340 Overheat / Radiator Geyser

Since you mentioned it (negativity alert)....Nice properties in the Nashville area are VERY hard to find unless you're a rich guy. This is a GREAT 2-acre property that checked all of my boxes after a 2-year search starting from before I even moved here. I didn't even go in the house. I don't care about the house since I'm building a barndominium anyhow. I made a lucrative offer immediately and it was accepted the same day. Inspection day...My agent calls and says that the inspector is there, someone is home, but he's not answering the door. Eventually he let us in. His girlfriend is still in bed. Inspector and I were there no more than 5 minutes before knowing that the house has to go. Hoarder conditions both inside and out. They are living there with no electricity. Closing was supposed to be 9/3 but they requested an extension until 9/16 so that the eviction process can get going. Perfect. The thing is, it looks like Mom croaked and one of the sons is living in the house, and I-think the other Brother "Daryll" is at war with him to get him out. $265k is at-stake here. The money has been wired, the utilities were set to be turned-on tomorrow, and then I get the message that they need another week and the Sheriff is "forcing him out" today. Aint gonna happen. He's in a protected class so the Sheriff can't lay a hand on him and he can stay as long as he wants. Even if he leaves, we all know he's gonna come back, then he's gonna be MY problem, and since I don't play golf I don't have a 9-iron to have fun with. It would regretfully have to be something much more sinister.
Meanwhile I had a cool idea to gut the house, leaving only a temporary kitchen/bath/bedroom to use as a crash pad while building, AND maybe creating a temporary garage so I can work on that POS Duster and also my 03 Subaru Baja which I LOVE but has had 3 trannys installed, ALL OF THEM BAD. I had to have that car shipped from CT to TN, then rent a 2nd truck so I could get back to TN with my little utility trailer. I was hoping to do this temp garage plan and rebuild the Subaru tranny and fix the Duster which can't be fixed, but now with the threat of this idiot coming back at any time, I might have to just break-out the wrecking ball for the house and not be able to do any serious work on any cars for a looooong time. Believe me there is waaaaay more to these stories than any of us have time for. It all started when the engine in the Subaru popped on Christmas Eve 2024.
Since you mentioned it (negativity alert)....Nice properties in the Nashville area are VERY hard to find unless you're a rich guy. This is a GREAT 2-acre property that checked all of my boxes after a 2-year search starting from before I even moved here. I didn't even go in the house. I don't care about the house since I'm building a barndominium anyhow. I made a lucrative offer immediately and it was accepted the same day. Inspection day...My agent calls and says that the inspector is there, someone is home, but he's not answering the door. Eventually he let us in. His girlfriend is still in bed. Inspector and I were there no more than 5 minutes before knowing that the house has to go. Hoarder conditions both inside and out. They are living there with no electricity. Closing was supposed to be 9/3 but they requested an extension until 9/16 so that the eviction process can get going. Perfect. The thing is, it looks like Mom croaked and one of the sons is living in the house, and I-think the other Brother "Daryll" is at war with him to get him out. $265k is at-stake here. The money has been wired, the utilities were set to be turned-on tomorrow, and then I get the message that they need another week and the Sheriff is "forcing him out" today. Aint gonna happen. He's in a protected class so the Sheriff can't lay a hand on him and he can stay as long as he wants. Even if he leaves, we all know he's gonna come back, then he's gonna be MY problem, and since I don't play golf I don't have a 9-iron to have fun with. It would regretfully have to be something much more sinister.
Meanwhile I had a cool idea to gut the house, leaving only a temporary kitchen/bath/bedroom to use as a crash pad while building, AND maybe creating a temporary garage so I can work on that POS Duster and also my 03 Subaru Baja which I LOVE but has had 3 trannys installed, ALL OF THEM BAD. I had to have that car shipped from CT to TN, then rent a 2nd truck so I could get back to TN with my little utility trailer. I was hoping to do this temp garage plan and rebuild the Subaru tranny and fix the Duster which can't be fixed, but now with the threat of this idiot coming back at any time, I might have to just break-out the wrecking ball for the house and not be able to do any serious work on any cars for a looooong time. Believe me there is waaaaay more to these stories than any of us have time for. It all started when the engine in the Subaru popped on Christmas Eve 2024.

Trust in karma, it'll come back if you gave .
Good luck helps too .
My guesses;
1) a restriction in the coolant supply to pump OR,
2) percentage straight water in the coolant is too low. and/or
3) a big ol' air-bubble trapped somewhere OR rad just not circulating properly

Easy test;
1) Drain the coolant, remove the rad, and cap the lower spigot. close the valve
2) check the bottom tank for a floating restriction, like a rag.
3) Place the rad into a tub with the tub-drain plugged, and fill the rad with tap-water.
4) rip the spigot cap off and make a note of how quickly the rad drains. and; make a note of the color of the exiting fluid. and make a note of how long it continues to drip. Pick it up and shake it, listening for water slosh.

