8 Track tape thingys


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
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I have a stack of 8 tracks and I had never seen anything like them before.

Are they worth anything? Does anyone actually use them? My friend said they are from the 70s but ???

Any input on the mystery??
8-track tape "thingy?" Not sure about that last part but my cousin has an 8-track player in his 1966 Polara, uses it all the time, cool stuff. Tapes are not worth much, the goodwill here sells them for 99 cents each....from the late 70's to 80's.
True nostalgic value.

Oh, the good ole days, blasting down the road in a classic Mopar with Black Sabbath blaring through the 6x9's in the back.
I actually have a whole case of them from the 70s,They are somewhere in the garage.And YES these are what we use to listen to before ,cassette tapes and then cds.Im showing my age now....................................................Jeff
for the size they are, I would think there would be somewhere to put batteries in somewhere or maybe a headphone jack...but nothing....just brown film looking stuff.

I took one apart to check it out and see whats inside but now I cant get it back together
You just need a vintage 8 track thingy player in one of your vintage cars and you'll really be back in the '70's!

P.S. keep a pack of paper matches in the glove box, they'll come in handy.

Oh and I am putting one in my Coronet just for fun.
You have to have the big 8 track cassette case to keep them in. Oh, and don't forget the book of matches. :D
Funny you ask. I have an NORS Ford RCA AM/FM 8 track I am going to eventually put in my truck. It's awesome. 8 tracks are cool I love waitin for the 2nd half of the song.
Book of matches ??? I am lost here

Lol, I knew you would be, that's why I mentioned it.

A lot of times when you put one in it wouldn't play just right. Wedge a book of matches between the tape and the top or bottom of the slot to make it play on track.

Think of it as an adjustment tool.
the only one I ever heard of is Michael Jackson ....I have heard that name before but I don't know what he sounds like .....the rest I have never heard of.
Still are in my book. I thought that's what the one on the bottom said.

What's the one to the left of it? REO Speedwagon? Another great band.
Ooh, Craig Powerplay...the first component stereos for cars. Ya when you got a new 8 track tape they usually didn't play very well untill you wedged them in the player just right. The book of matches could be inserted under or over, folded to various thicknesses etc. to get the tape to play. Each tape had it's own "combination" which you learned and knew what shimming was required for each different one. Then there was always the track change right in the middle of the best song on the tape! 8 tracks actually sounded pretty good when they were new. It was the design of winding them back on themselves that caused all kinds of sound quality and tape performance issues.
since the resolution is horrible on this site now

Charlie Pride x3
Benny Goodman
Jackson 5 - ABC
Neil Sedaka
Doobie Brothers
Michael Jackson X2
Shaun Cassidy
Waylon Jennings
Pat Benatar
Goodtime Songtime ??
Kris Kristofferson

And the one I took apart that I cant get back together was Beatles 1967-1970

that's the list
The Doobies and Foreigner are both great bands, I've seen them both live. Of course that was many moons ago.