1966 Barracuda Speeding Ticket

Gentlemen i beleve we have a stubborn math whiz in our presence,lets put this in simple terms the cop had a laser speed detector, you have a lame exchuse that a 66 barracuda can't possibly do 60 in an eighth mile who do you think the court will beleve. I got an idea take your car to a local 1/8th strip and run it with someone taking a video of the time board at the end then maaaaaaaybe someone will beleve you. The system wants your money and they don't care what your car won't/will do.
And to add to my post count. Your 1st mistake was to lie to the officer and tell him you were only doing 45 that just pissed him off so he wrote you full tilt.
Take some personal responsibility for your actions. You admit that you were doing at least 60, right? (Assuming your speedo is even accurate). So who cares what exact speed you were doing between 60 and 75. You sped, you got caught, now pay the price and take it as a lesson learned. Then be more careful next time.

And replace the bald tires. He should have given you a ticket for that also. Others share the road with you. You could hurt someone else, it's not just about YOUR safety when you're driving.
BTW are you certain that 68 is stock, it pretty rare if so. 1980 the car-engine was 12 years old and maybe the engine got a larger cam installed and long forgotten about 32 years later.

Yeah still it should be worn out by now

Even if you were going 75, that doesn't mean for sure they will work with you in court. I never got wrote up for the full amount but last speeding ticket I got was about 20 years ago..got red light and stop sign tickets but no speed
And to add to my post count. Your 1st mistake was to lie to the officer and tell him you were only doing 45 that just pissed him off so he wrote you full tilt.

And he might have even padded it to piss you off in return, lol

Get it...real speed 60, you say un un it was 45 so he wrote you up for 75, lol

And if that is the case, the cop might well be decent with you once in court


I blew a .07 long ago after being stop for 3 over the limit....cop hold the button forever but it would not go over .07 and he shook the machine...his partner goes "want do you want to do" he goes, give me one for speed...I was like, now hold on...I had 11 points on my license and you lost it at 12 or more points. He order me back to my car-which I went and comes back with a 10 over, 2 point ticket.

So I had to get a lawyer and go to court and pray I won't lose my license. They all talked behind closed doors without me and comes out and says, well cop will not dismiss the ticket but the court will hold it for 6 months and then report it and by then 2 points will be off your record.

I did drive extra careful-I went 5 under everywhere and 6 months came and I believe I was down to 8 points, 9 months came and more points came off but still that ticket wasn't reported....the ticket never came up on my record, that freaken cop lied again and I guess he did dismiss that 10 over ticket but left me in the dark about it, ha ha..my lawyer lied to me as well.

I did clean up my act and stop drinking, that .07 scared the heck out of me...so maybe it was good what happen and later-a few years later, I seen that officer name in the local paper getting a reward for risking his life to save a person from a burning car...that is when I check my record and still no ticket years later and then it all made sense
I appreciate all the response, thank you all.
My record isn't spotless, the time i refered to was twenty years ago, and since then only two minor speeding tickets.
Tires are bald because they are 10 years old, and i do play around sometimes.
I like to accelerate fast, but heck its a f-ing Barracuda for crying out load.

The city-attorney thing is a good idea, and the traffic class thing sounds good too.
I still would like to solve the mystery: is my car capable of 75mph in 1/8mile.
I called my local dragstrip and talked to an old salt there an he says "NO Way","a stock 3000lbs car off the street with worn street tires could not reach 75 in a 1/8".

i did some caluations and i agree. 1/8mile: 75ph @ sec equates to a 9.36sec 1/4mile. I know i'm not doing a 9.36sec ET, i would need 500HP and racing slicks.

i know i was not going 75mph, so its had for me to plead guilty for something that is impossible.
You are not serious are you?? Pay it and move on.
I appreciate all the response, thank you all.
My record isn't spotless, the time i refered to was twenty years ago, and since then only two minor speeding tickets.
Tires are bald because they are 10 years old, and i do play around sometimes.
I like to accelerate fast, but heck its a f-ing Barracuda for crying out load.

