440 Pistons, How F*cked am I


Bill Mandaro

Active Member
Jul 25, 2022
Reaction score
Oceanside CA
Had a miss hap in the shop and this piston was the casualty. I’m a newer engine builder and I’m out of time and cash. Might be a stupid question but can I run this how it is, or is it a paperweight?
I'm gonna be a dissenter. It could have some hairline fractures you cannot see. That's how aluminum normally breaks. The what if factor would be too high for me. I would replace it. It's just a cast piston. They aren't very cheap. How expensive is another engine?
I'm gonna be a dissenter. It could have some hairline fractures you cannot see. That's how aluminum normally breaks. The what if factor would be too high for me. I would replace it. It's just a cast piston. They aren't very cheap. How expensive is another engine?

There’s always one in every crowd lol. Usually it’s me though!
I can't tell him to use something that may well come apart. ....and it may
I'm gonna be a dissenter. It could have some hairline fractures you cannot see. That's how aluminum normally breaks. The what if factor would be too high for me. I would replace it. It's just a cast piston. They aren't very cheap. How expensive is another engine?
thanks Rusty you’re totally right, I’ll look for a replacement.
Thanks everyone else too I appreciate the input
I’m out of time and cash.
View attachment 1716297664

My friend John has probably used worse in his race cars and they are fast, but he used every last bit out of a piston.

I wouldn't run it myself, but I am sure there are engines out there running that have that piece missing.

Clean up the rough edges and stick it in if time and money are a problem. If I had a loose piston I would give you one, but I don't have any stock ones currently.

Is that a stock piston? if so someone has to have one leftover from a rebuild
Had a miss hap in the shop and this piston was the casualty. I’m a newer engine builder and I’m out of time and cash. Might be a stupid question but can I run this how it is, or is it a paperweight?

What happened to cause that??? I would be seriously looking at skirt diameter deformation and sharp edges.
The end of that pin looks like it suffered a "mishap" as well, .......
By the looks of that Piston it's not a big dollar high perf build. Clean it up at put it in and giver er! I have put many engines together with iffy pieces...they all lived. The 1st 383 in my Bcuda was a slapped together piece with leftover shop parts....most would say I was nuts putting it together like I did. It didn't make the most power but I beat it ruthlessly for well over 10 years...never missed a beat.....ran until I pulled it out.
It looks like just a stock cast piston, it shouldn't be too expensive. IF you can find somebody willing to sell you one, instead of a set.
But, to me, the piece broke off is not significant.
I would sanding roll all the sharp edges smooth, to prevent cracks, and run it. BUT, I would keep an eye on that cylinder, looking at cranking pressure, and for a fouled plug in that hole.
If it's a standard cast piston which it appears to be dress any rough spots & you'll probably be fine.... But... If it's a KB (Hypereutectic) piston there's no way I would chance it.....

But FWIW I fully agree with Rusty Rat Rod... I wouldn't take the chance... It costs a lot more to fix it after it really breaks...
Only one way to find out….. for a street engine, send it. For a racing engine, send it right to the coffee table….
My friend John has probably used worse in his race cars and they are fast, but he used every last bit out of a piston.

I wouldn't run it myself, but I am sure there are engines out there running that have that piece missing.

Clean up the rough edges and stick it in if time and money are a problem. If I had a loose piston I would give you one, but I don't have any stock ones currently.

Thank you!
No way I would use that! I don't know what a set of 440 pistons costs, but it will be cheaper that the damage that could occur.
Only one way to find out….. for a street engine, send it. For a racing engine, send it right to the coffee table….
Curious what two things mean.
1. Send it right to the coffee table. I have never heard that one.
2. Reference to 12USC411?
Curious what two things mean.
1. Send it right to the coffee table. I have never heard that one.
2. Reference to 12USC411?

I could be wrong but my interpretation was something like this...
I'm gonna be a dissenter. It could have some hairline fractures you cannot see. That's how aluminum normally breaks. The what if factor would be too high for me. I would replace it. It's just a cast piston. They aren't very cheap. How expensive is another engine?
I'm with you Rusty. Aluminum is brittle and could have unseen cracks. Probably find that piston on ebay for 30 bucks. No need to take a chance.
I'm with you Rusty. Aluminum is brittle and could have unseen cracks. Probably find that piston on ebay for 30 bucks. No need to take a chance.
What do we do when we find a broken piston in an engine? I know what I do.
Someone on here has to have a spare piston floating around. I have a 440 that's hanging on an engine stand, and I am not planning to use the pistons I take out of it, but I really don't want to tear it apart just to pull one piston out. I have a lot of stock 400 pistons I've saved. I'll dig around and see if I can come up with a 440 piston somewhere.

it knocked a chonk off when it hit the floor. it's now compromised, how do you think it'll hold up being bonked 5000 times a minute with practically the same force?

the only way i'd run that is if it was some kinda between rounds knocking it back together to send it down the track once because there was a whole *** bag of money on the line.

hit e-bay man, there's loosies up there for like $40 or shoot a wanted ad up here.