Ideally; ALL the water will gush out in seconds, all be as clear as it went in, and the drip time is short, with NO slosh, and; the quantity of water that came out is about the same as what you poured in.

The tells;
If the water is greenish; obviously you flushed a pocket out.
If you hear water-slosh; obviously, water is trapped inside.
If the bulk of the water does not gush out, why?
If the drip time is long, why?
If the collected water that exited is not the same as what you poured in, why?
My guess for all three whys above, would be that the tubes are severely restricted.
Cool story;
About 35/40 years ago, I got drunk a party and had to spend the night. The temp overnight dropped like the proverbial stone, and the coolant in my rad gelled.
Next morning, this produced the same symptoms as you described. I had to take the rad out, and bring it inside to warm it up. The lady of the party-house, my younger brother's new wife, was NOT impressed.
After the rad thawed , I plugged it back in, filled it, drove home, with a stinking hangover, two baby girls in the back, and a sulking wife in the front. and once home, I upped the freeze-protection.
We were never invited back to that house again. Which was OK with us, cuz that women, altho gorgeous, was intolerable. They got divorced about a year later, and they did not procreate. That house was eventually bulldozed, and my brother died about 5 years ago. The girl? No idea.
The Swinger rusted out in the mid 80s, but that same 318 is still powering up my sons D100; and that same rad is still in use today, cooling my HotRod 367; and the 904 got built up as a clone of a trans I pulled out of a 71Demon-318, that I thought and still do, was the best shifting 904 that I ever had. Course I put a kit in it and a 2800 stall. Mu son got that trans too, and he loved it.
I warned little brother, never marry a barfly. I was right.
Little brother married again, to another barfly. I was still right.
They divorced, the wife taking two baby girls with her.
Finally, after Two divorces, he met a nice girl from a distant land and NOT a barfly. They never married. and never had kids. but they stayed together until my brother died of brain-cancer at age 60.

The end
When you are working on your car it's good to have a barfly around. I hate walking to the frig when I am in a working mode.
Sounds like either your thermostat is NFG or you have the head gaskets buggered up. Pretty obvious you're not circulating coolant.
I'm thinking old car, old motor sitting awhile, spring in lower hose rotted and jamb in pump. Happen to me once. I knew the pump was the issue, so when I took the pump out, there was the spring, stuck in the prop. Crazier things have happened. This is my thought.
When you are working on your car it's good to have a barfly around. I hate walking to the frig when I am in a working mode.

#1 I don't drink, nor smoke, nor chase skirt.
#2 I'm married, and um; not now honey, can't you see I'm busy?
#3 notta chance do I want a scantily-clad young lady hanging around when I'm working, and there are no girly pictures on my walls.
#4 I'm 71, and those days are long behind me anyway, and even in my teens I could see that a barfly was a crapshoot. Just like all the Roman Catholic girls in high school.
#5 at our ages, the wife and me, we don't look good naked anymore, nor even scantily clad. I'm waiting for the Resurrection to get my new forever body.
#6 when I'm out in the shop, it's cuz I still/we still , like our alone time. That's how we stayed married these 47 plus years.
#7 I need all the exercise I can get, so the fridge is in the house, and I take breaks.
#8 We're both retired now, and I like to work an hour, maybe two, then break for an hour, or two; rinse and repeat, until around 9/10 Pm. The next Am, I start over. So I do get the hours in most days, but it's somewhat unorthodox, lol. Whatever I'm working at, it gets done when it gets done. Paying jobs get priority, cuz that's my spending money.
When you are working on your car it's good to have a barfly around. I hate walking to the frig when I am in a working mode.
There's a movie called Barfly. I enjoyed it because, as I recall, in the beginning they show a bunch of Los Angeles' diviest bars in town, and sadly I had been to many of them. Never got "lucky" enough to drag anything out of them though.
I'm thinking old car, old motor sitting awhile, spring in lower hose rotted and jamb in pump. Happen to me once. I knew the pump was the issue, so when I took the pump out, there was the spring, stuck in the prop. Crazier things have happened. This is my thought.
That is a total Mitch situation, BUT it is moving water. I'm taking a break for a while. Next steps are combustion gas test, then compression test. Literally crawling around in my storage unit yesterday resulted in not finding the compression tester though. I'm too angry to be wasting any more time on that car with all this other stuff going-on anyhow. Thanks.
#1 I don't drink, nor smoke, nor chase skirt.
#2 I'm married, and um; not now honey, can't you see I'm busy?
#3 notta chance do I want a scantily-clad young lady hanging around when I'm working, and there are no girly pictures on my walls.
#4 I'm 71, and those days are long behind me anyway, and even in my teens I could see that a barfly was a crapshoot. Just like all the Roman Catholic girls in high school.
#5 at our ages, the wife and me, we don't look good naked anymore, nor even scantily clad. I'm waiting for the Resurrection to get my new forever body.
#6 when I'm out in the shop, it's cuz I still/we still , like our alone time. That's how we stayed married these 47 plus years.
#7 I need all the exercise I can get, so the fridge is in the house, and I take breaks.
#8 We're both retired now, and I like to work an hour, maybe two, then break for an hour, or two; rinse and repeat, until around 9/10 Pm. The next Am, I start over. So I do get the hours in most days, but it's somewhat unorthodox, lol. Whatever I'm working at, it gets done when it gets done. Paying jobs get priority, cuz that's my spending money.
Your stuff is fun to read. I had a co-worker who slept with a woman, then some time later he encountered her at a wedding and it turned-out they were cousins.
That is a total Mitch situation, BUT it is moving water. I'm taking a break for a while. Next steps are combustion gas test, then compression test. Literally crawling around in my storage unit yesterday resulted in not finding the compression tester though. I'm too angry to be wasting any more time on that car with all this other stuff going-on anyhow. Thanks.

