1964 Valiant "Get Runnin & Drivin"

We took old Vixen out today to Milledgeville to meet up with the others and then to Irwinton for the big banana puddin festival. It was actually pretty cool. I didn't take many pictures cause my phone was dyin. I think Charles' gal Wendy took some. I'll see if I can get her to send um to me. Went about 150 miles total because we came back to Milledgeville for lunch and drove around a bit. Weather was perfect.
Here are a couple more much better "banana" pictures. lol After Kitty and I did it, The girls wanted Charles and I to do it too. We thought it was like two big gay bananas, but we did it for the gals. lol
Here's me and Kitty

And me and Charles lol

I hope you bought it. That's cool.

I let it continue to find its new home. If I had a car named Vixen that would be a different matter. But adding cool/interesting stuff to my clutter-fest "just because"? I had to resist.
Got Vixen out this mornin and made sure she's in good tune for her big cruise tomorrow. We're goin to Millegeville first, then to Irwinton for the Skippin and Poppin tractor show, car show and banana puddin festival. It's an all makes cruise so it oughtta be a decent turnout. I'll try to get some good pictures. She's soundin purdy spiffy. lol

sounds great!
I let it continue to find its new home. If I had a car named Vixen that would be a different matter. But adding cool/interesting stuff to my clutter-fest "just because"? I had to resist.
I wouldda paid you for it. lol
I wouldda paid you for it. lol

If I'da had my head screwed on right I would have given you a shout on it. As it was, I saw it at the end of a 6-hour and 5-mile hike around the racetrack looking at all the parts and was pretty wiped out when I saw this very near the end. Oh, to be 30 years younger when both my body and my brain were in good shape. :(
If I'da had my head screwed on right I would have given you a shout on it. As it was, I saw it at the end of a 6-hour and 5-mile hike around the racetrack looking at all the parts and was pretty wiped out when I saw this very near the end. Oh, to be 30 years younger when both my body and my brain were in good shape. :(
Meh, it's ok. We're still sore from the banana puddin festival. I feel yer pain. lol
Vixen is a criminal. I am so proud. 43 in a 30. 75 bucks. What a great shot! lol
Speeding in a school zone might hurt the pocket book there Rob !
Puttin the disc brake master cylinder and proportioning valve on Vixen now. It would have been a total bolt on, were it not for the front brake ports on the valve being 7/16-24, instead of 3/8-24 like the distribution valve. The port for the rear brakes is 3/8-24, so no need for a change there. I cut the two front flare nuts off and will get some 7/16-24 flare nuts for 3/16 tube, slide them on and reflare the line and then put it back together. I thought that was strange, especially considering the tube size in the port is still 3/16. The later model proportioning valve even bolts on right where the original distribution block was and the lines don't interfere with a thing. Oh well. I'll git r did.
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I got to thinkin about it and remembered I had an extra proportioning valve in my spare room. Went back there and sho nuff, it had two 7/16 x 3/16 flare nuts on it, so we bees in bidness. I SHOULD have it back goin tomorrow.
I think they did that so folks wouldn't mix up the front and rear lines.

Same size line but different size connectors they will only go on one way.
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I think they did that so folks wouldn't mix up the front and rear lines.

Same size line but different size connectors they will only go on one way.
I would agree were it not for the fact in the old distribution block they were all the same.
Maybe it was a post '64 thing.

Or maybe a drum/drum vs drum disk, since disk doesn't get a residual valve.

...wait the 64 should have been single pot MC.