72 duster Build progress

So are you going with gloss Black for the spoiler and Scoops or Satin? Everything look great just wondering, didn't think I ever seen them gloss before.....Hmmmm I never seen them Painted Plum Crazy either. LOL Looks Great Jerrod

I am doing them in satin. But to answer the question I have seen them gloss black before. I have also seen scoops body color before.not sure I have seen a spoiler body color though before. Anyways mine are going to be satin.

Hey Jerrod, so you apparently missed all that sanding you enjoyed earlier in your build and felt the need to do a bit more eh? :D

The car's looking great man,

Oh boy ....I love sanding..................................NOT!

It sure is hot........I think Ill have two scoops of AWESOME! LOL.

Well guys......today was a progress day! lol.

I didnt get everything done that I wanted to because by the time I was ready to start on the spoiler the temperature had dropped a good 15 degrees and it started down pouring. The ole girl got wet sitting outside.....but atleast it washed all the dust off lol. I am going to have to hand wash and wax it one of these days whenever have have some good weather again so i can get all the water spots off it.

ANYHOW........I know you all want to see the car ****, so i wont keep you waiting.

Got the scoops all sanded and wet sanded and cleaned off and prepped and FINALLY, this new paint I used cooperated with me.......right after I sprayed it....when It was still wet.....I wasnt so sure with how it was going to look because it looked kind of "splotchy"....but man, once it dried up it came out to the PERFECT sheen I was going after with a nice uniform texture!.








And here are some pictures after installing my new chrome bezels !











And when I brought the duster in for the night I set the scoops on the hood for the heck of it to get a feel for what its going to look like!






My favorite lol

its been so long since i have sat in the car and sighted down the hood and seen those scoops sitting there. looks sweet from inside too!.

well, thats where things are at right now guys. I am going to try and get the spoiler done also .....I just need to see what the best day is weather wise and try and do it that day because i don't like working in the cold and because i don't want to deal with any more paint issues if i can avoid them lol.

But stay tuned because there is more to come. What do you think????
well......while the weather was cold and rainy I was still busy......just not on the duster lol. My 03 s10 crew cab 4x4 I picked up awhile back for $800.00 because it didnt run ( ended up having a plugged cat)..........I decided to sell it......and lets just say I made alot of profit on the deal lol.

and today I finally found a replacement to buy with the money I made from selling the s10.

I got an AWESOME deal on it......check it out!!!





its an 02 ram 4x4 ,4.7l v8 , no rust, 4 door for the whole family, bigger bed than the 4 ft s10 bed so I can actually put 2x4's or a sheet of plywood in the back or something if need be lol. tow package with trailer brakes .....pretty well optioned minus leather. The headlights are a little dull and yellow but i will wet sand and buff them and make them look like new again ( just had to do the same on my wife jeep and they came out looking great). I like it and glad to have another MOPAR.

anyways....back to the duster. I did finally get my spoiler finished. got it all sanded and wet sanded and prepped and painted. also repainted my spoiler mounting brackets. now its all ready to put back on the car so i will probably do that tomorrow.

The paint was still a little bit wet in the pictures but ill take some more pics tomorrow of it with the paint cured up.

let me know what you think!










Congrats on the new truck.. looks like a good deal for sure... and from the pics I'd say the spoiler came out awesome!! .. cant wait to see it on the car
Great to see things coming along for you, Spoiler looks Great...Love the the Truck also.
Thanks!, cant wait to put the spoiler on later today and get the real feel for the look finally. And thanks , I like the truck....should do good for what i need.
Sorry guys, I have been busy the last couple days and didnt get a chance to post yet. but yesterday i finished up getting the spoiler brackets on and polishing all the nuts and bolts and installed the new pedastal gaskets and got the spoiler on the duster. man it looks awesome! , it really adds to the look!.

Ill try to get some pictures of it with the car out of the garage this weekend but for now these will have to do.

let me know what you think! and stay tuned....more to come!













SWEET SWEET SWEET looking Great Jerrod can't wait for more. It does add to the look, Looks finished.
You wouldn't believ me if I told you lol. I started a thread title "restored my good scoops" that follows the restoration of the scoops and spoiler. It will have all the info you need in it.

