1962 Lancer Wagon, Lancersaurus!

Lancersaurus is looking great! :cheers: I can't believe how quickly (and with detail) you get these built!

Looking forward to pictures after the painter is done with it!

Whichever way your politics go -- whether your preferred talking head is Glenn Beck or Rachel Maddow -- one of the main themes is "consider the source". Allpar's a terrific site, and has been for years, but it's like Wikipedia in that everybody's contributions are welcome and none is fact-checked unless some other contributor (reader) writes in and says "Hey, there's an error on such-and-such a page!", at which point that comment becomes another piece of un-fact-checked material on the site. How do I know? Because I've been contributing to Allpar for many years, and there's still a shload of incorrect material on there that I wrote back when I knew less. And because the running conversation I've kept up with the site owner for a lot of years has given me a pretty good picture of how the site works. I don't mean to slam the owner at all; he's making great work of an enormous job. But he's only one man, and he has a family and, y'know, a life. So Allpar's excellent for entertainment and as a first step to a lot of different kinds of information, but it is not a reliable source if what you're trying to do is make or end an argument. For that you need primary sources…like the books (carefully researched and fact-checked) written by the actual high-up engineer who was, y'know, calling a lot of the shots on the project in question.

Pete H tells a lot of terrific stories. They vary substantially depending on the day he tells them. That's not a slam on him; the human memory isn't anywhere near as objective or permanent as we like to wish it were, and none of us is getting any younger. But the recollection of the guy whose job was to keep his eyes focused on the piston rings just doesn't stack up to the documented accounts of the engineers overseeing the whole project.

You really do owe it to yourself to read those two publications I mentioned. Not because of this silly argument, but because they're awesome books with lots of interesting facts and photos.
Moved the Lancer to the body man yesterday! Here are the pictures of the Wagon on the trailer and getting to Dusty's house. Been watching the weather with the summer thunderstorms to move it from the safety of one garage to another. I was also worried that I might lose the headliner running down the interstate so we took the back roads. No front window or tailgate window in so there is a lot of air that goes through the interior. Lancersaurus was smiling all the way down the road! At least I blew the dust out of all the cracks and seams. It will be getting all the little dings and the two minor dents worked in the next couple of weeks. Then to the paint shop. My wife and I celebrated on the way home with a couple of Blizzards from Dairy Queen!
Sorry not much to report. Just cleaning parts and getting all the little things done. I am doing the grill now and the door panels are next. Anyone know a source for a windshield gasket? I can't find one. Some eye candy, my 76 Feather Duster I did a few years ago. Sold it but it would be nice to find a solid Dart Lite and fix it up. Mine got 32 MPG on a trip to NC on the interstate.
I havent looked lately...but there's been a Dart Light on CL in south carolina I think for a long time.
I went over to the body mans garage last night to say hi and check on progress. He is getting married this weekend so he has had a lot on his plate. But still on schedule to get it back at towards the end of October. I also got my new windsheild gasket from Oz yesterday so that is done now. Here are some of the work going on now.
It's been a while! Moved the wagon to the paint shop last night. Gas had been off to the paint shop for 3 weeks and then every weekend we had rain. But it looks like by the 1st she will have a new coat of paint. These are some pics of the move!


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Here she is at the shop. IT"S GONA GET DONE! My Christmas Present to the old girl. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!


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I was wet sanding the aluminum slots and she caught me! Oh well!


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I can't wait to see Lancersaurus painted!
And in person:cheers:

I hope you didn't pay too much for those sluts///oops, I mean slots!

TTBOMK, the '60-'62 windshield seal is not available from any North American suppliers. It is, however, readily available in very good quality from Down Under; several Australian suppliers including two listed here have it. The one you're after is listed for "R" and "S" model (RV1, SV1) Valiants. They have the lockstrip for it, too.

I wanna see pics when it's outta the paint booth!
I picked the old girl up today. Still a long way to go, but she looks great!


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Bob is the MAN! Been there for ton of mopars and adventures! Thanks for every thing Bob! Enjoy your retirement.


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Just some more from the paint shop.


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TTBOMK, the '60-'62 windshield seal is not available from any North American suppliers. It is, however, readily available in very good quality from Down Under; several Australian suppliers including two listed here have it. The one you're after is listed for "R" and "S" model (RV1, SV1) Valiants. They have the lockstrip for it, too.

I wanna see pics when it's outta the paint booth!

Thanks Dan. I got a set from Real Spares. Windshield should go in next week.
Your wagon looks fabulous! What drive train will it have?

Thanks Commando66!

I am going to start with the 232 that was in my '67 barracuda. That motor went 13.47 in the quarter. When I get time I will build a stout 170 for NHRA stock racing. Pushbutton torqueflite.
man that thing came out nice, really makes me want a REALLY early A-body wagon