The city-attorney thing is a good idea, and the traffic class thing sounds good too.
I still would like to solve the mystery: is my car capable of 75mph in 1/8mile.
I called my local dragstrip and talked to an old salt there an he says "NO Way","a stock 3000lbs car off the street with worn street tires could not reach 75 in a 1/8".

i did some caluations and i agree. 1/8mile: 75ph @ sec equates to a 9.36sec 1/4mile. I know i'm not doing a 9.36sec ET, i would need 500HP and racing slicks.

i know i was not going 75mph, so its had for me to plead guilty for something that is impossible.
youre way off.75 in the 1/8 maybe 9.36
Back in 2005 I was traveling through a rink-a-dink town on a Sunday evening in my 2004 Ram Hemi 4dr 4x4. Truck had a true dual flowmaster equivalent exhaust on it and was pretty loud.

Getting ready to exit the town, the spd lmt was 45 and I was cruising right at 45 because I'd heard that the police in that town would get you for even 5mph over.

Well there was a trailer court on the south side of the highway in that 45 zone and I just happened to look over there and seen an officer standing outside his car talking to someone at a trailer.
Well, after the 45 limit, it changed to 55 outside of town, so coming upon that sign I floored the truck to come up to speed.

About 5-10 min later I see cherries and blueberries comin up on me real quick, and I mean quick!

Guess what? It was the cop that was outside the trailer yappin! Well I pull over.

He tells me when I went by, I was doin 69 in a 45!!! I'm like wtf!! Dude you were standing outside talkin to someone...I saw you! So, he then writes me a ticket anyway for $120!
I went to court to fight it and that schmuck was there with a big smile on his face.

The lady at the door to the court room who took my summons asked me why I was there and I told her and she was like...was it that officer right there with the stupid smile on his face? I'm like yes mam.

She proceeded to tell me that the judge was very, very unhappy with this officer. So far, there were 52 PEOPLE in there that had tickets by him!!!
There were 2 more in the same line I was in that spoke up and said they were ticketed by him as well!!

Judge just reduced it to a minor infraction, like failure to use signal when turning, if i remember right, paid I think $25 and was outta there.

A few months later I stopped for gas in that town and spoke with an officer who was in the gas station about it. He said that the guy was a rookie and was all gungho about even the smallest and dumbest stuff....town was like 2000 ppl or something.....so he even made all the townspeople angry. He told me he was reprimanded for it and was told one more stupid stunt like that, he'd get the axe. LOL
I appreciate all the response, thank you all.
My record isn't spotless, the time i refered to was twenty years ago, and since then only two minor speeding tickets.
Tires are bald because they are 10 years old, and i do play around sometimes.
I like to accelerate fast, but heck its a f-ing Barracuda for crying out load.

The city-attorney thing is a good idea, and the traffic class thing sounds good too.
I still would like to solve the mystery: is my car capable of 75mph in 1/8mile.
I called my local dragstrip and talked to an old salt there an he says "NO Way","a stock 3000lbs car off the street with worn street tires could not reach 75 in a 1/8".

i did some caluations and i agree. 1/8mile: 75ph @ sec equates to a 9.36sec 1/4mile. I know i'm not doing a 9.36sec ET, i would need 500HP and racing slicks.

i know i was not going 75mph, so its had for me to plead guilty for something that is impossible.

Tbh unless you get a court appointed driver to run your car then a track test will never stand up in court. Your lucky you didnt get a failure to maintain vehicle ticket. You really want to waste even more money just to prove your car is a slug?..and even after all that Id bet youd still have to pay fines. Either way your sunk so just pay the fines and prove yourself right at the track some other time.
By "Wallace Calculators", standing start (you were moving) 75 mph 1/8 mile.

60 Foot 2.00
330 Foot 5.77
660 Foot 9.06
660 MPH 75
1000 Foot 11.92
1/4 Mile ET 14.36
1/4 Mile MPH 92.25

Your HP computed from your vehicle ET is 204.17 flywheel HP and 183.75 rear wheel HP.
Your HP computed from your vehicle MPH is 206.52 flywheel HP and 185.86 rear wheel HP.
Based on 3000 lbs