And thanks guys!
Well guys, I havent done much to the duster in this last week, been so busy with other stuff i havent had a chance. Cold weather is moving in fast. ( it's october already.....where did the time go! LOL). I cant say how much more progress i will make on the duster this year with it getting colder and still having other things to get done.....but i am going to try and finish up a few other things i still have on the list this month before it gets TOO cold. I may not have the duster "done" this year. but looking back.....this year i have made WAY more progress than in previous years. heck.....the car is basically done other than buttoning up odds and ends.

so don't forget about my thread just yet guys, Ill still be putting up stuff for your viewing pleasure lol.
Gorgeous car, I'm really diggin everything about it. And where did you get your plumb crazy paint mixed up at? Did you get enough at one time for the whole thing, or was it different batches for under the hood and the body?
Gorgeous car, I'm really diggin everything about it. And where did you get your plumb crazy paint mixed up at? Did you get enough at one time for the whole thing, or was it different batches for under the hood and the body?

Thanks , I got it all of my base and clear at my local paint shop (painters supply) and I got all of my body supplies and primers at my other local shop (autovalue).

The paint I got in different batches. I got the paint for the engine bay. and then got the rest later when I did the entire car. Both batches were an exact color match though.
I havent forgot about you guys, its been cold and raining here for days on end, that and I have been busy with the family among other things. Haven't had much time to mess with the duster (or ambition for that matter with this cruddy weather).

That and i had some issues with my new ram so I had to dink around with getting the dealer to take care of it and dropped it off there and have been without my truck for a week now and stuck driving a crap little loaner car lol. but hopefully i will have it back before the weekend....I got lots of goodies to put on the truck when i get it back ( a bunch of REALLY cool goodies from our member challengergary here on fabo....so your going to want to stay tuned for that).

Im going to try to get back at it soon on the duster and get a few odds and ends done before snow starts falling.

ill update you all on what I get done when I get it done.
sorry for no updates guys, I haven't messed with the duster lately.

been to busy and the weather has been strange....rain and cold and then mid 70's and sun the next day. today was the last nice day were are going to have for a bit so i decided to dink around with my truck a little bit because tomorrow it drops into the low 40 (thats right....over a 30 degree drop over night.....thats MI for ya) and they are talking 30's next week.

I know this is my duster build thread but i figured I would give you guys a little reading material since I havent had anyone commenting on my thread in quite awhile.

check out the new headlights and new 'Mopar" graphics i put on my ram today......more graphics to come if I can find a day that the weather is decent enough to do them....ill post pics when i get around to doing the other graphics i have in store.


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Slightly more progress (just got done working on the duster (3AM).....the entire car has a hard layer of paint which I would call tank paint lol....its tough stuff.
So after screwing around sanding on the engine bay and really getting nowhere....I dropped the sander and said SCREW IT.....got in my truck,went to the parts store, got some aircraft paint stripper,came back and started brushing it on and man was it SO MUCH easier....just waited for it to wrinkle and scraped it off.

I still have more to go but I got a good start on it anyways...I will bring it all down to metal and then sand it up and spot puddy and imperfections and I will then prime it and paint it.

The while I was stripping paint I was admiring the previous owners awesome welding skills!....the duster was a factory A/C car and the previous owner had a cut out the passenger side portion of the firewall and replaced it with one from a non a/c car and did a heck of a job....I will post a picture of an A/C firewall on the internet for comparison for those who may not think there is a difference.

anyways....back at it tomorrow and I will keep everyone posted on progress!

this is right after I started "stripping it"

and again

Nice shiny metal under there!

The parts car the firewall came out of was obviously blue,aswell as the decklid was blue and the hood was blue and a few other parts

Gotta love that stuff! lol.....but that stuff REEKS you need plenty of ventilation if you plan on doing any stripping of paint!

Ill try to get it all finished up by tomorrow

Getting there!

a picture of a fellow fabo members car I believe? I found it on the internet....Just using it to show the difference between the a/c and not a/c firewall, notice the extra holes in the a/c wall and shaped slightly different and a MUCH bigger fan motor hole

Ill keep everyone up to date as I go.
Sorry if i type to much I just get excited and cant stop typing LOL....I love seeing everyones good comments by the way...it makes the process alot funner knowing I am not the only one thinking it looks good...thank you all
When you stripped the engine bay, did you degrease it first or just put the aircraft coating on and then scrape away? I've recently have had to bring the car back home because they are raising the price, so I want to strip the engine bay before I take it somewhere else that won't change their quote on me. Thank you.