Your stuff is fun to read. I had a co-worker who slept with a woman, then some time later he encountered her at a wedding and it turned-out they were cousins.
Could have been worst, she could have been a half-sister.
#1 I don't drink, nor smoke, nor chase skirt.
#2 I'm married, and um; not now honey, can't you see I'm busy?
#3 notta chance do I want a scantily-clad young lady hanging around when I'm working, and there are no girly pictures on my walls.
#4 I'm 71, and those days are long behind me anyway, and even in my teens I could see that a barfly was a crapshoot. Just like all the Roman Catholic girls in high school.
#5 at our ages, the wife and me, we don't look good naked anymore, nor even scantily clad. I'm waiting for the Resurrection to get my new forever body.
#6 when I'm out in the shop, it's cuz I still/we still , like our alone time. That's how we stayed married these 47 plus years.
#7 I need all the exercise I can get, so the fridge is in the house, and I take breaks.
#8 We're both retired now, and I like to work an hour, maybe two, then break for an hour, or two; rinse and repeat, until around 9/10 Pm. The next Am, I start over. So I do get the hours in most days, but it's somewhat unorthodox, lol. Whatever I'm working at, it gets done when it gets done. Paying jobs get priority, cuz that's my spending money.
I have always told my ex, "When I stop looking, that is when you need to worry'. I drink a little beer (my celebration when the job goes right).I have never smoke (need to save money for my beer). I don't chase skirts (need to save money for my beer). I'm almost your age, but still like to look, especially when they bring me a cold beer.
I'm almost your age, but still like to look
My Dad was 83 and said the same thing. I don't think we ever grow out of that.
My little brother, 10 years younger than me, could not control himself in that regard and it cost him a marriage. Then he died.
My next brother, 3.5 years my junior went thru a lot of barflies, before he met a woman who could put up with his wandering eyes. Then he died
I made my wife a Promise on our wedding day, and I intend to honor it until death do us part. I saw the pattern, lol. It's hard but, I learned to keep my eyes closed, or look away.
Did you know;
that God never talks about females in heaven?
That we the Believers, male or female, are to become "SONS" of God?
I think that in heaven, there may not be any women. If we live forever, I can certainly see that there would be no need for Procreation. But I gotta tell ya, I sure hope God has something better for us to play with, cuz, IMO, there's no substitute for warm squishy boobs.
Hey; quick question; After Cain slew Abel, and God banished Cain, why did Adam not become a father again, until his 130th year?
IDK but it couldn't have been for lack of trying, lol.
My Dad was 83 and said the same thing. I don't think we ever grow out of that.
My little brother, 10 years younger than me, could not control himself in that regard and it cost him a marriage. Then he died.
My next brother, 3.5 years my junior went thru a lot of barflies, before he met a woman who could put up with his wandering eyes. Then he died
I made my wife a Promise on our wedding day, and I intend to honor it until death do us part. I saw the pattern, lol. It's hard but, I learned to keep my eyes closed, or look away.
Did you know;
that God never talks about females in heaven?
That we the Believers, male or female, are to become "SONS" of God?
I think that in heaven, there may not be any women. If we live forever, I can certainly see that there would be no need for Procreation. But I gotta tell ya, I sure hope God has something better for us to play with, cuz, IMO, there's no substitute for warm squishy boobs.
Hey; quick question; After Cain slew Abel, and God banished Cain, why did Adam not become a father again, until his 130th year?
IDK but it couldn't have been for lack of trying, lol.
I thought there are 72 Virgins waiting for us. Only problem is, it's not known if they are male or female virgins.
There's a movie called Barfly. I enjoyed it because, as I recall, in the beginning they show a bunch of Los Angeles' diviest bars in town, and sadly I had been to many of them. Never got "lucky" enough to drag anything out of them though.
Just how "lucky" would that actually have been? Maybe thank God for some unanswered prayers. lol