/6 headers

ahhhh, that was on the edge of getting intense, glad you all are able to see outside your own worlds(notice I didn't put little in there LOL!)
Mister Twister, why don't you just put an end to all speculation and scepticism by either posting the dyno figures, or having a well-known and respected builder in the Mopar community observe the testing, and vouch for your product. You know... a paid spokesperson. Manufacturers claims are just that... claims. Until you have verifiable numbers to back the claims, forget selling the Power Pipe to anyone here. We're only asking you to prove that what you're telling us is true. Is that too much to ask? How difficult can it be?

As far as being a businessman representing a product, you're doing a poor job. Your attitude is gonna keep a lot of folks from buying your products (Power Pipe or anything else), whether you back your claims or not. It's a new world out there as far as marketing is concerned. Consumers are much more knowledgeable, and conscious of how they spend their dollars. Read that last paragraph again, sir. Then read it again.

Prove your claim... or just let the furor die down. We welcome you as a member, but stop throwing fuel on the flames.

That was the issue on .org. Mr. Twister and his wife made many claims, promised to post dyno sheets, time slips, etc.., and then never did. They also personally attacked Doug Dutra for not posting any dyno sheets for his Dutra Duals when Doug wasn't even involved.

People who saw the Power Pipe live and in person, held them in their hands even, called them cheaply constructed junk.

So, if ya wanna buy from these folks go right ahead.

Cyber stalker? Get over your bad self Mr. Twister. I check in on this board about twice a month maybe. It was just intersting to see you over here now hawking your crap to the sheeples. How many of these people supporting you are you under an assumed name like you did on .org?
First off, I did not and would not say anything bad about someone making an auto part for any car? I might have requested the same material yall were, sorry that offended you. You must have dutras on your car and now looking for headers!! Our dyno info is on line, not that we had to post it, just look back A little in post. We will continue to make after market parts for A good price. After all, that is what we all need Don.
thanks for making some options for us since not many do i really apreciate the fact that you cont to answer all these posts :happy10:
thanks for making some options for us since not many do i really apreciate the fact that you cont to answer all these posts :happy10:

Yeah, 'zilla, leave Mr. Twister alone!

And for you guys are looking for another cheap way to get increased performance AND more miles per gallon, take a look at THIS:

Now thats interesting, diva and I ran A test on the tornado. Not much differance 2mpg on the trucks, hard to tell the if the hp was much better, our trucks about 9000lbs. I would like to do A test between the two. With the price of gas and after market parts, that is less than 1/2 price of the tornado. If we can get A couple more mpg this would put us back to what we were getting befor the lifts and larger tires, that would be nice. Diva said she will try one on on the Duster, she has A new cold air duct on her super six setup. 4" plastic tubing to air breather should be A nice place to put it. Thank you for the info Don
Ah yes....The old Tornado.

Now the 2nd biggest scam in the history of the automobile.:puke:
The best thing that anyone could do would be to send one of these exhaust manifolds directly to Doug Dutra.

He is, after all, the absolute guru of the slant six. He will test it and document the actual results and give you an honest, non-biased opinion. (even if he does manufacture his own system)

By the way, his Dutra Dual system when made from a feather duster exhaust manifold is quite impressive. It scavenges better because the feather duster exhaust manifold ports are larger than the normal slant six manifold.
Now thats interesting, diva and I ran A test on the tornado. Not much differance 2mpg on the trucks, hard to tell the if the hp was much better, our trucks about 9000lbs. I would like to do A test between the two. With the price of gas and after market parts, that is less than 1/2 price of the tornado. If we can get A couple more mpg this would put us back to what we were getting befor the lifts and larger tires, that would be nice. Diva said she will try one on on the Duster, she has A new cold air duct on her super six setup. 4" plastic tubing to air breather should be A nice place to put it. Thank you for the info Don

You're welcome! I think The Tornado is the perfect match for your exhaust manifold. Maybe you could market them together as a complete power package! How about some dyno results of BOTH products together!!!
Yes thats what we will do. Separatly then both togeather. You never know till you try.
Try to photo copy it (the dyno sheet or time slips or both ) in a reverse effect if you can where the writing shows up white on a black background
Medium length test set finished!! We used the 72 Duster with P/S box. These tubes range from 17" to 27" Use with stock large starter no problem, The dip stick worked out nice with just a small bend. 3" collectors!!!

Thanks Johnny Dart. Just A hobby. Having alot of fun with it!!:-D I will keep watering them maybe they will grow some more!!
just a question mr twister on those long tubes have you tried the long tubes in a car with power steering and they cleared fine or is that what the goal is also where will pricing be on the long tubes and finally will they be a little more cleaned up when you start selling them or are all the welds going to look like that where the bends are welded together i guess i am just being picky but i would be interested if they were a little cleaner looking and priced right I mean no disrespect but right now they just dont look as clean as i would want them to look in my engine bay i dont so much mind the welds if they were ground smooth but it seems if you could bend the tubes from one piece flow would be a bit better as well. Again i am not critisizing your headers just asking questions so i know which way i want to go when i buy a set of headers. Thanks Justin
Yes we are going to clean them up alot!! This was the test set so we could get the bends noted down. We mounted them on the 72 TwIsTeR 225 power stearing was not A problem. The cost, Should not go up very much from the PowerPipes already being sold for $250.00 to the door. Been trying to contact another source for the flanges. If we do, they should stay the same price, no luck yet. Talk to yall soon.
Thank you Charrlie for the info!!! We talked to Larry today. No flanges in stock, but soon. We can't thank you enough for helping the slant folks. We just need them now. I will keep in tuch with them see ya Don.
Do you have pictures of your collectors before welding. Finding or building 3 into 1 collectors had to be interesting.
Not as bad as I thought it would be, no pics that go around. We are building more sets this weekend and we will take some pics this time!!
I just want to thank Charrlie again. We were able to purchase, header flanges for less money than our X supplier!! This keeping the price down for the slant crowd on the builds ahead. We bought what thay had on the shelf. Talk to yall soon.
I have herd that 66 and earlier abodies don't have any headers on the market that will work:read2: on another site.
But that is just here say so far.:???:
I am worried that I may not be able to get a set any where:angry7:
that will hook up on a 63 valiant 170 /6.#-o
I may have to settle for cast iron .:wack:
I am going to pick up the Offy 4bl intake for sure.
and I will clean up a 170 /6 head and not go with 225.8)
Hay memike, hmmmm wonder where you heard that? We have know of people using 79 exhaust manifolds from A 225 and put them on an early model 170. If you can use A stock exhaust manifold, you can use the PowerPipes in your application.:cheers: Hope this helps.
There are no "off the shelf" headers available for the 170 motor, in a 66 or earlier "A" body. Any header for a slant six will fit the engine, the problem is interference, with chassis parts. The 170 engine is a "low deck" motor and the ports on the head sit 1 inch lower in the engine compartment, so the whole header sits lower. I can't say if the "power pipe" would fit or not. For the sake of this discussion, I would like to refer to the power pipe as a "Tubular Manifold".
There are slant six headers on the market that can be modifed to work with a 170 in a 66-down "A" body. I have a set of modified Clifford "shorty" headers on my 66 Cuda with a 170.
Mr Twister is correct, about stock manifolds, from a 225 fitting a 170. All stock slant six manifolds will fit all slant six heads, and will fit in all body styles.
After getting the tape out, one of our conserns would be the back of the water pump fin if 170 has that, and the large starter. It would be very close to both if thats the correct drop. This would be A very easy fix. We have 1 1/2" space to raise the tube from its orignal 225 we set these up on. We dont know what all the units sold, went in or with what motor they use. No calls so far about the fitment. Have A good day, keep yall up dated Don
Dont know if they will work or not, if we had an early A with the 170, yall would have plenty aftremarket exhaust/headers to choose from. Dont know why this has not been done? I will shorten up the drop on PowerPipe-DC, bringing the exhaust closer to intake. Then these will fit the 170 with no problems.Have A good day.