Rhoads [ not Rhodes ] lifters. You can save money & make your own version from stock lifters quite easily. Have done it for years, have done many sets. You need to make a flat on the side of the piston, top to bottom.
Remove the piston & mount in soft jaws in a vice. Use 180 Emery paper & wrap around something flat; I use a steel rule. Use Kero or Turps as a lubricant & file a flat from the oil band on the piston to it's base. File until the width of the flat is 0.150" wide. If you want less bleed down, make the flat 0.100-0.125" wide; for more bleed down, make it 0.200" wide.
EDM holes.....only work for sol lifters....because if you drill a hole in a hyd lifter, it will bleed down.
To improve lube to a sol or hyd lifter, use a Dremel with a 0.025-0.030" wide cut off wheel & grind a groove down the lifter body from the oil band to within about 3/16" of the base. About 0.015" deep.
Remove the piston & mount in soft jaws in a vice. Use 180 Emery paper & wrap around something flat; I use a steel rule. Use Kero or Turps as a lubricant & file a flat from the oil band on the piston to it's base. File until the width of the flat is 0.150" wide. If you want less bleed down, make the flat 0.100-0.125" wide; for more bleed down, make it 0.200" wide.
EDM holes.....only work for sol lifters....because if you drill a hole in a hyd lifter, it will bleed down.
To improve lube to a sol or hyd lifter, use a Dremel with a 0.025-0.030" wide cut off wheel & grind a groove down the lifter body from the oil band to within about 3/16" of the base. About 0.015" deep.