Here is my current, pun intended, issue. This place is off grid so no power, gas, telephone or cable service. My cell phone works and I have Starlink for intergoogle. Solar system is a joke, done way cheap a long time ago. Power goes out nightly by 7pm. Then I gotta fire up the Benchmark 9000 watt generator. I tried running my Lincoln 255 powermig off it but, it would turn on then Peter out as soon as trigger pulled- even at minimal voltage setting. I’m actively working on an upgraded solar system with:
10 Thernova 580 watt panels
1 x 15000 watt SolArc all in one inverter
3 x 48 volt lithium batteries
Makes a 15 KW solar system, my math sez about 62.5 amps at 240 volts. My welder is rated to pull 42 amps 240 v maxed out. Here’s hoping it will all work.