72 duster Build progress

sweet... good news on the grille score dude.. I will be looking for updates... I am hoping to get my superstock springs next month, so hopefully the buggy thread will be getting dusted off soon... Glad to hear all is well my friend

Thanks, Ive been waiting for some updates on your thread aswell but figured you were probably in a similar mindset to what I am lol.

I;m not very active on fabo anymore because with the more members we get the more the place seems to change and its to easy to get caught up in someones drama $*it storms....so I pretty much just keep to myself,my thread and the threads of those of you who I have came to be friends with on here.

But looking forward to seeing some updates on the buggy Bill!
LOL...is that a technical automotive term Jerrod?

Hope all's been well with you and your's,


Hahaha Pat....yup...straight out of the Chilton manual LOL.

Things have been pretty good here. Some ups and down....and always busy....but overall good.

Hope things are well with you and yours aswell and hope your ride is coming along nicely. keep me up to date on how its going!
DANGIT......just realised I was over at the garage where I have the duster stored....and forgot to take a picture of the new grille!.....I even pulled it out with intentions of taking pictures of it....I even took pictures of the upper support panel for those who might be interested in it and still forgot to take pics of the grill lol.

I wiped all the years of dust off it today to get a better idea of what shape its in.....found a couple small cracks that were hiding but wont be a big issue to fix.....I got to repaint it anyways so i dont mind a small bit of extra work.

The factory paint on it actually isnt in "that bad" of condition....the silver on the fins has a tinge of yellowing to them because of the age in a few spots....and a couple rock chips in the black on the headlight bezels....but overall not bad....would have made for a good driver quality grille as is....but Im going to put my touches on it and go ahead and restore it so everything on the duster looks fresh.

I DO need a set of marker lenses for the grille though! mine have age cracks in them......so if anyone has a nice set laying around please let me know!.
Thanks, Ive been waiting for some updates on your thread aswell but figured you were probably in a similar mindset to what I am lol.

I;m not very active on fabo anymore because with the more members we get the more the place seems to change and its to easy to get caught up in someones drama $*it storms....so I pretty much just keep to myself,my thread and the threads of those of you who I have came to be friends with on here.

But looking forward to seeing some updates on the buggy Bill!

Actually this winter I had no intentions of doing anything to the buggy.. I cant remember if I mentioned that in the build thread or not.. I needed a winter off from working on my Dart.. I am helping my friend Bruce get the new 440 in his Cordoba.. he helped me so much with the buggy, there was no way I wasnt gonna return the favor.. plus, this year, funds are SUPER tight, it'll be all I can do to afford my SS springs.. and of course there are all the other life things going on keeping me from posting in the buggy thread.. lol.. but dont worry.. The buggy thread will return come spring time.. now get them grille pics up... we need car **** LMAO ..
Know the feeling of having a tight budget. That's why it's taken 4 years to get the duster to where it is lol.

I'll try and get some pictures of the grille soon so stay tuned!
I haven't forgot about you guys. Just waiting for it to get closer to spring before I start putting the finishing touches on the duster. Soon though!. Keep checking in
Ok after 2 different sittings reading your thread I am on page 36, way more than 4 Hours of reading so far. All I can say is DAMN man you should be real proud of yourself! You did a **** load of work on that car and FAST! Ill finish up the reading later today!:D

I wouldn't say "fast" lol. But for basically doing all of it myself and struggling with funds,time balancing family and other things... I'm pretty proud of what I accomplished in the time I invested.

The duster is just about done now. Mostly down to finishing touches. Once warm weather comes back around I'm hoping to have it done within a couple weeks after getting back to work on it.

Same goes to you though, I've been following your build thread since day on and have been impressed every step of the way. The turbos are something I'd probably never personally tackle but I always enjoy seeing your work and the time you have into engineering everything to work. You have great craftsman ship. Can't wait to see your future progress!.

Stay tuned to the thread because I'll be getting back to work on it within this next month I think!
Just wanted to let eveyone know......Its FINALLY starting to warm up here in Michigan. SO....I should be getting back to work on the duster SOON!. Im just finishing some things up here around the house and then ill have some free time to work on the duster.

I have been finding myself dream shopping for parts in catalogs and online and have been talking with friends about what I need to get done on the duster still.That and the weather warming up.....The itch is coming back! hahaha.

anyhow, I havent forgot about everyone. sorry for not posting in a bit. Just been real busy and there havent been any updates to post.

but stay tuned, Ill have updates soon enough!
Just wanted to let eveyone know......Its FINALLY starting to warm up here in Michigan. SO....I should be getting back to work on the duster SOON!. Im just finishing some things up here around the house and then ill have some free time to work on the duster.

