340 rear main seal leak/gush

See post 22 Dan.

This is why it’s just not worth it to tell people there is right way to do **** because they’ve done it wrong forever and it works so they keep doing it despite overwhelming evidence.

There is a correct way to fit a two piece seal. Offsetting isn’t it.

But carry on. It works right?

Superstition is a bad way to build engines.
Come on, Turk! There's more than 1 way to skin a cat. I know guys that do it either way. Personally , I think maybe prep, the right seal the right way and a wee bit of goop on the ends is the real trick regardless if you're and offset guy or a by the book guy. we all know you can't just slather **** up in silicone and ham fist it together. I hope.
Come on, Turk! There's more than 1 way to skin a cat. I know guys that do it either way. Personally , I think maybe prep, the right seal the right way and a wee bit of goop on the ends is the real trick regardless if you're and offset guy or a by the book guy. we all know you can't just slather **** up in silicone and ham fist it together. I hope.

There is the way the seal was engineered to be installed.

Then there are the rest of the ways.

You can justify anything you want, and you can find a multitude of others that will agree with you.

I posted the correct way to fit a seal.

Offsetting the seal I hunts the way the seal functions.

There is one way that is correct. Simple as that.