1970 340 air cleaner dimensions?

This is what it looks like with the snorkle removed and the lips hammered flat. No way to repair that to an oval.
Yeah it will need an insert welded in. I was going to stop by Metal Supermarket today but my Jeep Cherokee blew an upper rad hose when I was on the other side of the city so the plans changed. I lost most of the coolant but it seems to have survived. Design defect I am sure.

ps what do you think the radius is where it turns in....1/4" or bigger?
I'd say 1/4" maybe. I can't remember if I measured it or not. I do remember that I used masking tape, to tape into the oval opening all the way around. I cut it even with the inside edge all the way around the inside. I then peeled it off and stuck it on the side of one of the orange air cleaners to see what the I.D. of the holes at the end of the ovals would be. It didn't work out like I thought it would, so back to the drawing board. :BangHead:
Would a carbon fiber mold that was formed to the inside of the oval openings be strong enough to hammer the lips into shape? If so, I would be interested in one or two if you make some.
So the mold will be 3d printed using PETG plastic, which might take the abuse of being a forming buck for the radiused holes. That you could then tack into a housing. You would need to go slow. Pretty sure I will make the housing mold without the holes. Then make another mold to make the holes. Then epoxy them together. Just easier to print the mold. Once I draw the holes, I will print one at 100% fill. Strongest setting. It might survive using a shop press to stamp a radiused hole.
Before I got started fixing my leak Jeep this am I made a crude wooden buck using a router and hammered out a piece using 22 gauge sheet metal. Its pretty crude but I wanted to see if there was any possibility of this working before getting too fancy. I think it might work. The buck (ok an oval hole in a piece of plywood with a radiused edge) is flat so I'm worried that I won't be able to bend it properly for the 8.5" radius. There is no hole in the air cleaner yet for me to try and fit it. I would then have to make a radiused buck which is a bit more work. I only need to knock out 2 of these so we will see how it goes.
JDmopar , can you remove the end of the snorkel and add it to the hole you cut to simulate the rounded edges
JDmopar , can you remove the end of the snorkel and add it to the hole you cut to simulate the rounded edges
That would work well if you didn't want it to look like an original 70-71 340 air cleaner. The radius is about the same, but the sides of the opening are square instead of round. I plan on practicing a lot on scrap sheet metal in order to get the holes in post #23 to look like the holes in post #6. It's going to require an inside die of some sort to be placed on the backside of the metal and then worked into shape from the front.
The closest off the shelf die I have found is an 1 1/2 inch flare die with a 1/4 radius. That would require fabricating straight pieces to bridge the holes. I haven’t decided whether I will build a radiused wood buck or go with the die or just forget the whole thing.
I need to get off my butt and go back to the metal fab guy who said he could bend a piece of 1/4 or 3/8 flat bar to match the radius of the 70 air cleaner. If he can do that, I will make a crack at shaping the oval opening by hand. My buddy is 82 and a Master Machinist, so he can probably come up with a way to make the openings on a Mill or something. All I gotta do is tell him I don't think it can be done!

Probably not relevant, but an FYI you can easily outflow those two holes, so depending on what you are planning to put these on, it may be a bottle neck.
Probably not relevant, but an FYI you can easily outflow those two holes, so depending on what you are planning to put these on, it may be a bottle neck.
A light bulb popped on in my head when I read your reply! Making the oval openings slightly larger could serve 3 purposes. 1- It would alleviate having to repair or replace the metal in the opening where you remove the existing snorkel. Simply make it just big enough to use existing metal to roll an inward lip. Replicate it on the passenger side of the air cleaner, and done! 2- It would really be unnoticeable at a casual glance, but would be pretty obvious to someone requiring an original 70-71 340 air cleaner. 3- Better air flow for a 408/416 disguised as a 340 in a stock looing car! :)

One of my concerns since I got the idea to make these 'Air Cloner's' as I call them would be someone buying one from me at a swap meet....and then passing it off to an unsuspecting buyer down the line as an original. Original 70-71 340 air cleaners are selling for STUPID money....even rusty/crusty ones. I have always planned to stamp them with a (for the lack of a better term) VIN/serial number of the project. It would piss me off to no end to find out some crook had ripped somebody off with one of these that I had something to do with.
This is for a 2 barrel carb was on my 72


Probably not relevant, but an FYI you can easily outflow those two holes, so depending on what you are planning to put these on, it may be a bottle neck.

I plan on using mine at almost 600hp. Some people drill holes in the bottom to increase air flow.

I have found drilling holes will work,but it makes for chaotic air stream. I changed from a skeletonized base to “traditional” base and picked up some. If you are chasing every HP, skeletonized is hurting you.
Also, Carter/Eddy are very sensitive to air swirling around. My car would make a run without an air cleaner housing on it. The best I can come up with is they have the air bleeds outside the throttle bores.
I have found drilling holes will work,but it makes for chaotic air stream. I changed from a skeletonized base to “traditional” base and picked up some. If you are chasing every HP, skeletonized is hurting you.

I tried to send you a PM but your inbox is full
Nah, that’s the original 318 that’s coming out. Brian at IMM is putting the finishing touches on a W2 414 for me.
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Working on the mold for the lid, going to be to have be a 16 piece mold. Thinking I will need to make the base in two stages, the bond the two carbon fiber pieces overlapping at filter seat area.

Here’s the drawing for my molds. I think if you made a steel box to support the sides. The solid PETG plastic “die” would survive pretty well using a shop press to form a flat piece of sheet metal with the correct size hole in it. You would need a male and female die.

I drew this die, there is .050 clearance. They would need some side support.



You guaranteed it to be worth 2 tenths or double the money back correct?