Very possible your car could do those numbers.
Ok, here's an up date:
I wanted to work up an argument an go to court, well, because this ticket makes a goo story, and i was annoyed.
The motorcycle cop was coming from the opposite derection, and his laser locked me in at 74mph and his speed at 28mph (he showed me the equipment, cool stuff!)
1- i walked out the distance to about where he caught me i went with 660 feet from where i accelerated from less than 1mph (so it was a rolling start, kinda)
2-i went to a speed shop to get a dyno, my 318 (650 4b carb, 385 lift cam, dual exhst, ignitor3 distrib, bored 20 over)(TCI 904 w/shift kit 2400 stall)(rear 2.93 gears) 285 HP / 260 torq.
3-ran some test with a freind, simulating the rolling start accelerating thru 660 feet, timing a split time at 60 feet. we did this 10 times and every time was consistent. i even did the same run from a dead stop and it wasn't much different.
4-conclusion, 60: foot 1.9-2 secounds @ ave 35mph,,, 660 foot: ave 8.8-9.1 sec @ ave 74-76 mph.
so, i paid the ticket
i beat mine goin to court with my wife in a mini skirt not just cause she"s smoking but the judge couldnt keep his attn. to what we were there for and the cop had a woody himself so they drop;ed it to imprusdent speed and o fine my other 1 for doing a 60 ft. whole shot on main St. i told the cop my foot slipped off the clutch lol he let me go i had an automatic on the colum barney fief those were both in the 80's i dont know if it would work again i try not to find out roses,leather mimiskirts and dinner prob cost more than the ticket but the punishment was sooooo worth it lol
I just got a speeding ticket last week. Clocked me at 52 in a 40. Said he was letting people go if they were within 10mph of the speed limit.

When asked, I told him that I honestly wasn't paying attention to my speed and didn't notice how fast I was going until I seen him backed into the side road.

He wrote the ticket for 49 in a 40 which lowered the fine and dropped the points from 4 to 1. He was real cool about it. Prob helped that I had a smile on my face as well.
I paid the $105 a few days ago. lol

Oh, it was in our Hemi Jeep Commander and not in the Valiant. lol My first ticket in several years. lol
He wrote the ticket for 49 in a 40 which lowered the fine and dropped the points from 4 to 1.
the only speeding ticket I've ever received (not the only one I've ever deserved though, believe me lol) the cop lowered it for me too- down to 150km/h in a 100 zone so I wouldn't have to go to court:eek:ops:
My last ticket was 54 in a 35; was playing around in town (on a commercial 4-lane one-way road that never has foot traffic) with my Impulse... He didn't manage to get a read on me until I slowed from about 80 to apparently 54...

Growing up in the sticks was a real benefit!! I started driving independently at the age of 7 (yes, SEVEN). We were dirt-poor farmers and I needed to learn to operate machinery; that machinery includes passenger vehicles. I was limited to a distance of 5mi away from the vehicle owner's property...

Twenty years' worth of driving experience, and I've only had two accidents and a handful of tickets....... I still managed to have my fun, though! Most of it, though, was off-road...


1. Pay the ticket unless you have a really good argument (something like "my car isn't fast enough for that" is NOT a good argument).
2. Don't speed in town; wait until you're in a more rural area. Plus, cops out there will pull you over, bullshit about your old Mopar, then let you go with a warning, most of the time. ;)
3. ALWAYS ask to see the speed scan. If he refuses or admits to not having one, you have him by the balls in traffic court. If you did not request it at the time, it is inadmissible in court.
4. It's usually easier and cheaper to just suck it up and pay the fine.
5. You were caught speeding... You were going faster than the ticket was written for. Be grateful it wasn't for the full speed, pay the fine, and move on. It'll save you LOTS of time, money, and headache.
6. Get a police-band radio. They aren't illegal (that I know of), and they help you track the cops' locations. Also, a radar detector can save you LOTS of tickets if you're being dumb in vehicles. Radar jammers, however, ARE illegal in some states; check your local laws before equipping your vehicle with one...

Hope this helps! :)

- CK

P.s. I've always wanted to wire-up a broadcast-type radar jammer (one that jams regardless of if the radar is directed at you or not) and hide the transmitters somewhere on the front/back of the car, have an easy and stealthy on/off switch, and drive around all nice minding all the traffic laws, just giving a huge stealthy radar-jamming middle-finger to all LEO's in the area..... Just to be a bastard about it. >: )
P.s. I've always wanted to wire-up a broadcast-type radar jammer (one that jams regardless of if the radar is directed at you or not) and hide the transmitters somewhere on the front/back of the car, have an easy and stealthy on/off switch, and drive around all nice minding all the traffic laws, just giving a huge stealthy radar-jamming middle-finger to all LEO's in the area..... Just to be a bastard about it. >: )

Be carefull. Several years ago, I was sitting in a cop car with a friend. He had the radar on. Car went by, and showed something like 110mph, in a 50 mph area. Friend said "that SOB's got a jammer, get out". I jumped out and he went after the guy. Pulled him over, had the car impounded, to be searched. Car was not released from impound for several weeks.