My last ticket was 54 in a 35; was playing around in town (on a commercial 4-lane one-way road that never has foot traffic) with my Impulse... He didn't manage to get a read on me until I slowed from about 80 to apparently 54...
Growing up in the sticks was a real benefit!! I started driving independently at the age of 7 (yes, SEVEN). We were dirt-poor farmers and I needed to learn to operate machinery; that machinery includes passenger vehicles. I was limited to a distance of 5mi away from the vehicle owner's property...
Twenty years' worth of driving experience, and I've only had two accidents and a handful of tickets....... I still managed to have my fun, though! Most of it, though, was off-road...
1. Pay the ticket unless you have a really good argument (something like "my car isn't fast enough for that" is NOT a good argument).
2. Don't speed in town; wait until you're in a more rural area. Plus, cops out there will pull you over, bullshit about your old Mopar, then let you go with a warning, most of the time. ;)
3. ALWAYS ask to see the speed scan. If he refuses or admits to not having one, you have him by the balls in traffic court. If you did not request it at the time, it is inadmissible in court.
4. It's usually easier and cheaper to just suck it up and pay the fine.
5. You were caught speeding... You were going faster than the ticket was written for. Be grateful it wasn't for the full speed, pay the fine, and move on. It'll save you LOTS of time, money, and headache.
6. Get a police-band radio. They aren't illegal (that I know of), and they help you track the cops' locations. Also, a radar detector can save you LOTS of tickets if you're being dumb in vehicles. Radar jammers, however, ARE illegal in some states; check your local laws before equipping your vehicle with one...
Hope this helps!
- CK
P.s. I've always wanted to wire-up a broadcast-type radar jammer (one that jams regardless of if the radar is directed at you or not) and hide the transmitters somewhere on the front/back of the car, have an easy and stealthy on/off switch, and drive around all nice minding all the traffic laws, just giving a huge stealthy radar-jamming middle-finger to all LEO's in the area..... Just to be a bastard about it. >: )