Okay, here goes one of my voice command comments, so hold onto your shorts...
I know almost everything there is to know about building one of these engines, and i'm more confused reading these posts...
These cars are emotionally built for hot rods and stuff like that. These days, so throwing a three sixty block away and building a three eighteen for the same price.And getting less just does not make sense...
You're young and you want everything now without gaining knowledge first. And I assume that's what you're trying to do here here, but do not buy anything yet... These forms will get you cyber, spending your money like crazy and
When you buy something, somebody suggests you just petting their ego..
I wish people would stop building their cars from the engine and then working their way back. Instead of the way it should be starting with the rear end, the transmission, and then the engine... Otherwise, the engine blows up the transmission, and then the engine transmission blow up the rear end,...
I don't know if you want to listen to anything I have to say.I have what everybody knows is the slowest stroker on the internet....lol.. yet all the gurus who tell me how slow it is, will never show up at the track to race me... ( go figure...)
I already posted the stroker kit that I would recommend for your three sixty block... imagine if you sold all that other c*** and took the 360 block to the machine shop and handed him that stroker kit and all of a sudden. Now you have the solid foundation for putting almost any cam you want or heads you want on it like I've done over the years, I built a solid foundation. And I've tried different heads and different cams, different headers, different intakes, but I had a solid foundation. A brand new machine block with brand new pistons. Bearings frank and so forth...
Let's see probably 12 to $1500 to have the block cleaned board and your kit. Assembled, now you're at 3 grand with a completely new lower end that will never give up. And you wait for the speedmaster, block freddie sale and get aluminum heads 47 hundred dollars to your door.. i have had the springs tested, and they will hold up to a nice size cam... A little street stroker would love that cam that you have... have you looked into how much one of those converters cost....
Personally, I like my hot rods to have a.four, five or six speed...
Also, remember, rebuilding an automatic transmission is ten times easier than building an engine....
Hopefully, all these gurus will have you confused enough to sell your stuff Cheap to me...lol...
A young man like yourself could benefit from some good sound advice instead of a bunch of chest thumping gurus...
Remember, this is not a cheap hobby....