade with you and you can kiss our *** and take care of your own aid patients and disaster relief, and all other humanitarian aid we have provided for you that you have taken for granted for years.

Soldiers on the ground?

Why do we need that? we have nukes, they are expensive and we need to use some of the old ones before they expire and cost more tax money to have them decommisioned.
This will keep other countries from wanting to wage war with us.

Frivolous lawsuits aimed at bankrupting gun manufactures?...don't even think about it or the president will personally kick your ***, live on national television.

Prayer in school? Every morning, thanking God for this wonderful country.

Your kids refuse to stand for the pledge? The president will personally come to your house and kick your ***.

Conditions and tax breaks will be very favorable for small businesses, again and large corporations that employ thousands of people will no longer be demonized by the media.

Labor unions will no longer tell corporation owners how to run their business, who they can hire or who they can or cannot fire.
This will ensure quality employees and will help people to strive to better themselves through a good work ethic while not relying on the union to bail their lazy asses out of trouble over and over again.

Those are just some of the things I would "change".

Welfare? what's that? Go to school and get a job , lazy ***.

Oh, and I would whoop the lvining snot out of Obama and his entire Marxist cabinet for the destruction they caused to our constitution.....yep, live on national television.

I agree with your thinking except the spaz for president part.

I'm too honest for Washington, some nut job, hippy, terrorist turned english professor, friend of the current president, would send the weather underground after me or something.

I vote for Ted Nugent.

But, if I were president, I sure as hell would "change" alot of crap this current administration already screwed up.

No more bailouts, if a company fails, it fails.

This will make borrowing and lending practices more honest in the future.

Border control would be handled by the "best bidder" not the lowest bidder from the private sector with free blessings to shoot at any threat, no questions asked.

Criminals who commit murder would be hung on 100 foot tall gallows built in front of every court house in the nation, and televised every time, live.

The fair tax would be implemented.

All corrupt government officials would be exposed and made to pay back every cent to the tax payers that paid their salary for their entire political career.

Any politician that even questions the term "shall not be infringed" will be smacked upside the head live on television by the preident, the vice president and the entire cabinet, then must be made to write a one hundred page report on why the government works for the people, not the other way around.

Thug rap music will no longer be tolerated.

Racism will no longer be an issue because conditions will be favorable for all to succeed because the media will finally be scared into reporting the truth on issues at hand and any reporter caught making up false stories will be sent to alcatraz with the guantanamo bay detainees that we now house there along with any other threat to the people of this nation.

No criminal would think twice about bringing a gun to a college campus with the intent on killing innocent people because EVERY teacher will be armed along with any student who wishes to carry to school.

Laws will be changed drastically to favor the victims, not the criminals.
For instance: People who tailgate on the highways will not get any special favor from the courts if they live after the guy they are tailgating slams his brakes on and gets out with a bat and beats the tailgater within an inch of his life.

Purse snatchers.....don't even think about it.

Child molesters....gallows.

Any violent crime made against another will get the same, if not worse punishment themselves, by the family members of the victims as they see fit.

This will be televised if the family members choose so.

Scum bag lawyers will not have much work.

Saudi Arabia will sell us crude oil at $.25 a barrell, and don't ask why, It will be one of those government secrets.

The people will run their own lives without government intrusion as long as they treat other with respect.

Any politician that gets caught purposely lying to the people will see the gallows. ...This will ensure honesty and quality representation.

Politicians will not be wealthy, but every need will be taken to ensure their existence along with their immediate family.
This will ensure that they concentrate on their public service and not their personal wealth.

Our soldiers will shoot people like Saddam Hussein on sight, no questions asked so we never again make amockery out of the process.

If other countries don't like America...who gives a crap....we will not trade with you and you can kiss our *** and take care of your own aid patients and disaster relief, and all other humanitarian aid we have provided for you that you have taken for granted for years.

Soldiers on the ground?

Why do we need that? we have nukes, they are expensive and we need to use some of the old ones before they expire and cost more tax money to have them decommisioned.
This will keep other countries from wanting to wage war with us.

Frivolous lawsuits aimed at bankrupting gun manufactures?...don't even think about it or the president will personally kick your ***, live on national television.

Prayer in school? Every morning, thanking God for this wonderful country.

Your kids refuse to stand for the pledge? The president will personally come to your house and kick your ***.

Conditions and tax breaks will be very favorable for small businesses, again and large corporations that employ thousands of people will no longer be demonized by the media.

Labor unions will no longer tell corporation owners how to run their business, who they can hire or who they can or cannot fire.
This will ensure quality employees and will help people to strive to better themselves through a good work ethic while not relying on the union to bail their lazy asses out of trouble over and over again.

Those are just some of the things I would "change".

Welfare? what's that? Go to school and get a job , lazy ***.

Oh, and I would whoop the lvining snot out of Obama and his entire Marxist cabinet for the destruction they caused to our constitution.....yep, live on national television.

AMEN !!!!