I have been finding myself dream shopping for parts in catalogs and online and have been talking with friends about what I need to get done on the duster still.That and the weather warming up.....The itch is coming back! hahaha.

anyhow, I havent forgot about everyone. sorry for not posting in a bit. Just been real busy and there havent been any updates to post.

but stay tuned, Ill have updates soon enough!

Starting to warm up here as well.. hopefully soon I can get back on the buggy as well.. I look forward to warm weather and updates LOL .. Happy Easter to ya!
Starting to warm up here as well.. hopefully soon I can get back on the buggy as well.. I look forward to warm weather and updates LOL .. Happy Easter to ya!

Back at ya Bill.

I look forward to seeing updates on the buggy also. Ill be keeping tabs on your thread.
oh ....and I went to start the duster yesterday....but after sitting for a few months and in the cold weather....it took its toll on the battery. got her to roll over a couple times and then the battery ran out . so I got to pop the charger on it and then she should fire right up.

I think one of the first things i am going to address is the rear end, I still have to put new u joints in the drive shaft and I have to true up the rear end some. and I am thinking of down sizing gears....Im thinking maybe 3.55's...havent decided yet exactly what I want to go with.....4.56 is just to much for what i plan on using it for. so if anyone is in need of a nice set of 4.56 gears for an 8 3/4 let me know and maybe we can work something out.

I also will be upgrading my wheels soon...so my rallys are up for grabs aswell.

I still have lots of little stuff to do yet...im going to finish of the trunk,mount tail lights,put bumper bolts in,put headlights in,restore grille,finish up a couple little interior pieces here and there,still need to wet sand and buff the top of the car....most of its trivial stuff. shouldnt take TOO long to get it all done once I get started on it. and I should be able to get a summers worth of driving out of it and finally get a chance to take it to a couple car shows!.

anyways, thats basically the plan. so stay tuned.
oh ....and I went to start the duster yesterday....but after sitting for a few months and in the cold weather....it took its toll on the battery. got her to roll over a couple times and then the battery ran out . so I got to pop the charger on it and then she should fire right up.

I think one of the first things i am going to address is the rear end, I still have to put new u joints in the drive shaft and I have to true up the rear end some. and I am thinking of down sizing gears....Im thinking maybe 3.55's...havent decided yet exactly what I want to go with.....4.56 is just to much for what i plan on using it for. so if anyone is in need of a nice set of 4.56 gears for an 8 3/4 let me know and maybe we can work something out.

I also will be upgrading my wheels soon...so my rallys are up for grabs aswell.

I still have lots of little stuff to do yet...im going to finish of the trunk,mount tail lights,put bumper bolts in,put headlights in,restore grille,finish up a couple little interior pieces here and there,still need to wet sand and buff the top of the car....most of its trivial stuff. shouldnt take TOO long to get it all done once I get started on it. and I should be able to get a summers worth of driving out of it and finally get a chance to take it to a couple car shows!.

anyways, thats basically the plan. so stay tuned.
what case are the gears out of?
I believe its a 742 case ....might be a 741. Ill have to do some digging to remember for sure though. I know i mentioned it somewhere in the thread here at some point lol
dam I like that I kinda been thinking I would like a duster especially at that price range and nice body and the color perfect nice job ok that explains the hood scoops I just lus scoops on all mopars and those look better than the cheaps *** ram truck 1ns I put on my barracuda but they really keep it cool I just like those better nice job
Thank You for the thread. I believe I will have to use a few of your ideas, if you don't mind!
thanks man, sorry to have kinda kicked your tires but I have a 489 case or whatever the 4 series case is lol
Hey guys, I havent forgot about updating the thread....just havent started work on the duster yet. Still waiting for the weather to level out here in MI. mid 60's one day,high 20's and snow the next, 40 and rain....etc...etc....

I dont want to get into working on something and then the weather go to crap and have to stop what I am doing. But as soon as the weather levels out which should be in the next couple of weeks, I plan on getting back to work on it and Ill be sure to keep the updates coming as i go.

I also finally picked up another truck. I got a good deal on an 05 f150 4x4.And I finally just finished building a new play room for the kids which is another couple reasons I havent had much time to work on the duster.

but stay tuned. soon ill be back at it.