63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

I would also check the rear seal as it looks like the lip is pointed to the rear. I do believe it should face into the engine. I cannot tell real well as I enlarge the picture my glasses cannot see as clearly as I would like.
You know what? I think you're right.
The red dot is the end of the seal and it's clearly pointing toward the rear.
rear main leak (1).jpg
I’ll check in the morning, but I thinks it’s an illusion, the true lip does face forward;)
I have a Pontiac buddy back in Mo. He has several old Firebirds, GTOs. He coats the trunk floors with used motor oil... No rust there!!! Smells a little "oily" though. :BangHead:
Oil keeps the rust off our old Mopars!! Too bad oil and dirt turns to uck!!:thumbsup:

I have a Pontiac buddy back in Mo. He has several old Firebirds, GTOs. He coats the trunk floors with used motor oil... No rust there!!! Smells a little "oily" though. :BangHead:
Oil keeps the rust off our old Mopars!! Too bad oil and dirt turns to uck!!:thumbsup:
You need to clean the bores for the freeze plugs to clean metal, I use simple 80 grit sand paper and aviation sealer but RTV should also work. Never had a problem.
Hi! omg, it was totally easy! If you ever need a reference of someone that's wants to ask, I'd be happy to tell my story;) Or anything I can do to help you sell some of your parts;) With my engine on my run stand, the engine is just so easy to play with :lol: